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Hosting Server Sending Heartbeats nonstop?

Hey guys, just a quick question on server hosting.

I followed the tutorial and fowarded my 29070 port, I have the server.cfg file in my JA/Gamedata/MBII folder, aswell as the server.bat file in the Gamedata folder. My question is I keep getting this, and I'm not quite sure if it's still loading it after 20 minutes or if there's something I'm missing.


I tried getting on Jedi Academy to see if it was on the server list, and tried /connect towards my own ip, no luck.

EDIT: Okay, so I see the server is running on Local, so it is atleast going, My question i guess is how can I get my server to show up on the master list so more people than just my couple buddies can join? Am I needing to open more ports than just 29070?

Thanks guys!
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Slayed dreamer
Am I needing to open more ports than just 29070?
You need to open port that actually used by the server. Examine console output and find lines like those:
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:29070
Also post your IP here. Some IPs are banned from master server list due the rules violation:
PSA: Master Server Policy | Movie Battles II Community
Hosting Server - My server was removed from the master list I think? | Movie Battles II Community
[SOLVED] - Server not visible in the serverlist | Movie Battles II Community
[SOLVED] - Server won't show on list | Movie Battles II Community
[SOLVED] - Unban my fkin server... | Movie Battles II Community

Make sure your ISP allowed incoming connections.
Have you tried to configure other servers on your computer? HTTP, FTP, other games?
Are you able to use eMule with high ID, Direct Connect in active mode, torrents?
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My IP is, I don't think it's banned haha.

I've made servers for games on steam such as Half life, Garrys Mod, and Sven Coop. And port forwarded for all of them, but I can't seem to get this JKA server to pop up on the master servers list.

Oh, and the port the server is using is indeed the 29070.

EDIT: The server info ingame when I look at the IP is, which is my local IP. Is it supposed to read as this since im connected locally to it at the moment, or is there a step I missed

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