Nerf Force Sense ?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Okay since the popularity of the previous poll went off the charts, let me ask another question. If sense is not to be removed from open mode, then should it be nerfed ? Good ideas for that have been hanging around lately:
1) Make sense only show enemies who present a danger or aren't stealthy, i.e. are shooting/attacking or not walking or using some ability such as jetpack, for example.
2) Make sense only show a transparent warning sign on the radar, thus not showing precise enemy locations but only the fact that there are enemies nearby. Possibly with different warning sign sizes to represent whether they are closeby or far away.
3) Possibly have both of the above effects together, while at the same time making sense a passive ability that is on at all times.

These are just examples, the point is to nerf sense so as to allow some stealthiness around it, and so that it only gives the "danger" warning from the Force that jedi get in movies, instead of very precise locations like it's some high-tech radar.


For competitive, you could make it part of the match rules not to use it.
Limiting the use of X ability because Y was upset that X was able to do Z and make Y made because he couldn't do it.

In short, nobody fucking cares, nerfing something that doesn't deserve is stupid and pointless because it devalues it's usefulness because BOTH teams can have it and take advantage instead of one side being allowed to take advantage. Don't do it.
I think the only thing that should be done to Sense is reduce its range considerably. As it is right now, you can literally see the whole map with it. Reducing its range would give a choice to the "sensed" to keep a distance from the saberist in order not to be revealed. It would also add a valuable defensive strategic aspect against it. I also don't understand why Sense 3 has dodge, because saberists already have a nearly impenetrable defense against gun fire, and giving them dodge is just stacking skills and overpowering Sense.


@RG4 Also agree, both sides get access to it. As much as I hate lynt for using it but MT SPEED SABER ATT no DEF is viable and annoying to deal with but easily countered by going sith and/or sbd yourself.

The post neglects to mention the affect on player base.
Generic jedis everywhere and if they can't play their favourite spammable nerd might as well uninstall and go play the new KOTF mod release with CIS lmfao. Mod already lacks old tier pros, least we have generic players who can potentially get good and/or make it feel alive.
As I think i've said in one of my posts, just make sense use 5 fp every 2-3 seconds. Then when meditating use 5 fp every 4-5 seconds. Keep the 20 fp cost whenever you use it.
It wouldn't be much of a deal but it would stop from spamming sense or having it for 2 minutes straight.