
One of the things that help an environment thrive is a positive community. Unfortunately, for years and still ongoing, the MBII community has been plagued with toxicity―to the absolute least necessary extents (trolling, lazy/careless administration, gameplay skirmishes, etc.) This is not to say that it's without its respectable members, though they are frequently outnumbered and/or powerless against the constant wave of chaos. Such incidents often result in a detracting playerbase. The Resolute community, however, offers a network where decent and like-minded community members/players can congregate, establish social connections and expand a more positive domain that outlaws toxicity.

  • NO DISCRIMINATION - Any form of prejudice (including racism and sexism) is frowned upon and strictly prohibited.
  • NO TROLLING - Posting provocative/offensive messages and content intended to anger someone is a no-no.
  • NO SPAMMING - Excessive recurrence of something is prohibited.
  • NO CLANS - Discussing clans, advertising for clans and wearing clan tags are all prohibited within the Resolute community, as it wishes to capitalize on individual representation and preventing drama or prejudice involving clans.
  • NO GAMEPLAY COMPLAINTS - To avoid the venomous circulation of a community demanding an alter in gameplay and peoples' playstyles, any talk of desiring a change of the game's mechanics or disliking the way a certain player plays is prohibited. Leave such discussions to the official MBII forums.
  • STAY SAFE - Keep all personal information (address, cell number, IP, etc.) private, so as to avoid the risk of personal malfeasance to yourself and others.

Follow these rules and enjoy your time with RESOLUTE - Where decency doesn't go out of style!

Administered by S.A.M., Hellion & Karen

Note: We will be establishing a Discord server very soon as well as an official MBII server in the near future.


Slayed dreamer
I thought I commented on this? What.
He edited OP in that thread, asking to delete it, so I did.
So this is a new thread (not that you've replied to).

@Hellion, pls don't ask deleting threads and post same thread after that anymore. Just edit the existing one.
If you create a topic under wrong section, you always can ask moderators to move it.


Internal Beta Team
NO GAMEPLAY COMPLAINTS - To avoid the venomous circulation of a community demanding an alter in gameplay and peoples' playstyles, any talk of desiring a change of the game's mechanics or disliking the way a certain player plays is prohibited. Leave such discussions to the official MBII forums.
In addition to no clan tags, this is one of the strangest server rules I've ever seen.


Slayed dreamer
Woah lol, so anybody in another clan is not allowed to play? Thats just stupid
I second that
And it's not the only thing that is stupid, this also bothers me:
NO GAMEPLAY COMPLAINTS - To avoid the venomous circulation of a community demanding an alter in gameplay and peoples' playstyles, any talk of desiring a change of the game's mechanics or disliking the way a certain player plays is prohibited. Leave such discussions to the official MBII forums.
I see somebody is timewasting => I'm writing to chat "Oh c'mon, stop timewasting and start playing" => I'm banned?

Edit: @StarWarsGeek is a little too fast...


People who are in other clans can play, just don't come with your clan tags on. We don't want any drama coming into the community that isn't necessary.
Most clans tell members to use their clan tags at all times. This rule is really silly, and I think you should remove it if you want to keep your server/community alive.
I second that
And it's not the only thing that is stupid, this also bothers me:

I see somebody is timewasting => I'm writing to chat "Oh c'mon, stop timewasting and start playing" => I'm banned?

Edit: @StarWarsGeek is a little too fast...
And no timewasting is something that ruins the game for everyone, gameplay complaints such as a reason for dying is not allowed. The game is unbalanced, it's all based around skill, if you die that is on you.


>coming outta my cave of inactivity for once
>sees some of the rule

gl tho
I thought I commented on this? What.

Anyway, again, not allowing people to use clan tags will kill your server. It's really not a good idea.

Also, is this EU or NA based?

Most clans tell members to use their clan tags at all times. This rule is really silly, and I think you should remove it if you want to keep your server/community alive.

You have your thoughts, we have ours. We prefer a clan-free zone, as again and again clan drama has shown itself to be one of the roots of chaos on MBII and resulted in an unenjoyable experience for the more simple minority players whenever an admin was unavailable or too slack to do anything about it. If people dislike this rule too much to play with us then that's their choice, however I do not see the use of them restating their opinion and questioning the rule when clearly it's already been explained. Besides, anyone can just alias without clan tags and join us anyway.

Also, NA-based, sorry that wasn't initially clarified.

I second that
And it's not the only thing that is stupid, this also bothers me:

I see somebody is timewasting => I'm writing to chat "Oh c'mon, stop timewasting and start playing" => I'm banned?

Edit: @StarWarsGeek is a little too fast...

Timewasting = not playing at all

I think it's important to remember that these rules were created based on the kind of social ambience we want in our network, these are not in fact ingame rules. It's in the server MOTD you'd most certainly find a "no timewasting" or "no teamkilling" rule. Obviously these don't have much use on a site or simple voicechat though.

Basically, in our threads and discussions and discord server we don't want to hear any "nerf this nerf that cyan is dumb and op lol" or "lol has to go SBD to win what a noob" talk. We've met a few handfuls of players who've expressed that they'd really appreciate a complaint-free zone and you would not believe how many times we encounter players who are spiteful towards each other over how they choose to play and how it can lead to teamkilling, spam, insults, etc. Hell, somebody's overreacted before by calling me a Firestrike-reject, complaining that me being around makes the game too hard and leaving the server.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
How does simply and only wearing a string of extra letters in your name promote chaos and clan drama within a server? The answer is that it doesnt.

Just a silly rule that will kill the population as Aaron said.
How does simply and only wearing a string of extra letters in your name promote chaos and clan drama within a server? The answer is that it doesnt.

Just a silly rule that will kill the population as Aaron said.

If people dislike this rule too much to play with us then that's their choice, however I do not see the use of them restating their opinion and questioning the rule when clearly it's already been explained. Besides, anyone can just alias without clan tags and join us anyway.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Yeah i get your point, your server your rules but can you add any reasoning to it? It promotes clan drama? Nope because rules prohibiting discussing other clans, advertising or insulting are already in place. simply wearing tags wont do any harm or cause any drama.

And why would people already in a clan change their name just to play on some random new server? Thats right, they wouldnt.
Yeah i get your point, your server your rules but can you add any reasoning to it? It promotes clan drama? Nope because rules prohibiting discussing other clans, advertising or insulting are already in place. simply wearing tags wont do any harm or cause any drama.

And why would people already in a clan change their name just to play on some random new server? Thats right, they wouldnt.

We're just a clan-free zone. We don't feel like inviting the possibility of passive-aggressive clan feuding, clan-member aliasers, turning into a congregation spot for clans or even being the area in which any inner-clan madness is sparked. We're fully stocked with clan repellent!

We don't think clans are inherently bad. Just going to restate we're a clan-free zone. Again, you're totally welcome to redirect yourself to an area with clanned people.

And to answer your question below, people are free to do it or not do it. I know I've certainly done it before. No harm, no foul.

{Δ} Achilles

Whelp. There is the tR side of the spectrum, and there is this side of the spectrum. I'm all for preventing toxicity and the like, but this is becoming safe-space cult levels of clean.