Official 1.4.3 Feedback thread

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Movie Battles II Team Retired
We will be happy to hear some feedback from you. What have we done wrong/good and... WHY. We want you to share your feeling about new version, but remember Feedback doesn't mean to go rage mode. So keep conversation at least on decent level.

If you want to tell us how much you love us or hate us, then feel free to do it here:


  • Pistol changes:
    • Basic pistol:
      • Change: Level 2 secondary fire is now a charged shot which ramps up from 26 damage to 48 damage in 5 seconds.
      • Change: Level 3 primary mode primary fire damage decreased from 48 to 40 (also affects FP drains).
      • Change: Level 3 primary mode secondary fire is now a charged shot which ramps up from 26 damage to 60 damage in 2.5 seconds, afterwards it no longer drains ammo nor increases damage until 5 seconds of charging where it auto-fires.
      • Change:Level 3 secondary mode secondary fire rapid shot burst now costs 4 ammo.
    • Westar pistol:
      • Change: Level 2 secondary fire charged shot ramps up from 28 damage to 53 damage in 5 seconds.
      • Change: Level 3 charged shots ramp up from 28 damage to 53 damage in 5 seconds for both pistols.
      • Change: FA-only: Akimbo pistols' base damage is now 40 instead of 48 and their charged shot ramps up from 28 damage to 80 damage.
  • Dodge mechanics overhaul:
    • Change: Dodge is now an active ability manually triggered by holding class special 1.
    • Change: Costs 4/6/10.
    • Change: No cooldowns on activation/deactivation/reactivation.
    • Change: Runs on a separate resource of its own, Dodge Points, which are displayed below the botton right hud.
    • Change: While active, 50 DP drain per second, thus full bar in 2 seconds (if the player is in a state where he can dodge, otherwise no drain).
    • Change: Passive regeneration while not active nor poisoned, full bar in 15 seconds when running or jumping, 10 seconds otherwise.
    • Change: Basic DP cost levels 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75 for dodging projectiles.
    • Change: Dodge Level 1: base standing/crouching still costs 15, 25, 50 (legs, torso, neck/head).
    • Change: Dodge Level 2: standing/crouching has 1 level less worth of costs, walking has the same cost as above.
    • Change: Dodge Level 3: standing/crouching now has 2 levels less worth of costs, walking 1 level less, running/jumping same cost as 2 lines above.
    • Change: Sniper shots increase the DP cost level by 1 compared to all other projectiles.
    • Change: Can't dodge while scoping or poisoned.
    • Change: Starting from 400 distance, the closer the enemy is the costlier dodge becomes (linearly), until reaching 160 distance (80 for dodge level 3) where dodging is impossible (costs above 100 DP).
    • Change: Ability to move freely while dodging, ability to dodge again while already in a dodge animation (does not replay an animation but still drains DP), ability to attack freely while dodging.
  • Dash changes:
    • Change: Dash Level 1 now costs 44 stamina (33 before).
    • Change: Dash Level 2 now costs 33 stamina (25 before).
  • Quick Throw:
    • Change: Now assigned to new command /ability1.
  • FA tweaks:
    • Change: Dexterity cooldown is now no longer activated when trying to roll/dive while attacking with a saber (in FA).
    • Change: Dash/Dodge can now be given to any class in FA.
    • Change: In FA, when a class has Saber Defense with a saber, or Stamina, the regeneration rate of BP and Stamina prevails over the regeneration rate of Dash; when a FA class has regenerating fuel, its regenerating rate prevails over all others (all of them share the same bar).
    • Change: In FA only, in order to prevent some ability conflicts, Dexterity and Dash are assigned to /ability1 (Dexterity is given priority over Dash at all times) whenever the class has access to flamethrower, wrist laser, saber-out melee moves or tracking darts.
    • Change: In FA only, saber-out melee moves (note: jumpkicks with saber-out are still always activated via class special 2), gunkicks and tracking darts are assigned to /ability2 whenever the class has access to flamethrower or wrist laser.
    • Change: In FA only, poison darts are assigned to /ability3 whenever the class has access to dodge, mandalorian rocket or stamina.

  • Droideka/SBD tweaks:
    • Change: Droideka power management now regenerates 20 armor for 1 ammo and 2 ammo for 10 armor instead of 10 armor for 1 ammo and 1 ammo for 10 armor.
    • Change: Ion blobs no longer disable Droideka shields, launched pulse grenades now stun SBDs/Droidekas and disable shields of Droidekas for slightly longer, manually thrown pulse grenades now stun and disable shields of Droidekas for slightly longer.
    • Change: Droideka FP drains reduced by a 0.8x factor.
  • General Jedi/Sith changes:
    • Change: Cyan/Purple/Staff/Dual styles are reworked into "specialist" styles, more powerful than the basic Blue/Yellow/Red. Fast Styles, Medium Styles and Strong Styles thus now all have the following cost: 8/8/6.
    • Change: Cyan style now has a synergy with Saber Deflect. Buying Saber Deflect with Cyan makes deflecting no longer require tapping attack but simply holding attack, with no FP cost. With Saber Deflect level 1, Cyan can deflect 1 shot every 750ms and cannot deflect at close range; level 2 can deflect 1 shot every 500ms and can deflect at close range; level 3 can deflect 1 shot every 250ms and can deflect at close range.
    • Change: Purple is now granted Q3. Q3 is the ability to automatically deflect projectiles while attacking without holding block. Q3 can be disabled for a swing by holding Class Special 1 during this swing. Q3 has good synergy with Saber Defense 3 because Saber Defense 3 reduces the extra FP drain on shots that are blocked while attacking (without Defense 3, the FP drain is doubled on these shots for both Q3 and swingblocks; with Defense 3, the FP drain is no longer doubled for swingblocks nor Q3 non-swingblocks).
    • Change: Duals now deal 360 damage per swing instead of 260. Duals no longer have an increased blocking arc.
    • Change: Staff now have a 270° blocking arc against projectiles (including thrown sabers) and 300° against saber swings.
    • Change: Cyan now has the same forward running animation as Staff, and Purple has the same forward running animation as Duals.
    • New: Nudge is now enabled by default on spawn and can be toggled on/off via /nudgetoggle.
    • New: Blocking animations are now triggered on saber/saber collisions.
    • Change: The duration of the flinch stagger is now dependent on the damage received.
    • Fix: MBlock deflecting will no longer drain FP when the deflect cooldown is still active.
    • FP drain and regeneration changes:
      • Change: 1.0x FP regen when unable to auto-block (saber off, knocked down, idle, etc.).
      • Change: 0.7x FP regen and 1.2x FP drains when able to auto-block but not holding altattack.
      • Change: 0.2x FP regen and 0.4x FP drains when able to auto-block and holding altattack.
      • Change: FP drains are capped at 40 when holding altattack and 80 when not holding altattack.
  • Saber vs Saber changes:
    • Change: Non-PBs now result all the time in clash sound effects on a saber/saber collision, instead of alternating between bodyhit/clash sfx depending on non-PB/PB.
    • Change: Perfect Block (PB) no longer combo-breaks.
    • Change: Parries now drain BP equal to half the amount of a bodyhit.
    • New: Perfect Parry (Blue crosshair and BP bar indicators): done by matching the incoming swing (quadrant-wise) with the matching outgoing swing. Will negate parry BP drains.
    • Change: Manual Block (Mblock) now allows for combo-breaking vs swingblock and also deals 6 BP damage to the attacker when successful. Failing a Mblock (vs any swing) drains BP (4 vs Fast styles, 6 vs Medium styles (and Purple), and 8 vs Red).
    • New style-specific perks/features (these replace all previous ones):
      • Change: Blue style: Loses 1 ACC when PB'd except against Blue/Cyan. Drains 6 BP from attackers on PB (including against chained consecutive swings).
      • Change: Yellow style: Doesn't suffer from Mblock BP drain on failing.
      • Change: Red style: No BP drain from being Mblocked on a swingblock. Causes a stagger on the third consecutive bodyhit.
      • Change: Cyan style: Combo-breaks other styles on a perfect parry.
      • Change: Purple style: +1 ACC on PB.
      • Change: Dual style: Consecutive swings deal 0.75x damage instead of 0.5x.
      • Change: Staff style: Successfully timing and matching movement directions with a Mblock counts as a Pblock, even with incorrect camera aim. Staggers the opponent on a successful Mblock vs a swingblock.
  • Change: SMOD mute now also blocks voice_cmd, gestures and name changes.


  • New: Added new ability keys (moviebattles) and nudge toggle (weapons) to controls menu.


  • New: Added Grand Admiral Thrawn to Commanders (thrawn/default) and Outcast's Tavion to Sith (tavion/default). Tweaked TFA Han's taunts.
  • Change: Re-enabled a few alternate skins for existing Sith models (alora/default, darthmaul/default_robed).
  • Fix: Swamptrooper model's footsteps are no longer silent.
  • Fix: Updated seasonal hat positioning for model changes after v1.3.2.
  • Fix: Some minor shader errors.

Official Maps

All (where applicable)
  • Change: Re-enabled charge shot on FA classes with akimbo pistols.
  • Fix: Blocked area allowing players to escape the map.
  • Fix: Minor VIS adjustments to tunnel between Eastern Commons and South Lounge.
  • New: Added carbonite freezing sequence. Activated by using one of the control panels.
  • Change: The FA has been redesigned to make every class useful instead of a few dominating ones and many weak classes. For example, C3PO, R2D2, and the prisoner have been buffed. The Imperial team has also been changed to have as many unique classes as Rebels.
  • New: Two FA-specific features have been added for this FA. First, Force Power sound overwrites now exist (currently only available for Sense / Deadly Sight) and are used for C3PO. Second, a special classflag for making a class run faster while in melee was added for the Imperial Pilot.
  • Fix: A shallow pit of death trigger allowed survival in rare circumstances.
  • Fix: Added clipping to portion of ceiling that may have made it possible to escape map.
  • New: Original map by Plasma based on the village attack at the start of The Force Awakens.
  • New: Capture Point Objective: The final objective on this map requires the attacking team to stand within the village square to capture it. The defending team may stop the capture by also standing within the capture point.
  • New: Reimagined map by Plasma. Will our heroes manage to survive the horrors that await?
Unofficial Maps
All (where applicable)
  • Change: Re-enabled charge shot on FA classes with akimbo pistols.
  • Change: Split soundset for C3PO / Battledroid hybrid models.
  • Fix: Restored classic FA icons.
  • Fix: Spiderman and Venom now use the correct model.
  • Fix: Spiderman and Venom now use the correct model.
  • Fix: Resolved some shader errors.

Changed Files ( Server downloads ) ( Linux OpenJK server lib ) ( ARM OpenJK build )

Changelog Legend

New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
"perfect aim on dozens of shots" sounds very difficult, until you spectate mb2 and watch as it happens every single round multiple times. the saber hitbox is large, and the excessive mobility that was actually a problem was fairly well balanced due to impeding fp regen or spending it outright. im not here to discuss balance excessively, because buffs and nerfs dont mean a lot to me considering i care a lot more about the feel and actual gameplay of jedi.

you can adjust the balance back and forth through tweaks one way or another with fp drains or costs, movement speed whatever. back in the day if you complained about push every single person would tell you "press shift"

edit: also me post had a lot more stuff than just what u responded 2 about class fantasy and stuff :(
This man, how do you justify THIS? WHY do gunners have to lose to saberists? What is even the point of playing gunner then? Might as well just go full jedi/sith team and destroy everything you come across. You can't just make 1 class stronger than everyone else for no reason.

Also, some of you guys here seem to complain a lot about sniping. Now, I fully understand where you are coming from, but really, a sniper only remains a problem as long as nobody bothers to focus on him. Your average sniper usually hides behind a corner and peeks to shoot once his rifle reloads. Just remember how long it takes for him to reload, and spam this corner with some blaster fire. I'm telling you guys, BH's and Hero's worst nightmare is a soldier who knows how to play.

Cause of lore. Nobody can deal with it. Nobody wants OP soilders (notice: they have 3 lifes). Jedi/Sith is stronker than soilder, but if there are too many soilders and other pew pew trash jedi/sith must run away/evade manually or die. Otherwise jedi/sith comes OP too.

Sniping. 3rd-camera allows you to know where your enemies are and do fast strafe - kill.

EVEN if you wanna be a superhero - do things like superhero. That things must be hard to master and hard to do/spam (like s+space+Lclick backflip with staff)

P.S. Wondering of gunners aiming. Fckin wondering HOW a lot of gunners can spam blaster fire and hit 10/10 shots even if trying to evade manualy? Fckin how? For example I can evade manualy in saber-combat well but against gunners (not all) it's impossible.
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Cause of lore. Nobody can deal with it. Nobody wants OP soilders (notice: they have 3 lifes). Jedi/Sith is stronker than soilder, but if there are too many soilders and other pew pew trash jedi/sith must run away/evade manually or die. Otherwise jedi/sith comes OP too.

Sniping. 3rd-camera allows you to know where your enemies are and do fast strafe - kill.

EVEN if you wanna be a superhero - do things like superhero. That things must be hard to master and hard to do/spam (like s+space+Lclick backflip with staff)

P.S. Wondering of gunners aiming. Fckin wondering HOW a lot of gunners can spam blaster fire and hit 10/10 shots even if trying to evade manualy? Fckin how? For example I can evade manualy in saber-combat well but against gunners (not all) it's impossible.
Okay, first of all, you are saying that if there are more than 1-2 soldiers, saberist must run or he dies. Okay? Isn't it how it's supposed to be? Because 2 players should have an advantage over a single guy? No? Think about it please. Also, this "lore" argument doesn't work. This is a multiplayer mod, so all classes should be equal in right hands.

Second, 3rd person view benefits everyone, not just snipers. Move unpredictably and you won't get sniped.

Third, if gunners hit you with every shot.. well, work on your movement.
What kind of drugs are you taking and can you give them to me.
i didnt say sbd doesnt slay people or something, but they take getting used to, especially deka. deka is pretty unique and sbd is extremely slow and vulnerable in exchange for how strong it is. on the other hand, literally everyone has played e11/p3/proj is 15 other fps games

i feel like achilles atm, are none of you capable of distinguishing between class strength, class mechanics, and class difficulty?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Okay, first of all, you are saying that if there are more than 1-2 soldiers, saberist must run or he dies. Okay? Isn't it how it's supposed to be? Because 2 players should have an advantage over a single guy? No? Think about it please. Also, this "lore" argument doesn't work. This is a multiplayer mod, so all classes should be equal in right hands.

You seem to confuse 'equal' with 'balanced'. One can be the latter without being the former - make mechanics that successfully encourage and benefit large quantities of Jedi-protected gunners rather than large quantities of Jedi, lone wolves (Jedi and gunner alike) or Jediless gunners, and my idea becomes viable. Keep in mind that the game is primarily balanced around teams of 4 or more, which is enough for a '1 Jedi, 3 gunners' combo, or even a '2 Jedi, 2 gunners' one. ('3 Jedi, 1 gunner' or '4 Jedi, no gunners' should be actively discouraged, and the 2-2 setup should probably be less than optimal, but you get the picture, and a 0-4 setup should be just as disadvantaged if there's an enemy Sith around.)

I've already suggested an example mechanic - give stacking AP/BP buffs/debuffs when allied gunners are present/shooting the opposing saberist (mix and match the options as you choose, they aren't mutually exclusive). Maybe also a small speed boost when an enemy saberist is near the gunners in question, so that interception becomes easier for those of us not capable of taking Speed.

Second, 3rd person view benefits everyone, not just snipers. Move unpredictably and you won't get sniped.

In my experience, the level of unpredictability needed to not get sniped by some of the more frequent snipers I see, like Gumba, is a Dexterity 3 forward roll from one safe spot to another. Offensively, that is useless, because you can't shoot the enemy while he's to your side, and most maps don't have cover neatly spread around so you can advance without getting sniped. (Incidentally, this is one reason why I prefer open spaces like the DotF hangar or Jakku - the sniper has more thinking to do than "something's going to come out from behind these two corners", and you can have more than two gunners present without risking loads of friendly fire and/or cover-stealing.)

Third, if gunners hit you with every shot.. well, work on your movement.

The only way left is vertical. Err, no, wait, that's only for Jedi, ARCs and Mandalorians... and drains mission-critical resources from each of them except, arguably, ARC stamina. (Not to mention that Mando maneuverability is bad enough that most scenarios will end with them getting shot down anyway. :p)


Deka is just clunky and annoying but whatever.

I don't play SBD for mobility reasons but competent players of the class normally report the same thing being its points are not worth it.
I.E magnetic plating

I feel stating that sbd/deka is the only hard class to play isn't true either. SBD is so limited in what it can do, it just has a blaster cannon and slap, it slaps jedi which crouching nullifies and a blaster which requires general aiming (nothing really precise depending on FP level). It has to sit in a tight spot because open areas will tear slow walkers like that apart.

I'd also argue, that other classes have more tools at their disposal, for example, ARC have a rocket and pulse which can be used effectively such as tossing the nade at a corner of a wall section to bounce it back towards you when a mass of people push (same with frags). Gaming sense and awareness of the map to make good choices - not all about aiming with all these tools needed to push/defend.

In other words,
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Deka is just clunky and annoying but whatever.

I don't play SBD for mobility reasons but competent players of the class normally report the same thing being its points are not worth it.

I got the same opinion when playing the former and yet there are people who can tear shit apart playing that class, not to mention that the deka has 1100 HP for about 30 points, 700 of which can regen so it's incredibly tanky, incredibly mobile while setting up and incredibly deadly both up close and at range.

As an example, I tested today and killing a deka that stands idle with full durability takes 42 shots from M5, when we start throwing variables such as shooting back, missing (100% accuracy is unrealistic, even 30% accuracy in mb2 is generous) and the regen speed, we got to like 60 - 70 shots to kill if not more, it's goddamn ridiculous how tanky one class can get, especially since that 700 shield can regen.

I think the main issue I find when fighting Deka is that it requires a solid counter or you can't beat it. Every other class however can compete versus every other class, a soldier can potentially beat an SBD if he's good enough or wear them down in durability using respawns but Deka can flat out sit there and tank hits versus most classes while also spitting out 30dmg+ projectiles, esp. with a good team backing them up. All of the damage a player deals to them will be regenned until you bypass that 700 hp (1.75x max wook HP already...)

The class becomes almost unkillable and I find it almost ridiculous to say that a class should be so powerful that it requires a specific loadout to counter it, ex. pulse nades, especially when the loadout that provides said counter directly impacts the play-ability of the ARC for every other task when equipping the counter.

This wasn't so much of an issue when ion blobs countered the shield but as it stands, there is one counter to the deka now and that is the pulse grenade, which means you now need to spend 10 or 15 points for a grenade which requires you to follow it up without having it defended against as it does no permanent damage. Not to mention that the deka can simply roll into a ball and start moving almost immediately, with full speed restored after about two seconds.

So what I'd say is that in order to make the droideka more 'competitive' and not 'cheesy' is that the shield should have stages. ex. 700/500/300/100, essentially every time that you're damaged to a certain level of shield, your overall max shield limit is set to that value which means that, if your shield is damaged and you are down to 385, you then regen up to 500 rather than 700 whereas if you got down to 293, you'd go back up to 300.

Alternatively, lock down the deka more. Have them only able to use their full shield if they lock into position which prevents movement and disassembly, means they have to commit to their position to be as tanky as they possibly can while having a lower tier of shield so if someone does throw an EMP at them, they can't simply dodge the only damage the EMP will do.

SBD is SBD, I don't know how to fix it but it definitely is one of the easier classes in the game due to its nature as a class that is very tanky and very deadly, it deals high damage and fires at a good rate of fire while also being very durable. It's similar to wook in that the class is durable enough that you can simply spam ranged attacks and get kills without return fire killing you, short of snipers but snipers are snipers.

Not a fan of those, snipers that is, even if they are balanced, they just slow down the game and take away from the tactical element while adding to the strategic.

I feel stating that sbd/deka is the only hard class to play isn't true either. SBD is so limited in what it can do, it just has a blaster cannon and slap, it slaps jedi which crouching nullifies and a blaster which requires general aiming (nothing really precise depending on FP level). It has to sit in a tight spot because open areas will tear slow walkers like that apart.

An SBD with good aim is a rape cannon, Goliath is a pretty fair example, and with proper movement you can weave in and out of saber swings to knock people down, not to mention that a crouching saberist is easy prey for the FP drain as you can simply walk up to them and spray, if they don't have purple they'll likely be dead before they can do anything and if they do, you simply back away as they will not be able to close the distance to you, unless you got too close.

Admittedly, SBDs aren't necessarily the most unbalanced thing as much as they are just incredibly easy to play, especially due to the fact that imperials are on the defense on almost every single map which gives the tanky nature of these classes a huge advantage.

I'd also argue, that other classes have more tools at their disposal, for example, ARC have a rocket and pulse which can be used effectively such as tossing the nade at a corner of a wall section to bounce it back towards you when a mass of people push (same with frags). Gaming sense and awareness of the map to make good choices - not all about aiming with all these tools needed to push/defend.

Pulse nades are mostly worthless, they are the only grenade in the game that require follow up as they deal bugger all raw damage, their main threat is the ability to drain ammunition from players that it hits but it deals nada shield damage and bugger all health damage, this means that if you don't have a team to follow it up, you've just wasted 10 points on a class that needs to spend a minimum of 30 points on movement, not to mention armour and weapons so you're left with about 10 - 15 points spare if you don't want to impact your performance as a gunner to the point of near uselessness.

ARC is a class heavily limited by point purchases, unless you want to directly impact your performance in gunner vs gunner fights. You get utility options but you become mostly worthless as a 1 life gunner because the moment those nades are gone, you're a slow, shittier wook without the health, firepower or strength.
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To favor deflecting, we need to make it so there is a point for gunners to try and shoot jedi when they are deflecting at mid-range, or for jedi to deflect at close range.
How shoudl sith rely on deflecting while blobs exist in the current state. It seems you are very focused on making jedi/sith become more skill based, but you are destroying 10+ years worth of balance because you dont consider all the easy to use tools gunners have access to.
I just dont understand the logic behind adding flinch to all rapid fire guns, while not reducing power of anti jedi/sith tools keeping them in check for years. I like the idea of flinch on powerfull single shot guns like p3, e11 primary and proj rifle. But it makes zero sence on clone rifles, dekas and sbds.
Saberists are easier than gunners in one on one. However, you need to factor in that its a one life class. Most one life gunners already had a way to decimate a saberist. Betwen dash, being able to shot on knockdowns, sbd armor, deka firepower, flame and darts.

How frustrating woudl you find it to outplay an arc and land a pull 3, only for him to be able to flinch while down, while forcing you into a crouch because of the 360 degree aoe kick, which makes you easy to hit. Remember that arcs like Appo woudl run rifle and pistols 3, so you will always lose any long fight and deflect plays are hard countered by bounce pistols.

Im all up for you to shake up the meta and make saberists harder to play. But consider what tools gunners have that are still overtuned for earlier patches. Specifically blobs(too spamable whit a ton of ammo, resulting in no punish for missing, counters deflect plays), conc nades(increase risk reward, reduce aoe size and projectile speed).
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Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Would be interesting to see some mix/match of the following and how it/they changed MB2:
1) Snipers being locked into first person (and/or having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time)
2) Ions as the only blob option (maybe less lockdown in exchange for more of them or something)
3) ARCs with built-in Dexterity options instead of having to buy them (imagine having an extra 10-15 points for say, pulse nades? by default)
4) Modified flinch (i.e. Clone/SBD/super high RoF weapons don't /laugh at saber swings)
5) Non-easy mode Force power usage (i.e. no 180 degree Push radius)
6) Bowcaster accuracy similar to how EE3's works
7) Some movement adjustments like lowering strafing speeds a tad
How frustrating woudl you find it to outplay an arc and land a pull 3, only for him to be able to flinch while down, while forcing you into a crouch because of the 360 degree aoe kick, which makes you easy to hit. Remember that arcs like Appo woudl run rifle and pistols 3, so you will always lose any long fight and deflect plays are hard countered by bounce pistols.

Something I love about the ARC class is just the sheer level of control over the movement the class gets, I can definitely see how it is very powerful in good hands and might even be very powerful in newbie hands but jumpkick on ARC getup as well is something you can counter by crouching. Otherwise it's likely an issue of spacing or timing if the ARC is too far for you to hit them when they go down.

The nature of the ARC as it stands in-game right now is that it is a class designed to fight sith players if the ARC player manages their mobility well, I'd be game for removing flinch entirely from the ARC weapon roster in all honesty, just give me back the old damage & knockback when they swing.

Armor 3 Ammo 2 Dex 3 Stam 3 Westar 2 Pistol 1 ;p
Can't afford the rifle & pistols while also having dex 3 :(


Here is my opinion on the saber changes (NOTE: DUEL MODE ONLY):

Perfect Block not stopping combos: Good decision, but I think that having nudge and no restrictions encourage spam.

Parries now drain BP equal to half the amount of a bodyhit: I dont really know anything about parrying well, but a few ppl have been complaining about it.

Perfect Parry: Good idea, I guess.

Manual Block now allows for combo-breaking vs swingblock and also deals 6 BP damage to the attacker when successful. Failing a Mblock (vs any swing) drains BP (4 vs Fast styles, 6 vs Medium styles (and Purple), and 8 vs Red): I love how mblock costs BP if you fail. I dont agree with mblock stopping combos, however. I dont really have a solution to this, but it just isnt likely to happen in duels. The 6 BP damage to the attacker is also a great idea.

Blue style: Loses 1 ACC when PB'd except against Blue/Cyan. Drains 6 BP from attackers on PB (including against chained consecutive swings): Losing 1 ACC when PB'd is a good idea, but purposely PBing blue is very hard to do due to how fast it is. The 6 BP drain from attacking players makes blue even stronger than it is already. Dueling blue is like dueling someone who perfect blocks all your hits (KAEL). Ive noticed when fighting it that I cant even manage to do a 4 hit combo with yellow because every swing gets interrupted by a blue swing. With and without nudge, blue is still very, very strong. Maybe reducing its damage by 1 more could help things out :). (Ive also heard that Tempest was going to try to make the swings for combos slower than they are now which is really cool!)

Yellow style: Doesn't suffer from Mblock BP drain on failing: Its a decent perk, but I think it could have something better.

Red style: No BP drain from being Mblocked on a swingblock. Causes a stagger on the third consecutive bodyhit: I dont see the point in red having this perk whilst nudge is still around, its pretty much lightning speed when you're against a nudge user, so the perk is kinda useless. I really, really dont like red not having its stagger when you do halfswings. It looks like it promotes face hugging to get that stagger in on the last swing (thats if you dont get PBd). I would love the red stagger to be like it was before.

Cyan style: Combo-breaks other styles on a perfect parry: Nothing much to say on this, but its alright.

Purple style: +1 ACC on PB: I think it should have something different, im not sure what though.

Dual style: Consecutive swings deal 0.75x damage instead of 0.5x: Dont really know much about Duals, but they still feel like spam, spam, spam.

Staff style: Successfully timing and matching movement directions with a Mblock counts as a Pblock, even with incorrect camera aim. Staggers the opponent on a successful Mblock vs a swingbloc: Its a really good perk, but its kinda pointless with nudge unless your timings are god-like. (Even then you have to risk of failing and losing that sweet BP)

DUEL MODE: This isnt really a change, but is it possible to make all the styles cost 0? I just feel that waiting a whole new round just to use another style is kinda silly. Also, with Staff, Duals, Cyan and Purple all being 8 points now, it would make sense to reduce these on duel mode only. (Btw, if it cant be done due to issues, then I tottaly understand)

In conclusion, I think the saber v saber changes were ok. I dont have a solution to all the issues I pointed out, but it would be cool to hear what you guys think about the saber system.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
@Appo: This is not a good thing for me to be saying, especially to you, but... Jedi speed lunge with red or purple. :p (It either kills or nearly kills the target, depending on saber style - the tricky part is not getting blasted back by overcharge, but even a well-executed manual approach will work; just can't jump at them.)

@Tempest: I'm getting the impression that I understand your thought process better than I do Stassin's. Even when I disagree with some of it, which is not the case with your current batch of suggestions. :)


Master of Whispers
anyone else have glitchy dueling animations? I find when I'm in a duel characters change colours, fps drops, and characters teleport a bit. I'm on openjk
Would be interesting to see some mix/match of the following and how it/they changed MB2:
1) Snipers being locked into first person (and/or having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time)
2) Ions as the only blob option (maybe less lockdown in exchange for more of them or something)
3) ARCs with built-in Dexterity options instead of having to buy them (imagine having an extra 10-15 points for say, pulse nades? by default)
4) Modified flinch (i.e. Clone/SBD/super high RoF weapons don't /laugh at saber swings)
5) Non-easy mode Force power usage (i.e. no 180 degree Push radius)
6) Bowcaster accuracy similar to how EE3's works
7) Some movement adjustments like lowering strafing speeds a tad
1) Nobody would play the class lmao. Who in the world would choose nerfed proj over 3rd person view? Also, if you implement this - "having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time", might as well completely remove proj rifle, as it's the only advantage it has over ruptor - the ability to fire without standing in place for 2 seconds.
2) You already nerfed the ion against dekas, so if you completely remove conc blobs and flinch from CR, clone may become a bit... underwhelming.
3) Agree on that one, ARC needs some love
4) Kinda agree, but still think that clone rifle shouldn't be nerfed in that regard
5) If this ever gets implemented, I will be on cloud nine
6) Hell yeah
7) Now this is a hard one, I think it requires a separate thread for discussion


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
1) Nobody would play the class lmao. Who in the world would choose nerfed proj over 3rd person view? Also, if you implement this - "having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time", might as well completely remove proj rifle, as it's the only advantage it has over ruptor - the ability to fire without standing in place for 2 seconds.
2) You already nerfed the ion against dekas, so if you completely remove conc blobs and flinch from CR, clone may become a bit... underwhelming.
3) Agree on that one, ARC needs some love
4) Kinda agree, but still think that clone rifle shouldn't be nerfed in that regard
5) If this ever gets implemented, I will be on cloud nine
6) Hell yeah
7) Now this is a hard one, I think it requires a separate thread for discussion
1) I'd actually still play it tbh. Ruptor has to stand still for 2 seconds to get its full damage whereas Proj can pop out and shoot a 150 base damage high velocity shot.
2) IMO, ion blob was way too strong vs Deka (yes I know Deka is strong and all that but that's a separate issue). Conc blob needs to be looked at for a number of reasons (tbh we probably need a discussion thread for every class).
3) Will probably run this through dev discussions today and see about packing it in with the final m5 ammo adjustments that seem to have slipped through the last release..
4) I meant to imply that it was modified, not completely removed.
5) Technically, I've already gotten partial work on this (as far as Push goes) but Force stuff is slightly on hold while sorting out saber stuff for 1.4.4 :p
6) Think this would help balance out Wook a bit (I do use bowcaster 3 and I personally think it's the strongest weapon in the game, including pistol before my adjustments).
7) This probably needs its own thread indeed.

DaloLorn said:
@Tempest: I'm getting the impression that I understand your thought process better than I do Stassin's. Even when I disagree with some of it, which is not the case with your current batch of suggestions. :)
Well those are basically just the collection of the most commonly mentioned/complained about things that I've seen so it's not really all my thought process.
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So an interesting idea I thought about Projs, that some people might have suggested in the past or not at all. IRL body armor tends to make snipers shots at center mass not work entirely because you know the plates absorb most the deadly impact and such. It's not fool proof but it saves your life, yea? Plus this is future and shit.

So lets make shielded players take either 50 to 75% of reduced damage when getting shot anywhere but the head while shielded. I know many of us has been sniped by someone whose aim is impeccable or instantly dying to single shot to a slight exposed leg or hand at the wrong angle. So I'm not a math expert but at

75% of base damage the shots will deal about 112 damage a shot.
A hero with 100 HP and 60 shields would be at about 50-66 of their HP depending on what heal level they have.
50% of base damage the shots will deal 75 damage
A hero with 100 HP and 60 shields will have around 85-99 of their HP level left, again dependent on heal.

You can play around with the numbers to make it more of a two shot weapon or something similar instead of an instant game changer in the right hands. What about making Proj be level 1 and 2. Proj 1 would be as it right now but reduced damage because it's not using a special projectile, and proj 2 would make the users either half their current run speed(like wookiees with a bowcaster out) but they have the ability to deal full damage because it use AP rounds or w/e.


Would be interesting to see some mix/match of the following and how it/they changed MB2:
1) Snipers being locked into first person (and/or having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time)
2) Ions as the only blob option (maybe less lockdown in exchange for more of them or something)
3) ARCs with built-in Dexterity options instead of having to buy them (imagine having an extra 10-15 points for say, pulse nades? by default)
4) Modified flinch (i.e. Clone/SBD/super high RoF weapons don't /laugh at saber swings)
5) Non-easy mode Force power usage (i.e. no 180 degree Push radius)
6) Bowcaster accuracy similar to how EE3's works
7) Some movement adjustments like lowering strafing speeds a tad
1)This idea would prove my point to run around with a p3 only because it would REPLACE the sniper with PERFECT accuracy whilst running...
2)If this in relation to force users, then you're playing too predictable lol
3)I suppose?
4)I mean a) why are you soloing again b) you must be running straight and not around a gunner to swing and/or baiting them to move. If it's a pro gunner, then he's clearly able to keep up with you or generally superior to you.
5)Sounds nice as a BIASED GUNNER opinion for me but shouldnt even be discussed with what is going on with jed/sith being nerfted so hard.
6)Why? I don't care about wookiees anyway but why?
7)To which classes? Bh/hero I assume? Some of the highest speed moving classes I assume you mean?
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delete wookiees

edit: another annoying aspect of the fp regen changes, is that after releasing block your fp regen doesnt change to the non-blocking regen speed until your fp has incremented by 1

so if you release block the moment you gain 1 fp, you've essentially frozen your fp regen at the blocking state rate for .5 roughly, due to the blocking fp regen being something like what, 2/s? or whatever
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Internal Beta Team
1) Snipers being locked into first person (and/or having accuracy require being stationary for some amount of time)
1) I'd actually still play it tbh. Ruptor has to stand still for 2 seconds to get its full damage whereas Proj can pop out and shoot a 150 base damage high velocity shot.

I don't think forcing first person on snipers is a good solution, you might as well just take the super realistic approach and force first person on everyone if you go that route. Requiring proj be stationary for a period before firing to be accurate just turns it into a miniature ruptor.

I'd rather see proj's damage reduced so it's only lethal to most classes with a headshot. As it is right now, chest shots kills everything except full armor ARC, full armor BH, and wook (SBD and deka obviously as well). The full armor ARC and full armor BH just BARELY survive. If you decrease proj's damage so it's less lethal except on headshots, I think it would be fair to remove the delay between scoping and firing. Allowing quickscoping like that would be okay because headshots are required for an instakill. This would reward better aim with proj and prevent people from just firing off tons of shots down a long hallway until they score a lucky/easy kill with a chest shot. This also makes proj a middle ground in terms of mobility and damage output between ruptor and EE3/M5.
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