MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released


V1.7.0.1A V1.7.0.2 Update

  • Fix: Addressed issue where selected points were not being fully applied to classes.
  • Fix: Player model RGB color should now be preserved during private duels.

  • Fix: Bastilla holds lightsabers correctly again.

  • Change / Fix: mb2_deathstar
    • Fixed attacker spawn move logic so it cannot revert to detention.
    • Attacker spawn change triggers are now much closer to Falcon hangar.
    • Made it harder to fall outside new tube lift.
    • Gantry lift in Falcon hangar extends slightly higher to accommodate SBDs.
    • Fixed some minor visual issues and optimized a few things.
  • Fix: mb2_echobase
    • Adjusted Falcon clipping to block a spot players could fall inside.

  • Change: Added a dozen color presets back to character model menu (shared by all RGB models).
  • Fix: Restored saber color number entry to hilt menus.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
Hey! seeing as there was added clone wars variants of Anakin and Obi Wan, would there be a chance of having the clone wars version of the other jedis added too? the person who made the kit fisto pack, Tompa, has a robed and clone wars variant of him, and he has the other jedi packs too. would be cool to see, if this is hard to do id understand, just a suggestion for a future update 🤷‍♂️

Hey! seeing as there was added clone wars variants of Anakin and Obi Wan, would there be a chance of having the clone wars version of the other jedis added too? the person who made the kit fisto pack, Tompa, has a robed and clone wars variant of him, and he has the other jedi packs too. would be cool to see, if this is hard to do id understand, just a suggestion for a future update 🤷‍♂️

I dislike the class but the models are fresh af.
Hey! seeing as there was added clone wars variants of Anakin and Obi Wan, would there be a chance of having the clone wars version of the other jedis added too? the person who made the kit fisto pack, Tompa, has a robed and clone wars variant of him, and he has the other jedi packs too. would be cool to see, if this is hard to do id understand, just a suggestion for a future update 🤷‍♂️

I am pretty sure that robed kit fisto is in the duel_office FA. Either way all those models look sick, would be cool to see some of those variations inside the game.
I am pretty sure that robed kit fisto is in the duel_office FA. Either way all those models look sick, would be cool to see some of those variations inside the game.
oh wow, so its already in the game, i think thats the same with quite a few jedi, Yoda is in a FA too, right?
I picked that phrasing specifically because there are no guarantees on anything being released until it is released. And a month or two for something that is not a fix (current behavior is not a bug and usability is not reduced compared to prior releases) is hardly a problem.

Personally I think it could be left as is and it would be fine. You deciding to ignore facts does not make the situation any different, no matter how much it is repeated. The number of people that can't count to 7 is astonishing though. Do I need to make a comparison video, or would you just ignore that too?

You know I'm starting to realize why the devs are getting so much hate nowadays. I've been gone for a while so I didn't really believe it. It mainly seems to be because you all aren't really listening to your community and just getting overly defensive over small changes. And the funny thing is, this change is so minuscule barely anyone would notice it except the ones keep tracking of whats happening here on the forums.

If it is true that the UI is now less clicks than the previous UI, wouldn't what I suggested be even less clicks than it is now? Play > Class > build presets > done. We have 10 seconds to setup between each round to either change class, teams or presets.

Mace literally posted the code for the change which would also indicate how long it would take to switch them. 3 lines in a different order than it is now. Why go out of your way to create more work for yourself creating additional options that no one asked for instead of simply making it so people can setup faster? I truly don't understand where the heartburn is here. I'm giving you feedback on how to make your current UI faster than it is now. In the time that you all spent replying to me giving excuses on why you haven't or don't want to change it yet, it could have been updated.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Its not 3 lines of code. Its a minimum of 84. 3 lines x 4 files x 7 items per file. Plus lines you may have to adjust in the menu opening lines and then testing to make sure you didnt miss stuff in each menu config etc.

How do you also know people prefer the way you prefer? I havenmy default builds properly setup so I don't ever have to access the point template menu on initial spawn. So I would prefer the model being shown first. If I need to adjust build or switch classes I hit class config which shows the template stuff instead. Instead of making these assumptions and assertions please take more than 2 seconds to think about what you're saying.

Like how can you say we arent listening when I said I will do it but not right now cause of a wedding and not having my pc and a place or time to test things. Thats literally listening. Don't be dense.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
You know I'm starting to realize why the devs are getting so much hate nowadays. I've been gone for a while so I didn't really believe it. It mainly seems to be because you all aren't really listening to your community and just getting overly defensive over small changes. And the funny thing is, this change is so minuscule barely anyone would notice it except the ones keep tracking of whats happening here on the forums.

If it is true that the UI is now less clicks than the previous UI, wouldn't what I suggested be even less clicks than it is now? Play > Class > build presets > done. We have 10 seconds to setup between each round to either change class, teams or presets.
Excuse me? You're accusing us of not listening when you won't even acknowledge facts that were pointed out repeatedly? Here it is is again: Worst case there are the same number of clicks as before, best case fewer. Again I must ask you: If I made a video showing 1.6.2 and 1.7 join UI side by side, would you even care? At this point it doesn't really seem to be about evidence so much as your feeling that the new UI is worse, without even giving it a chance.

And after it was already said it would be looked at changing in a future release (but that's not good enough because it wasn't phrased as a 100% guaranteed promise that would be done immediately)?

We're not listening and are unreasonable though. Right.
Alright I'm done with this thread. Clearly I'm just some misguided mb2 vet that didn't bother talking to the people on currently the most populated mb2 server on a daily basis and clearly once the devs have tested it, who cares what the rest of the community has to say after the fact. What a waste of time. I'm out.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
So if enough people complain about something that is not factually correct, the facts must now conform to opinion?

I guess I'll be making that video anyway, but only for the people who might actually be open to looking at things objectively.


Movie Battles II Team
How this just unfolded:

"Can you change a thing?"

"Sure. Busy atm gimme a sec."

"Unbelievable. You never listen to me."

"What no I said I'll do it gimme a sec."

"I'm out. Enjoy being alone asshole."


Even better when it comes from people who don't even play the game anymore -_-


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I appreciate knowing the exact damage specifics with each loadout but as one keen user pointed out any change to the UI that increases the number of clicks you need to perform a task is not an improvement and in fact is a hindrance.
It would be if you didn't split the menu up for no reason thereby adding an extra click anyway for most actions. Changing your class in game is still an extra click because the model menu is what gets brought up whenever you select a new one.
Additionally, some of the devs keep responding with "It's fewer clicks" and "you just need to get used to it" in both these forums and in some of the discords. But, it's clearly not since when using the previous UI, it did take you straight to your build presets.



Movie Battles II Team
don't care about this argument, is there any way to get the old class selection UI back?

No it's been redesigned for changes and additions going forward in the future the old design couldn't support.
You know I'm starting to realize why the devs are getting so much hate nowadays. I've been gone for a while so I didn't really believe it. It mainly seems to be because you all aren't really listening to your community and just getting overly defensive over small changes. And the funny thing is, this change is so minuscule barely anyone would notice it except the ones keep tracking of whats happening here on the forums.

If it is true that the UI is now less clicks than the previous UI, wouldn't what I suggested be even less clicks than it is now? Play > Class > build presets > done. We have 10 seconds to setup between each round to either change class, teams or presets.

Mace literally posted the code for the change which would also indicate how long it would take to switch them. 3 lines in a different order than it is now. Why go out of your way to create more work for yourself creating additional options that no one asked for instead of simply making it so people can setup faster? I truly don't understand where the heartburn is here. I'm giving you feedback on how to make your current UI faster than it is now. In the time that you all spent replying to me giving excuses on why you haven't or don't want to change it yet, it could have been updated.

These are the same, tired, old accusations that people have made against the devs since the beginning.
And with the same problems of selective listening.

Granted, sometimes it's true, especially in regards to the saber system, but overall, nertz to you.

Let me say it. You're fucking ingrates. This mod is how old? You should be crying on the ground and licking the boots clean from the people that continue to provide you updates and content and fixes.

I hate entitled behavior. Doesn't matter the source. Vet? Noob? Dev? I'll grind my foot on top of your face.

At the very least, be self-aware and honest about what you want, what they're saying and acknowledge that maybe, you're not quite right, even if you're somewhat wrong:)

Whose acting like a dick? You are.
As far as I'm concerned, in this thread, the devs are dickless! Dickless, I say!!
After looking at the comparison video I think the reason it feels 'slower' is because v1.6 had all the class options on the right side of the screen (until the detailed point selection screen), so less mouse movement and 'quicker' selection. v1.7 makes you go a bit 'back and forth' as you click on class, then model, then points, then okay