Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released


  • General
    • Change: ARC/Clone pistols no longer have a damage decrease of 2 per bounce after 3 bounces. Standardized to a reduction of 2 per bounce.
    • Change: Removed visual collision FX for projectiles on enemies when they weren't actually colliding.
    • Change: Shooting a swingblocking saberist at close range no longer allows for them to counter attack off of the swing.
    • Change: Speed lunge now has a short delay before being able to start an attack.
    • Fix: Spin now properly gives/takes EE3.
    • Fix: Outlier circumstance where sabers can cause deflect/FP draining logic when in a saberist's hand should no longer happen.
    • Fix: Shots passing through saberists or otherwise not triggering impact collision.
    • Knockback
      • Change: Lowered headshot knockback by 30%.
      • Fix: Not inputting any movement should no longer give drastically different knockback effectiveness.
    • Force Drains
      • Change: Multiplier for being shot in the air increased from 1.4x to 1.5x.
      • Change: Multiplier for being shot while swingblocking no longer applies when in the return phase of the swing.
    • Change: Pulses and Ions now have shock duration drop-off based on how close the splash hits.
  • Anti Team Kill system
    • Fix: Reduced map size based start of round timer by 20%.
    • Fix: Telefrags no longer count as team kills.
    • Fix: Someone dying to continual burning after they're no longer attributing TK points to the original attacker no longer counts as a team kill for the original attacker.
  • ARC:
    • Change: M5 Sniper rate of fire increased from 750 to 650.
    • Fix: M5 Sniper rate of fire will not override primary fire and cause a delay when swapping from scope.
  • SBD:
    • Change: Health increased from 100/125/150/200 to 110/135/160/230.
    • Change: Cortosis
      • Total damage on 1st swing increased from 20% to 30%.
      • Total damage on 2nd swing increased from 40% to 60%.
  • Change: mb2_enclave
    • Changed hill direction map-wide so that the top of the hill is more in the center of the map, rather than by the objective.
    • Added some small cover in the objective are
    • Added some cover when exiting to the outdoor area on rebel side
    • Various map-wide changes as a result of changing map heights to cover up areas clipping into each other.
    • Reb spawn moves to council room after rebs get in obj area.
  • New: Baylan Skoll & Shin Hati Hilts
  • Change/ Fix: Added jetpack rocket mesh to Mando class Imperial Commandos.


Villains changelog
  • New class: Stormtrooper Commander
  • New class: Snoova
  • New class: Calo Nord
  • Change: Minor gameplay tweaks
    • Flametrooper
      • Damage given increased by 10% (110%)
      • Speed increased by 0.02 (1.08)
    • Kowakian Monkey-Lizard:
      • Health reduced by 5 (125)
    • Wat Tambor:
      • E-5 ammo increased by 40 (560)
    • Imperial Commando:
      • F-11D Blaster Rifle ammo increased by 100 (700)
    • Sith Assassin:
      • BPmultiplier reduced by 10 (100%)
    • Shadowtrooper:
      • Flipkick reduced by 1 (1)
      • Sniper rifle fpmult increased by 0.1 (1.1)
      • Sniper rifle ammo increased by 2 (12)
    • Magna Guard
      • Reduced jump to level 2
Heroes changelog:
  • New class: Rebel Scout
  • New class: Rebel Elite Trooper
  • New class: Carth Onasi
  • New class: Senate Guard
  • Change: Minor gameplay tweaks
    • Resistance Pilot:
      • EL-16HFE ammo increased by 100 (700)
    • Ewok
      • Health reduced by 30 (120)
    • Jedi Acrobat:
      • BPmultiplier reduced by 10 (100%)
    • Infiltrator:
      • Flipkick reduced by 2 (1)
      • Valken-38x fpmult increased by 0.1 (1.1)
      • Valken-38x ammo increased by 2 (12)
    • Jedi Sage
      • Decreased Saber Defense to level 1
  • FA
    • Change: Kotor melee weapons (Short Sword, long sword, Vibroblade, Vibrosword, Vibrostaff)
      • These saber models can be 'deactivated', allowing them to be weilded whilst using force speed and mindtrick.
    • Change: mb2_kamino
      • Clone Commando:
        • Increased Ammunition
      • Anakin:
        • Fix Double saber damage should now be working
        • increased saber attack speed to 1.1 (previously 1.05)
    • Change: mb2_jeditemple
      • Clone Trooper:
        • DC-15S Blaster should shoot 25% faster, drain 20% more FP, but deal 15% less damage.
      • Clone Aerial:
        • increased respawns by 1 (2)
        • Reduced armor by 40 (40)
      • Clone Defender:
        • increased respawns by 1 (3)
      • Clone Heavy trooper
        • increased respawns by 1 (2)
      • Clone Sniper
        • increased respawns by 1 (2)
      • Shaak Ti
        • Gave default jedi speed and removed blue stance
    • Change: mb2_manaan
      • Minor adjustments to HP/Armor in cases not listed below based on quality/quantity tradeoffs.
      • FA Classes that have melee weapons should move comparatively faster when wielding them to make charging enemies more viable.
      • Sith Sentinel Droid
        • Changed HP/Armor to 20/60
        • Armor no longer regenerates
        • Gave standard SBD movement speed
      • Sith Captain
        • Fix Main blaster weapon should align with intended description.
        • Fix Personal shield should align with intended description
      • Sith Diplomat
        • Fix Personal shield should align with intended description
      • Sith Heavy Trooper
        • Fix rate of fire should match description
      • Mercenary Sharpshooter
        • Increased Armor/HP to 100/100
        • Gave Stamina 3 and Dexterity 3
      • Mercenary Gunslinger
        • Increased Armor/HP to 100/80
        • increased pistol ammunition to 1600
    • Change: mb2_cmp_telos
      • FA Classes that have melee weapons should move comparatively faster when wielding them to make charging enemies more viable.
      • Sith Assassin
        • player slot count limited to 2 (previously 4)
        • HP/Armor reduced to 70/20
        • Speed reduced by 4%
        • AP/BP multipliers set to 1
        • Force sense set to level 1
        • Dash increased to level 2
      • Mandalore
        • Reduced Armor to 115, Gave Beskar 3
      • Kelborn
        • Gave Beskar 2
      • Mandalorian Soldier
        • Gave Beskar 1
    • Change: mb2_cmp_narshaddaa
      • FA Classes that have melee weapons should move comparatively faster when wielding them to make charging enemies more viable.
      • Zez Kai El
        • Fix: Lightsaber model should no longer be missing
      • Twin Suns
        • HP/Armor reduced to 110/20
        • Shield recharge level set to 1 (previously 2)
        • Movement Speed set to 1.15 (previously 1.2)
    • Change: mb2_cmp_onderon
      • Balance tweaks to KOTOR characters and sabers
      • FA Classes that have melee weapons should move comparatively faster when wielding them to make charging enemies more viable.

  • Change: mb2_cmp_Endor
    • Fixed imp respawns not properly firing
    • Fixed various clipping and performance issues on the map
  • Change: mb2_cmp_FDepot
    • Fixed missing light model
    • Minor adjustments to cover and textures
  • Change: uM_Spice
    • Adjusted side route with more access points and cover towards middle area
Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
Everyone talking about speed lunge and not the SBD/cortosis nerf, yet another anti-jedi tool nerfed to the ground. It's really about time imps got a blob like knockdown tool for gunners to match clones.
I'm glad you have come up with a stop-gap solution for the particularly nasty speed lunge interaction that resulted in an unfair death. Little steps in the right direction to restore gun-saber balance.

I'm certain the community's feedback of telling you how to do your (unpaid) job, that you don't care for them, and that you pander to a particular community will motivate you to readdress speed lunge in the very near future! Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Reading a message like this with such an arrogant tone just strengthens many of us who legitimately criticise the way the current developers are handling the modifications of gameplay in this community.
You actually point up the problem very well. People like you believe that having the power of guarding the monopoly of the mod gives full legitimacy to do whatever with it as if it was a toy played by children (to destroy, to neglect, to ignore).
Don't forget the community is what holds the game and balance (between scrimmers and casual players) must be kept in order to keep a decent flow of players.

By the way, up to the point. I never noticed as a problem speedlunge, nadejump, etcétera, and I am usually a serious player who plays both Jedi and gunner. Who the fuck is complaning about this shit to be modified? It makes clearer that the community is driven by a small set of people with strongly characterised traits.


Internal Beta Team
Reading a message like this with such an arrogant tone just strengthens many of us who legitimately criticise the way the current developers are handling the modifications of gameplay in this community.
You actually point up the problem very well. People like you believe that having the power of guarding the monopoly of the mod gives full legitimacy to do whatever with it as if it was a toy played by children (to destroy, to neglect, to ignore).
Don't forget the community is what holds the game and balance (between scrimmers and casual players) must be kept in order to keep a decent flow of players.

By the way, up to the point. I never noticed as a problem speedlunge, nadejump, etcétera, and I am usually a serious player who plays both Jedi and gunner. Who the fuck is complaning about this shit to be modified? It makes clearer that the community is driven by a small set of people with strongly characterised traits.
Beautifully said