Penekemations 2.0 // Currently Incompatible with 1.10 & above


Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
Hi folks!

Some of you already know me, I'm the creator of the Peneke Pack (, if you've been following up with our updates lately, we've been talking about this new project that works very well with Penekepack and that is aiming to improve MBII from a visual standpoint, giving more immersion and realism. this project is called Penekemations.

The Penekemations are a compilation as well as an overhaul for a lot of cool animations that have been released on different mods, such as Movieduels II, or standalone mods from JKHUB/JK3FILES. What we've done is make them compatible to MBII, merge them and improve them for great immersion and visual improvement. Your feedback is really important to us, and we're releasing this 2.0 hoping that you guys like it as much as we do and enjoy it as much as we did developing it.


Hello folks!

The time has come and so have I.
Sorry for making you wait this long. The mod had been finished for months but i just never found the time or motivation to fix up remaining details, but here it is!

Penekemations 2.0

Gameplay video/trailer :
(Credits to noob for making this video for us, thank you man!)
This new iteration of our mod focuses on Movie stances as well as adding some edge to running/ gun idle animations, making it look way cooler in our humble opinion. Readme and creditswill be attached to the PK3 file

Installation instructions: Put the file on your MBII folder, no need to replace anything.

Link : Penekemations2


Version 1
Here's a video by one of my Peneke minions showcasing the new stuff that this pack, has. You'll finally be able to use backhand stances on MBII, something that has never been done on MBII and we're finally bringing it up to the table and of course a lot more!

Download link: Click here
Installation instructions inside.

Now I understand this might be something new for you guys since animation mods for MBII is something that you don't hear or see really often, so I prepared a small Q&A or people that may have some doubts: (This was written for version 1 but as of version 2 the pk3 file is separate and can be easily installed on your mbii folder)


Do I need to have the Penekepack 1.7 installed in order to make these animations work?

While recommended for better immersion and experience, Penekepack 1.7 is not necessary in order to get the Penekemations mod to work. you can always use the Penekemations with or without the Penekepack and vice-versa.

Will your animations mess up my pblocks?

No, they won't, while the stances might be different, the swings aren't and you still have to aim to the same position that you tend to in order to pblock.

Will the hitboxes be messed up?

No they won't. These changes are all cosmetical, think of it as an illusion, however there are some side effects, From a server/hitbox standpoint, the animations will always be the base ones, so keep that in mind when aiming to people that are meditating, it's pretty easy to get used to the new animations, and in my opinion, they are worth it.

Can you add more stances/change some stances/remove some of them?

I will always consider the feedback from the community and if we agree that something must be tweaked/removed or whatever, we'll do it.

I love most of the animations, however I'd like the 'x' animation back, can you do it?

Yes, it's possible to bring back default animations or even assign some others, we might make a tutorial for that at some point.

This animation doesn't fit this stance, canon proves otherwise, yada yada yada:

We're aware of that and will work with your feedback to improve that, but that's what we have for Penekemations 1.0!

I'm a tryhard, will this mod get me killed often?

No, git gud

The last MBII Update broke your animations, they went back to the vanilla ones! how do I fix that?

MBII updates tend to overwrite the pk3 where the Penekemations are in order to put their base ones, all you have to do is just either re download and install the Penekemations or restore your Penekemations backup if you have it somewhere on your hard drive.

We take no credit for creating these animations except for improving them and merging eveything up for full compatibility with MBII. It's been a lot of hard work and constant fuck ups. Please know that every single author has been credited on our separated credits text file that has been attached to the rar that contains the mod

Looking forward for your feedback guys! Remember to download Penekepack 1.9 for more immersion
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Just a opinion, while I tried it and it looks cool and all that, in actual dueling it is a no-no. It makes the dueling extremely hard, especially if you are trying to mblock their first hit, or even pblock it. It kinda confuses me. I love the stances though. Although Red = Djem So so that should be red, but doesn't really matter though lol. I would love if I could use these animations without making the duels extremely hard with it :D
Question, why does Purple have Soresu stance ? I thought that was blue ? But so far enjoying it ! Makes the duels feel cooler o.o


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Standing, jumping, landing animations - OH YES.
Staff running animation - OH YES.
Duals stance - good.
Cyan stance - same as duals, but the left hand is empty and looks extremely weird.
RDFA - a bit confusing, lands earlier than the actual hit is done.
Melee stance - meh.
P.S. Is this intended?
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Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
Just a opinion, while I tried it and it looks cool and all that, in actual dueling it is a no-no. It makes the dueling extremely hard, especially if you are trying to mblock their first hit, or even pblock it. It kinda confuses me. I love the stances though. Although Red = Djem So so that should be red, but doesn't really matter though lol. I would love if I could use these animations without making the duels extremely hard with it :D

Hitboxes don't really change, though I agree that it gets kinda confusing when you start, but then again, this mod wasn't done for people that go tryhard, it's more for people that enjoy dueling in a non competitive way so to speak. If you like dueling in a competitive way then I certainly don't recommend it :)

Question, why does Purple have Soresu stance ? I thought that was blue ? But so far enjoying it ! Makes the duels feel cooler o.o

Thank you! we'll change that as we receive more feedback. I somehow think that the purple stance fits the style for some reason, I don't know about you.

i would remove the blue stance for the one from normal JKA.It looks silly,tbh xd

It looks silly when the character starts moving forward with it, but when idle it looks great imo. It's because I have limitations with the animation system on JKA. We do what we can, but we'll look into it.

Standing, jumping, landing animations - OH YES.
Staff running animation - OH YES.
Duals stance - good.
Cyan stance - same as duals, but the left hand is empty and looks extremely weird.
RDFA - a bit confusing, lands earlier than the actual hit is done.
Melee stance - meh.
P.S. Is this intended?

We'll tweak the cyan anim a little bit, as it shares the same animation with duelies but it's not really noticeable. The RDFA Anim can be easily fixed I think, I can slow it down a little bit so that it synchronizes with the original time.

I agree with the melee idle animation, we'll change it.
To your pic: Not really, but we can't do much about it. Some mbii models were rigged for JK2, JK2 models have less bones than JKA models. And since this specific animation was created for JKA models only then bugs like this one can happen too. However I think that we can fix that bug with valkorion's character specifically
ye otherwise like i said i love the new things :) its refreshing, to see the new stances and all that. But I guess as you said "tryhard" duelers should avoid it lol see I like dueling but I like the new stances so i guess im out of luck lol

Deleted member 2572

I wouldn't use this cause it's kinda weird, but still nice!
Great job on making this one, still I dont like staff stance cuz it looks weird o.o
In my opinion the stances should also be designed in a way that doesn't affect the dueling. For example, if a certain style takes and advantage of the nudge (currently: yellow, red, purple), the stance should allow duelist to act intuitivly, and not force him to guess if he is in the nudge range or not.
The future of nudge in incoming saber systems is unknown, and I used it just as an example. What I mean is: Please, design the animations in the way that doesn't cripple one's ability to fight effectively.

When it comes to PenekePack, in my opinion models should be chosen more carefully so they don't confuse players. I often find myself wondering if the guy is in my team or in the enemy's. Usually there is no time to check the player's affiliation. You may end up shooting your friend, or lose chance to gain advantage over an enemy. Take the Juno Eclipse model for example. How many times did you guys wonder if that black uniform is reb or imp? This is not how it should be. Please fix it because skin pack that affects one's ability to distinguish enemies from friends will be uninstalled sooner or later. If I had to choose between gameplay and skins I would say: gameplay > cool skins/fancy animations.

This is my feedback, I hope you can adress these issues as I would love to use that pack along with the penekemations.
Some animations look a bit weird, but you did a really good job with this.
The lightsaber idle stance and palpy red attack shoud get integrated in mb2 immediately.^^


Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
In my opinion the stances should also be designed in a way that doesn't affect the dueling. For example, if a certain style takes and advantage of the nudge (currently: yellow, red, purple), the stance should allow duelist to act intuitivly, and not force him to guess if he is in the nudge range or not.
The future of nudge in incoming saber systems is unknown, and I used it just as an example. What I mean is: Please, design the animations in the way that doesn't cripple one's ability to fight effectively.

When it comes to PenekePack, in my opinion models should be chosen more carefully so they don't confuse players. I often find myself wondering if the guy is in my team or in the enemy's. Usually there is no time to check the player's affiliation. You may end up shooting your friend, or lose chance to gain advantage over an enemy. Take the Juno Eclipse model for example. How many times did you guys wonder if that black uniform is reb or imp? This is not how it should be. Please fix it because skin pack that affects one's ability to distinguish enemies from friends will be uninstalled sooner or later. If I had to choose between gameplay and skins I would say: gameplay > cool skins/fancy animations.

This is my feedback, I hope you can adress these issues as I would love to use that pack along with the penekemations.

Interesting feedback, I surely appreciate it!

I would've loved if you had put the feedback individually on each thread but it doesn't matter. I do agree with your feedback on the Penekemations for the most part, however I can only partially agree with your Penekepack feedback, here's why:

I may be a little bit biased since I've spent tons of hours developing the pack and know what model belongs to what team but I've been double checking our Icon table and there's only one or two models that can get a little bit confusing, and that's Juno eclipse and the Sith version of Anakin. One because she has her imp uniform and the other because they look similar, despite the difference in the textures and sith Eyes/head.

But, other than that, I really don't see any other models confusing people, you're literally the first person who has ever mentioned that (and I appreciate it btw) Maybe Jedi Arcann can get a little bit confusing with the Sith version (Arcann with a robotic arm and his mask)

I'm really interested in knowing what other models are you confused about. I do understand however that installing the pack for the first time can get a little bit confusing, let's be real, the pack has over 100 new models, that's a bunch of stuff that might take some time to get used to. but weren't we all confused when we started playing MBII? It's just a matter of getting used to it. But I'm really curious in getting your list of models that can confuse people so that I can make the proper changes if needed. When it comes to the rest, it really depends on the player, But I do agree with the fact that gameplay is really important, however the pack focuses on improving the visual part of it. And I'm really into improving MBII's visual part.

Some animations look a bit weird, but you did a really good job with this.
The lightsaber idle stance and palpy red attack shoud get integrated in mb2 immediately.^^

Thank you!



Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
Just a small update,

I just got off from a beta testing session for the next sabering system and I can clearly tell that the animations might get messed up. I'll start working on fixing the Penekemations once the new saber system goes live.



Master of Whispers
Have you considered possibly adding these seperate? Users can then decide which animations they wish to use, and wish they do now.

Also, would it be possible to have a style in which one hand is behind the back, and the saber is in-front (when blocking?) Here's an example: (it happens at the end)
2 more things:
1. When you pull someone with the force there is an animation bug, they keep standing
2. Please fix that melee stance, it looks weird and unnatural, if the left leg is the leading leg, thenthe left hand should be also in the front, so it's like in boxing for example. If you tried to do ''kungu fu'' stance then it's not how it should look like either...
This mod is awesome. Defo my second favourite on here (1st is Penekepack obvs).
All the stances are badass, and I recognise quite a few of the animations are from Movie Duels II, which is great.

Now onto feedback. As ever, you've spent a lot of time and effort doing this so you don't need to take any of this forward.

All the stances look amazing, but if the mod is supposed to be movie accurate, the stances for Blue and Red need to be switched around.

I am definitely no expert duelist (see Assault on Starkiller Base) so what I say about the styles in the game could be wrong. From what I gathered, Blue is Soresu (as it encourages defensive gameplay, outlasting the opponent and capitalising on any mistakes they make), and Red is Djem So (as it encourages an aggressive playstyle, with wide power attacks and strong counters that dominate a duel). I can understand why Purple might be viewed as Soresu because of it's PB related perk, but Purple seems to me to be Vaapad and is too aggressive.

Anakin Skywalker uses Djem So. So Red's stance should be replaced with Blue's stance.

Obi-Wan Kenobi uses Soresu. So Blue's stance should be replaced with Purple's stance.



big pictures dammit

Other than the movie accuracy, everything is great. Duals and Staff stances look awesome, and their taunts look amazing. (Love Staff's crotch block - Maul learned his lesson). It would be pretty stunning if yellow style for staff users resulted in one hand being behind the back, as seen by the Grand Inquisitor, but that's asking for too much. Stances being specific for certain characters sounds like a great idea, a custom Cyan stance for Dooku, a custom Red stance for Vader (he didn't use the stance in the above pictures after getting the suit) and the current Red stance for Palpy, but again this is asking for too much.

But by far. The best part about this animation mod. Is Palpy's leap. (Would it be possible to add the scream at the same time just for Palpy?)

I think Krennic sums it up nicely.

Love the mod, and keep up the great work!