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Slayed dreamer
Of all people complaining about font colors.
ahahahahhahahaahahahahhahaha :D:D:D

But on serious note, this new font sucks -- green on blue? Really? My eyes are bleeding :mad:

The funny thing is that it isn't first time when forums admins make changes those cause forums to be harder to read; pretty long time ago, default (black text on white background) XenForo style was disabled:
White theme not available
Though I found my way to use it, use it against all odds, so when I saw this thread for the first time I didn't even get what it's all 'bout.

For some reason, dark style doesn't bug me on a smartphone, only on PC, so I didn't bother to set up white style for my phone...
It's good that font is already gone, otherwise I would have to search for the way to fix font on my mobile device...((



Slayed dreamer

I know flux is a thing now but what the F**k man?
That shit can hurt your eyes, regardless how fucked your eyes already are.
lolwut? Seriously, are you telling me that light text on dark bk is better than dark on light?
C'mon, black font on white paper, this is how it's supposed to be.
For centuries man.
And all forum software I know about have a white style as default style, Wikipedia uses same color scheme, etc etc...


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
in Teef's defense (oh wow Teef is back? Been a while.), in Teef's defense, in Teef's defense, black font on white paper is usually read in some lighting that's not HOTTER THAN THE SUN, whereas screens are, by their nature, very very bright.

Yes, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc all have a white background, so it's clearly not really a problem, especially since Flux exists.

But it doesn't make it false that white-text-on-black is kinda easier on the eyes. Like seeing lights in the distance at night! And all those predominantly-white websites I listed above ARE hard on the eyes if you bring them up late at night in a dark room without Flux on. :p


Slayed dreamer
black font on white paper is usually read in some lighting that's not HOTTER THAN THE SUN, whereas screens are, by their nature, very very bright.
okay then, but...
Yes, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc all have a white background
...aaaaaand many more: Yandex, vk, Twitter, Reddit, Stack Overflow, GitHub, AliExpress, Amazon...

The only sites those does use inverted colors I can remember about without any hints are PornHub, Motherless and
I listed above ARE hard on the eyes
Really? Is it a real problem that real people experience?
late at night in a dark room
I rarely use a computer in a dark room, usually a lamp is on.
flux is a thing
Flux exists
without Flux on
At this point I was forced to google to find out wtf f.lux is :eek:

Anyway, I guess my monitor just isn't that bright
And my phone's screen is, that's why I'm ok with black theme on it
in Teef's defense (oh wow Teef is back? Been a while.), in Teef's defense, in Teef's defense, black font on white paper is usually read in some lighting that's not HOTTER THAN THE SUN, whereas screens are, by their nature, very very bright.

Yes, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc all have a white background, so it's clearly not really a problem, especially since Flux exists.

But it doesn't make it false that white-text-on-black is kinda easier on the eyes. Like seeing lights in the distance at night! And all those predominantly-white websites I listed above ARE hard on the eyes if you bring them up late at night in a dark room without Flux on. :p
I just casually browse now.
I am too pissed off to have fun with the game anymore.

My problems are more with people and can't really be solved on a fourm discussion.
Thank you for thinking of me though.

Anyway, I guess my monitor just isn't that bright
And my phone's screen is, that's why I'm ok with black theme on it
Once upon a time ago there was a thing called a CRT monitor.
CRT's are not supposed to be looked at closely, and desks in job settings or just desks in general had little space from your face to the monitor. People were completely oblivious to the health risks that crt monitors do to eye sight. Not to mention when you are a kid, you tend to ignore everyone that gives you health advice and do it anyway.

So the point im getting as is that there are a generation of people who have a small case of light sensitivity because of dumb choices they did as kids. I am one of those people, because I was too fucking retarded and poor to get a real desk and understand you are not supposed to be under a foot away from a CRT monitor and keep a healthy distance of atleast 2 to 3 feet.

White webpages to people who have light sensitivity issues, physically hurt our eyes and make it hard to read. The reason it doesnt matter so much on phones or paper because its fucking paper its not emitting an electronic signal to your eyes, and phone screens are not strong enough compared to computer monitors to cause eye strain.

Flux is designed to ease the brightness of the computer screens by adjusting dimness to time zones and time in general to your area.
Here is a Wikipedia that I don't recommend reading unless you are a medical nerd.
Adaptation (eye) - Wikipedia
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Slayed dreamer
Once upon a time ago there was a thing called a CRT monitor.
Tell me about it, I had that thing once, though I moved to LCD more than a decade ago.
And before that I used CRT TV for a game consoles, Nintendo ES (it was called "Dendy" in Russia) and Sega MD (Sega Genesis in US)... Yeah, those days I was really addicted to video games, could play all day (week, month...) long :oops:
White webpages to people who have light sensitivity issues, physically hurt our eyes and make it hard to read. The reason it doesnt matter so much on phones or paper because its fucking paper its not emitting an electronic signal to your eyes, and phone screens are not strong enough compared to computer monitors to cause eye strain.
I think you kinda overestimate those light sensitivity issues
Since most sites, as I and @lessen already pointed out, do use white theme and not black one, I believe black text on white background is something that most people find more comfortable for themselves -- but all of them can't have light sensitivity issues you're talking about, can they?
Thank you for thinking of me though.
I have to admit that I miss you on forums, while I may not agree with everything you say, almost each your post is something worth to read, interesting/entertaining :)
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Death to all eyeballs.

I think you kinda overestimate those light sensitivity issues
Since most sites, as I and @lessen already pointed out, do use white theme and not black one, I believe black text on white background is something that most people find more comfortable for themselves -- but all of them can't have light sensitivity issues you're talking about, can they?
There is more than there should be and whats a problem for me that the number isn't documented.
The light sensitivity issues is much more common among people who need to wear glasses or contacts vs people who wear them but suffer no sensitivity.

I have to admit that I miss you on forums, while I may not agree with everything you say, almost each your post is something worth to read, interesting/entertaining :)



Not a car!
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Happy April 1? It was supposed to match the ingame font, but I was pointed towards the wrong font, so the joke was lost. :'( Sorry if I imposed actual physical harm on anyone.
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