One of the worst weapons to fight off a saberist with currently is the EE-3. It has horrible point blank hitting consistency, way too inconsistent to knockback a more experienced jedi. This is probably due to the gun over heating a bit too fast and/or causing spread, also the narrowed hitbox sensation due to removed flinch and pathetic FP drains + jedi's low DR (except for hs which ignore DR anyway, I think). Not to mention the effectiveness of knockback is still widely inconsistent, jedi can mostly just bumrush you taking low FP damage and still trade hp for a kill (utilizing yaws to do that).
Inb4 but thats why the class has jetpack. You will be disappoint to discover or experience yourself that any self-aware jedi have even fewer issues killing mandas that slowly accelerate away in a jumping distance compared to mandas that stay on ground.
I find manda needs some tweaks, so here are my suggestions:
Gun tweaks:
1) Making EE-3 overheat less rapidly, retaining accuracy for slightly longer periods
2) Reducing the gun spread during overheat
3) Obviously the most effective route which doesn't influence gunner vs gunner mechanics as much as the previous points - buff the FP drains of primary mode and/or sniper mode.
Jetpack tweaks:
1) Add slightly more acceleration/deacceleration with the top speed being the same. This would probably be a strong change, however it would give the manda some breathing space at the climax of a jedi stampede, along with proper mid-air knockback would make saberists think twice before simply holding lmb+jump.
Saberist tweaks:
1) Kind of a given, saberists need slightly more knockback mid-air, to stave off the highly effortless jump-executing of a manda.
2) King of a given again, saberists need slightly less DR. Before anyone goes crazy, I think it should be looked at a per gun basis. No one would enjoy playing saberist dying to 5 body shots, however a gunner putting in 10-15 bodyshots without killing a jedi is slightly absurd.
This feedback wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention how absurdly broken dual pistols (Westars and ARC pistols) are and don't shoot where the crosshair actually points. It compounds to the fact that EE-3 was nerfed a few patches ago so you're stuck taking EE-3 for better anti-saberist results yet it doesn't function as surely as it should.