Noob-friendly Clans??

Hello me, it's me again.

So, I think I'm starting to reach a point (in duels, at least) where I'm hitting that seemingly unbridgeable gap between the players that can't swing block, and the guys that mblock and kill me in a few swings. I was wondering, since I've seen some mentoring going on in random places (though mostly the CB server) if there were any clans (academies? I dunno the term here) who are open to taking in a flawed, opinionated player with a desire to learn. I'm open to whatever stances and styles they suggest, though I started learning with cyan and everything else seems so slow, and promise to not follow the path to the dark side.

Unless they're sith, in which case I will embrace every ounce of ragequit in my body, minus the quit.

Also, as a sidenote: how do you guys change the color of your name? Nobody wants to give the secret in game.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
how do you guys change the color of your name?
Haha. I would've given away the secret in an instant if asked, but it's funny to hear that other people are so difficult. Coloring text (including names) is like this:
^0This text is black.
^1This text is red.
^2This text is green.
^3This text is yellow.
^4This text is blue.
^5This text is cyan.
^6This text is magenta.
^7This text is white.
^8This text is orange in OpenJK engine and probably black in JAMP engine.
^9This text is gray on OpenJK and probably black in JAMP.
So the text in my signature would be written in-game as ^1''^0Stay sharp^1,"

(I wonder if I remembered all those color numbers correctly, finally.)

As for good clans: Worth noting that there are NA and EU clans, and there are some pretty obnoxious/noxious NA clans. Good NA clans are... uh... CB, I guess. I'm really not sure.
I know CB is very new player friendly. From what I've heard they'll even help you practice and a lot of the guys are willing to train.
Coloring text (including names) is like this:
Alright, thanks a lot. Yeah, most of the time people just get silent, or use some random, shit rp quote to wave it off so they can get back to laming.

I know CB is very new player friendly
I figured they would probably be my first destination, as they're one of the few clans I've seen around. Do you know how I'd get into contact with them?
Alright, thanks a lot. Yeah, most of the time people just get silent, or use some random, shit rp quote to wave it off so they can get back to laming.

I figured they would probably be my first destination, as they're one of the few clans I've seen around. Do you know how I'd get into contact with them?
You can try to hit them up on the MB discord or find one of them in-game. I think they may also have their own webpage
You could always apply for TIN, not sure if I'm late though. We're mainly EU as is now but we have several NA members (including myself) and soon we may look into branching into the NA community. We offer training and often take in people who are new to the game as long as they're nice and interested in improving. You can PM me if you need, my discord is on my profile Info page.