CLAN [OoR] The Order of Revan | Info | Ranks | Ways too Apply

Changed Colors Again And Again, added new Stuff too the names.
Force Sensitives now need too add, [FS] To their names, Millitary Members [M] And Executive officers [EXO]
Colors for the New stuff, above under the Application Template!



pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
So it's an utterly generic clan with a Revan theme? I was hoping for there to be some kind of unique quality to the clan besides "Revan woooo."

edit: Well I guess maybe it's sort of a KOTOR/TOR RP-clan.
@ Lessen What's that supposed too mean? No Clan Is Generic in my Eyes, everyclan, and Member off an Clan is Unique.



pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Sure, every clan ends up with a unique character ([tR] has a cool name, but the character it ended up with is 'a bunch of jerks.'), but I would think STARTING with a unique character or goal goes a long way towards attracting members.

I guess you're just trying to attract KOTOR / TOR mega-enthusiasts.
@ Lesson, Has nothing too Do with Attracting Knight's off the Old Republic and SWTOR Fans, this clan is open too anyone, has nothing too with Revan Fanboys.



pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@ Lesson, Has nothing too Do with Attracting Knight's off the Old Republic and SWTOR Fans, this clan is open too anyone, has nothing too with Revan Fanboys.

So then again, there's no "unique appeal" at all? How do you hope to stand out from other clans and attract members? It sounds like you just want to attract "literally anyone who wants to join a clan," and I would expect most of that audience to be drawn to other clans instead. Other clans with more specific appeals. (Assholes join tR. Cool people join CB lol. Newbies join uh Fletcher Time Gaming. People who want a really big clan join AOD. Aggressively competitive and clannish people join MAF?)

(I have a marketing background lol)

So, what kind of person joins OoR?

p.s. my name's lessEn.
So then again, there's no "unique appeal" at all? How do you hope to stand out from other clans and attract members? It sounds like you just want to attract "literally anyone who wants to join a clan," and I would expect most of that audience to be drawn to other clans instead. Other clans with more specific appeals. (Assholes join tR. Cool people join CB lol. Newbies join uh Fletcher Time Gaming. People who want a really big clan join AOD. Aggressively competitive and clannish people join MAF?)

(I have a marketing background lol)

So, what kind of person joins OoR?

p.s. my name's lessEn.

That's a good constructive criticism


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@Ruby You do have more structure/ranks than some clans, which would suggest that you're a more hierarchical clan than some, and perhaps a more tactically-oriented clan than some (if people up the hierarchy can give orders to people down the hierarchy.)

The fact that you've planned out so many ranks and two different branches of the clan suggests you have some kind of idea like that in mind...

I'm also curious if your hierarchical system "scales well" to low member counts. Like, if someone joins, and they're not very good, and nobody else joins for a while, is there a long stretch of time where it's basically "Revan and his pet monkey," hierarchy-wise?

In thinking about designing clan structure, it almost seems like the "rank tree" at <10 people should be totally different from the "rank tree" at 100 or 1000 people. Since you go from "a tiny group of like-minded people" to "a huge faction." It seems dumb, for instance, to have anyone ranked as a "General" or something of that ilk when the faction's size is 2 people.

But most clans probably didn't put much thought into this.
@ Lessen my bad for spelling your name wrong there but, that May be True what you say, but as i said, We're open too anyone, and not only Revan Fans boys, in my eyes, that's something unique about our "Revan" Clan, where others try too attract revan only fanboys, who know shit about him, and overall,
Here i mostly try too focus too have the people who join, enjoy their time, get people too talk too, and overall have a nice and enjoyable stay on the servers with other players off the clan too play with, and maybe have a laugh with. Not every clan in my eyes offers that, some are just strict, and just want, hardcore, 24/7 Gamers, with no sense off Humor, but everyone see's that in a different way right?

@ Lessen I Did have an idea in mind, too get somewhere with the clan, so we're, and every other clan, is unique in their own way Right?
That idea, mostly was the Couple Divisions, and somemore, that are still thought off, but we're getting closer and closer too getting more unique day by day,

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@ Lessen I Did have an idea in mind, too get somewhere with the clan, so we're, and every other clan, is unique in their own way Right?
That idea, mostly was the Couple Divisions, and somemore, that are still thought off, but we're getting closer and closer too getting more unique day by day,

To save yourself the trouble of putting -Ruby at the end of your messages btw, you can go in your profile settings and set a signature that automatically appears under your messaged :)
Good luck, you will need it!

My advice would be to try to cut down the ranks a bit, you're going to need 29(?) members AT LEAST to have one person in every single rank, so you're looking at around 50 members to have a decent number of people in the lower ranks and fewer in the top. That isn't going to be easy to achieve, especially if you aren't a renowned player or anything

If you are looking short term yes it is weird having very few members and so many ranks, but if he has a vision of it long-term and has a plan it can pay off. Remalus did the same with TIN. Way too many ranks when I joined, not that many members and now it is the most active EU clan with all ranks beings utilised and balanced.