Question about Metas, also, Hi.

Since the launcher is downloading for the first time in the background, I thought I'd ask a question or two. How's customization? Are you locked into whatever classes or lightsabers are already chosen, or do you get to decide?

On that note, can anybody recommend to me a class? I've seen the list with all the classes and their difficulty, but I'm not sure how much those matter. Assuming that I've played games for over a decade and have ten functioning fingers, who's the best option for a newbie?
Is there a reason to go with footsoldiers over the Laser-sword-using space warriors?
Well there's plenty of reasons. For example you will get more kills and you won't be a hindrance to your teammates. Also you will be spending less time in spectator mode if you pick a respawner class because new jedi/sith get pwned quickly.

As said, soldier, clone are good for a start. I would also add commander/elite trooper. When I was a beginner, I found commander and clone to be better than soldier, because they are more durable. Yes, you get 1 more life with soldier, but in a firefight anything can 1 shot kill you and thus you often just die without getting a "real" fight. Once you get a grasp of the game and you don't run in shots unnecessarily, then soldier becomes better than commander/ET, but that's only my opinion.

But don't take too much time playing soldier if you don't enjoy it and pick jedi/sith, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy the game. However if you just go in with jedi/sith without much knowledge and just keep dieing, you also won't be enjoying the game probably.
The best thing to do is learn to shoot. After that, just pick a gunner class and stick with it. Or you can just play a duel server for a hour or two and learn the basics of sabers, then just do it the hard way and die until you learn not to.
The urge to only go jedi/sith is strong, but don't do that. First off, play every class for a bit. By "a bit" I mean like 5-10 full rounds. That will get you accustomed with all the classes (on the surface level, but still), and will help you to decide what you enjoy doing the most. Playing tactical as sold, raining grenades on enemies as commander, sniping as hero/bounty hunter, being a fear-inducing tank as SBD or going crazy as melee wookie, etc, etc.

Now, force users are a different topic because of the unique saber system. You need to learn not only how to kill gunners, but also how to deal with enemy lightsaber wielders. Duelling in MB2 is very complicated and cannot be described briefly, so I suggest you read the lightsabering guide here on the forums (in the guides section). If in the end you decide to stick with force user class, prepare for a road of pain and suffering.

Also, don't forget to turn off the auto record of demos (in the media tab) and set up the 2 class special keys (this is a MUST).
Well, I think that's it. Ask away if you need anymore help :)
unique saber system. Duelling in MB2 is very complicated If in the end you decide to stick with force user class, prepare for a road of pain and suffering.
pick a respawner class because new jedi/sith get pwned quickly.

you get 1 more life with soldier, but in a firefight anything can 1 shot kill you

But don't take too much time playing soldier if you don't enjoy it and pick jedi/sith, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy the game. However if you just go in with jedi/sith without much knowledge and just keep dieing, you also won't be enjoying the game probably.

Wowie. . . this is unexpected. I thought Movie Battles was just a slightly fresher version of multiplayer. This is more of a Super Smash Bros Brawl/Melee kinda change. Looks like I've got some research to do.
Also, don't expect much cooperation or tactics being used by teams, as unless it's FA, most people will go what ever and do what ever. Essentially you could go Jedi/Sith and be bad at it, but it wouldn't make a difference at a lot of players, old and new, do that already.
I would recommend you try out FA sometime, as in terms of teamwork and tactics, there is more due to each class having a slot amount and role. It's also great for when you get bored of what will no doubt become repetitive rounds at some point. It also has a much bigger map variety, and I would say for some people it will become the only real game mode where you can still find out about a new map on occasions, and actually have to ability to play on them regularly.
But back into the topic at hand, as I've said, you really just need a few rounds to familiarize yourself with the classes and you can do what ever you want in most open servers, as most people won't be doing much else besides calling out as their only sign of cooperation.

You should also be learning the weaknesses of the classes, as you will soon see some pretty weird balancing designs and such riddled through, in which you will have to coup with. If you had any questions you think I could answer please send me a message.

And for servers I would recommend, from a NA viewpoint, the US Official FA is my #1, and you will be able to quickly see which servers you will play if you want actual activity with others.
If you want to learn about Glowstick vs Glowstick, I recommend you get on duel server. People will sometimes explain to you how it work and you will be able to slowly but surely get more and more skilled and finally deciding WHAT kind of style you prefer.

I know for my part that I use Staff, Yellow and sometimes Red.