Mos Eisley Map


What happened to the Mos Eisley map that was put out on beta like 4 years ago?
It was open to all servers during a patch, it was a really great map to play on. Was it just scrapped altogether?
If you guys still have the map file, could you please link it on the forums. I'd like to add it to our server to play on.

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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
It was never intended to go public. That was an accident on our end.

Might see it in the future, but needs someone to take the time to finish it up.


Do you reckon you could send the unfinished version to me in a PM or something. Very keen to play it. Would be much appreciated.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I don't think so no. Not really comfortable with giving out something unfinished for several reasons. I especially don't think it is respectful to those who slaved over on the map having it released unfinished.

I can try to bump it up in priority to get it finished, but cant guarantee anything.
So those that slaved over the map would rather no one ever get to play it? Save for the time it was accidentally in a release. I asked about this also on several occasions. Not for the file but if the map would get finished, this was at least 4 years ago. I feel as if you look at things like MB2's lifespan is infinite. There has surely been a decline in activity and that will only continue. Who knows maybe 5 years from now there will still be people playing. Do I think so? No but it would be great if that ended up being the case.

Anyway, my point is - I'd love nothing more than to see a finished version of Mos Eisley but I think after this many years it's safe to say it won't be happening anytime soon, if at all. So, back to my first question, those you said slaved over the map would rather see it not used at all? Yes it's not finished enough for official use but it was damn near close when I played and I don't see the harm in giving out the download for it. You said you have several reasons but I'm sure they are about as legitimate as your reasons regarding classic DOTF.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
So those that slaved over the map would rather no one ever get to play it? Save for the time it was accidentally in a release. I asked about this also on several occasions. Not for the file but if the map would get finished, this was at least 4 years ago. I feel as if you look at things like MB2's lifespan is infinite. There has surely been a decline in activity and that will only continue. Who knows maybe 5 years from now there will still be people playing. Do I think so? No but it would be great if that ended up being the case.

Anyway, my point is - I'd love nothing more than to see a finished version of Mos Eisley but I think after this many years it's safe to say it won't be happening anytime soon, if at all. So, back to my first question, those you said slaved over the map would rather see it not used at all? Yes it's not finished enough for official use but it was damn near close when I played and I don't see the harm in giving out the download for it. You said you have several reasons but I'm sure they are about as legitimate as your reasons regarding classic DOTF.
I'm pretty sure that as long as Mace remains active as a mb2 team member, no mapping project on the scale of an official map should be considered lost or delayed indefinitely.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
If the people working on the map were that worried, they would have finished it up themselves. Not left it for someone else to finish.

I also gave you a legitimate reason, in that I think it is disrespectful to the original authors to release it in the state that it is in. I am also not comfortable releasing something that has several parts of the routes nearing the objective that are completely devoid of things like cover. People in the community don't like maps that are sniper friendly, or are hard to attack. Well...... thats kinda what happens when the attacking side has minimal cover on a few of the routes.

That map also had some massive bugs that took us a long time to fix. Like, after the person working on it abandoned it and I tried to compile it and work on it there was this big and completely invisible collision line going down the entire map (couldnt see it in the editor, or in the game, and traditional methods to detect/remove that failed.) that basically split the thing in half vertically. It took quite a while to fix that one, and I am not confident that there isn't any problems that aren't immediately visible.

I'm pretty sure that as long as Mace remains active as a mb2 team member, no mapping project on the scale of an official map should be considered lost or delayed indefinitely.

Pretty much. I would like to finish every project ever started. Motivation, and time is the main issue. There is so much I have to do from helping finish the ui, to tutorials, to dotf, to model optimizations, etc. Encourage me to keep working on things (especially thinks you want), and you might see more progress. Taking every opportunity to bash me for a single choice/decision is not going to get you anywhere.

Some things take priority towards being finished over others. CC was waiting longer than mos eisley, dotfv2 was waiting longer than mos eisley. Gotta get things done that have been waiting.


If no ones currently working on it hand it over to me, i'll work on it. Trust.
If the people working on the map were that worried, they would have finished it up themselves. Not left it for someone else to finish.
You were the one who originally brought up the people who worked on the map. "If they were that worried" why would they care if you gave it out for download? That logic works both ways. As far as the game play reasons you're giving, they would be valid if he were asking for some kind of official release of the map but that's not what was asked. Either way, you essentially missed my point entirely. MovieBattles won't be here forever. A few more years give or take at best. If you are truly being honest with yourself, do you (or anyone else on the dev team) think you're going to finish the map in time for there to still be population to play it?

Your reasoning is as if we are in the prime of MBII. What harm is really being done by giving out a download to those that ask? Why not allow those of us that are still around to enjoy the small things? Such as a promising map that is near-complete with a few bugs here and there, for NON official use. It would be the same as using any other non official map out there and hosting it on a server. Realistically, the map won't ever be completely finished. All that "slaving" you claimed people did on the map would therefore have been a complete waste. You're willing to let all the work go to waste based on what is in your mind the slight chance of it ever getting finished, after this many years, rather than giving the map out as a download in it's current state. Even though it would get some use out of it, regardless of being incomplete.

You look for encouragement but at this point, I see no reason to try and encourage you to do anything, Mace. You are unbelievably stubborn and I don't think any amount of encouragement would change your reasoning toward anything.

And Dwarf - I'm sure there's a download for the version of MBII containing Mos Eisley out there. Someone has an archive with a good amount of old versions for download but I don't remember who. There's also ModDB. I'm not sure exactly which build came with Mos Eisley but go back 4 years or so and it's around then. Might as well try and get it like that since they seem to think this game is going to last forever.
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Ahh yeah, might have to poke around for an archive or something.
If i remember right, it was around 2013/2014 back when we had Divine up and running. We had full population on the server with the Mos Eisley map on rotation.
I was poking through my screenshots folder and saw some of it.
Any idea on what build it was?
Yeah some time around then. The glory days. I think it might've been V1 or something I'm not sure. I'm downloading it now going to see if Mos Eisley is in there.

Downloads - Movie Battles II mod for Star Wars: Jedi Academy

Not in there. Going to check a few others when I can but I would ask around for that archive I was talking about or hope someone who knows what I'm talking about sees this - if it still exists, it did not too long ago. Took about an hour to download 2.5 GB from ModDB with 400+ Mbps speed, download was averaging around 650 KB/s so checking through the builds on there will take forever
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Apex, I released the .map file source, and the assets for an unfinished kashyyyk map years ago that was popular in beta and fully functioned. No one bothered to do anything with that, even when MB2 was in way more of its prime than today. Nor do you seem to care or mention about the other maps this happened to (as recently as 1.5 I believe). You didn't care about this topic then, and you don't truly now. You're just using this as a way to get at me as you usually have the past few months.

Saying things like "Realistically this map won't be finished" isn't realistic at all. Look at my track record of finishing maps even 9 years after they started. You don't know shit. You also don't even seem to care about my track record of finishing other peoples maps for them, rather than working on my own. Enclave was plasmas map before I finished it, death star was frosts map before I finished it, CC was immenors map before I finished it. You don't care about facts.

I am going back to getting shit done on my massive list of things to do. This has been on my to-do list for a long time but other things keep taking priority. It will get done whether it is me, frenzy, sno, or whoever has a chance.
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Another derailing response as usual. I'm not using this as a way to get at you you're just being unreasonable as you have been many times before, so I felt the need to say something. I for one loved the map even though it wasn't finished. As dwarf said above, we had a full server playing it on multiple occasions during the period the map was accidentally released. Those were some of the most fun times I've had on this game. Continue to try and tell me what I do and do not care about though. You deflect my questions that force you to face your illogical reasoning and instead come up with these types of responses. Every time.

Saying that is realistic given how much time this game roughly has left. We don't have years more to wait for the map to be finished. Why not get some use out of the "slaving" that was done, in chance that it does never get finished? I truly hope someone completes the map. I'd love nothing more. How many people would be around to play it by the time it got finished? Who knows. I've heard my share of "so and so" is going to work on "so and so" and hopefully said thing will be finished by said time, never to see anything happen. I hope to be proven wrong but I do believe realistically this map will never see a final version with enough population to play it.

Again, he was just asking for the map so he could play it with some friends because believe it or not he and many others enjoyed it, incomplete as it was. Didn't matter about the textures, bugs, lack of cover, or other little issues. The layout is nice and it is something different. I don't see the harm in giving him or anyone else the file. You're unreasonable and stubborn. Respond, or don't, I have said all there is to say. So please by all means, get shit done.
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>Hurry up, ban him Mace.
All offtopic things aside, such attitude isn't notorious for helping solve conflicts or convince people.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I was the last person working on the map. IIRC I got distracted with Echobase modifications, then other things, and just kinda left it. I have an uncommitted version that was in the middle of trying to flesh out the Cantina and adjust doors for dekas.

In any case, the map is not in a releasable state right now. It may be worked on in the future, it may not, but making a stink over not wanting to release other people's unfinished work is a poster child for entitled gamer syndrome. The mod dying argument is pretty facile too. The game has been stable at its current population level for several years, even with sabering mechanics drama. At this point the mod is undead. It would probably take a significant event like Microsoft dropping support for x86 / OpenGL (hah) or a new JK game with mod support getting released (we can dream...) to really kill the mod.


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
When it comes to APIs in Windows Microsoft doesn't really ever remove them, even their new ARM machines have x86 emulation. Backwards compatibility is typically second only to security. OpenGL is provided by your graphics card driver anyway rather than the OS (Well Windows provides one of OpenGL 1.4 I believe since Vista). It basically sits on top of DirectX because it gives a few advantages making use of COM under the hood.