Medics in Open mode?

I've been meaning to make this suggestion ages ago but I never got around to it or worded it correctly. Here goes!
Medics have been apart of Fully Authentic for ages and while I was playing a classic game of FA Jedi Temple I wondered: hey, what if Medics were a thing in Open mode? I got me to thinking about how it could be put in so it is both useful and not be over powered.

One of the ideas of course was to have a singular class on both sides for Medic. However, I dismissed the idea after awhile due to it not only being time consuming to make a class solely based for medics, but also to balance it with the already inputted classes.

My second idea was to add it to the commanders / ET's. Now, I'm not suggesting that the ET's be able to use it easily. A heavy price of specialization points would have to go into being able to heal people. Perhaps limit it such that you can't have reinforcement? or lessen it's points so that You can only have one weapon or grenade? Then I got to thinking; What about a self heal bacta add-on that would cost points if you went into the Medical specialization? There are numerous ways of having an medical specialization put into Open mode. However, it does come down to popularity and whether or not it will benefit MB2 overall. I leave that to you guys!

Just a couple of thoughts that have been mulling around in my head.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Medics will not be in open mode because they slow down gameplay. We don't want people going in hiding in corners just to heal. We want you to fight.
Or....ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....Now hear me out, man, just listen.

Remember those things from the base game in siege? Looked like garbage cans, stationary, made you want to pee on them just by being there.
The green one for armor, one in the wall(looked like a urinal) for health and the other ammo.

You, Mapper MaceCrusherMadunusus, could then place them at key locations on certain maps creating Dynamic Action Gameplay Scenarios!!

Of course these would be a limited resource. No infinite regeneration. Finite Regenerationes! Read it with a Mexican Accent you racist bastard!


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
I don't think these 'Dynamic Action Gameplay Scenarios' will do much in MB2. I mean look at objectives, they're just as big a novelty as force only and triple nade commanders.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Or....ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....Now hear me out, man, just listen.

Remember those things from the base game in siege? Looked like garbage cans, stationary, made you want to pee on them just by being there.
The green one for armor, one in the wall(looked like a urinal) for health and the other ammo.

You, Mapper MaceCrusherMadunusus, could then place them at key locations on certain maps creating Dynamic Action Gameplay Scenarios!!

Of course these would be a limited resource. No infinite regeneration. Finite Regenerationes! Read it with a Mexican Accent you racist bastard!

You realize you have to stop and stand still and use them right? therefore SLOWING DOWN GAMEPLAY.

(In the event this post isnt sarcasm cause I can never tell when you are serious)
Standing still, walking and humping corpses slows down gameplay as well, But without these things, what is life?

Simple solution. Make it instant. Like someone shooting up with a needle.
How do bacta tanks work anyhoot? They drink it or something. It makes no sense!

Which brings me to...Stims!!!!

Introducing stims that alter stats was suggested several times if I recall right. Poison's like the opposite. So...we need an anti-poison. Shoot the enemy with healing darts. I mean yourself. Shooting healing darts at enemies would be silly.


I also have a Final Solution to speed up gameplay. Makes camping obsolete. In fact, it's your own creation.
Enclave...Rain of Fire.

Increase the damage output and enable it on every map.
You just described foreplay. Except the last part. What's wrong with you? That ain't right.
One of those people that probably giggled when he watched 2 girls...1 cup.o_O


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Whaaa slowing down gameplay
Is that why you got rid of hugging, twirling your saber on, all the good shiz of mb2?
Hugging was removed because it contributed to a glitch, you know which one I'm talking about, and not because it slowed gameplay down.

And from what I've been told, you can still hug, but it can only be done standing still.
Medics or healing is dumb because it means there's a way for players to make up for mistakes that would otherwise have a penalty.
Someone putting their time into having a class that can make up for someone's mistake isn't a penalty for them or you. Because you chose it.

You might say something about hero's heal, but in most cases it only makes up for being shot in the leg or an arm, and in other times the heal will be outdamaged, unless it's melee.
What about Bacta Bombs or something for Commanders/Elite Troopers? Acts like a Grenade but it deploys a Healing mist and it instantly Heals the players in the area, and thus, the tiers would be
Tier 1: 15 Points - Instant Heal, 1 Bacta Bomb. Heals 25 HP
Tier 2: Another 15 Points - 5 Second over-time healing, 2 Bacta Bombs. Heals 25 HP, 5 HP every second
Tier 3: Yet another 15 Points - 7 Second Over-time Healing, 3 Bacta Bombs, Heals 30 HP, 7 HP Every Second.
It acts like a normal Frag Grenade (Alt) can be hit-on impact.

I have more ideas later on if you have questions.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
What about Bacta Bombs or something for Commanders/Elite Troopers? Acts like a Grenade but it deploys a Healing mist and it instantly Heals the players in the area, and thus, the tiers would be
Tier 1: 15 Points - Instant Heal, 1 Bacta Bomb. Heals 25 HP
Tier 2: Another 15 Points - 5 Second over-time healing, 2 Bacta Bombs. Heals 25 HP, 5 HP every second
Tier 3: Yet another 15 Points - 7 Second Over-time Healing, 3 Bacta Bombs, Heals 30 HP, 7 HP Every Second.
It acts like a normal Frag Grenade (Alt) can be hit-on impact.

I have more ideas later on if you have questions.

Again, still slowing down gameplay because now players can have more health, which means takes more to die. Therefore rounds last longer.
No need for any form of healing, really. Hero class shouldn't have it either but it doesn't do much and it's been around for years without a problem. Medic class of any kind, Jedi force heal, Sith drain, base health dispensers, or healing grenades, do not belong in MB2. Nero explained why just fine. I could see why people would want it, it could add a decent form of team play but really it will only slow down gameplay and promote a really passive way of playing. What if a team spammed medics? Continuously healing players essentially negating any damage taken from combat as long as they can retreat to a safe place and get healed. If you want a TF2 class we might as well talk about reintroducing the Spy class that was once considered. Either way, time wasting happens enough already medics/healing will only make it worse.


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
We can limit how much healing can be done all we want, but it isn't going to stop people from sitting back and refusing to move forward until they get topped off on health. It goes against the style of play we want for open mode, which should be dynamic and always moving.
As long as the classes have limited lives / rounds, so its possible to prevent the respawning of already dead playes with wasting time on purpose, the only heal type what should be used in MBII is the Bacta Canister item... it doesnt generate camping situation like Force Heal does, yet it doesnt generate unfair situations like Hero Heal does (if player is on 65HP, lvl2 heals the player to 75HP, while lvl3 heals up only to 66HP).

About the "problem" that it slows down the gameplay, well... every single defensing move slows down the gameplay, including Saber Defense (lol). Healing a bit (lets say 25 HP) doesnt make the rounds much longer, its a single use item, what makes you survive one or maybe two more shots, its nothing extreme.
But if it makes the game slower, why in most maps in Full Authentic mode, there are medics? And why do we even have a Medic voice? When it is useless.
I reckon most of the rounds would end in a timewin.....:p

Look I don't care if rounds are long or short but adding in medics in open mode, at this time, would be a balancing headache. I think other things need to ironed out first before adding more things in.


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
But if it makes the game slower, why in most maps in Full Authentic mode, there are medics? And why do we even have a Medic voice? When it is useless.
I also said that isn't what we want for open mode. I did specify that. :p


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
But if it makes the game slower, why in most maps in Full Authentic mode, there are medics? And why do we even have a Medic voice? When it is useless.

Most maps? You might want to check that. And its because we allow people the option, and they want to make their own full authentic. Why having a medic voice? Because its from base and people wanted to keep it for lulz or by indicating you have low health.