MB2 weapons.dat???

Hello admins,
please could you tell where can I find that weapons.dat file, where are listed all parametres of weapons like shot speed, shot effect, damage and more? I can´t see it anywhere :)
So these informations are only visible via some code program? It is weird. Other mods have normal weapons file.


Movie Battles II Team
I agree that we should spend some time to get these numbers put out there - the wiki will probably be the best place to centrally store this information.

I'll see what I can get done over the bank holiday weekend (hangovers permitted).
I agree that we should spend some time to get these numbers put out there - the wiki will probably be the best place to centrally store this information.

I'll see what I can get done over the bank holiday weekend (hangovers permitted).

Nice :) I just want to do my own personal small weapon mod for SP with effects and models from MB2. Similar to UltimateWeapons. So I´ve asked because this :)


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Managed to get a bit of this started: Weapons

I will get around to finishing the open mode weapons later this week.
Aaaaayyyyyy, cool. I'm still planning on helping with this in about a week when the semester's over, but it's really cool to see stuff like the accuracy ratings of weapons laid out there for the first time. Is there any further meaning to "1.2f" accuracy, or is it just kind of an arbitrary thing where further-from-1.0 = less-accurate?

edit: seeing projectile velocity numbers is also really cool. E-11's secondary fire doesn't have a velocity posted yet.

edit2: all the stuff you've done in the last five hours looks super cool and i'm excited about the future of MB2 given how much effort seems to be being put into making it more clear and accessible, with 1.4 and wiki updates and stuff. Will you put up data about damage multipliers for different body regions? And armor?
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Movie Battles II Team
Yeah I ripped the 1.0f and 1.2f stuff straight from the code, so its the spread calculations. I'll get a coder to verify and probably re-write it or rename the field to spread from accuracy.

all the stuff you've done in the last five hours looks super cool and i'm excited about the future of MB2 given how much effort seems to be being put into making it more clear and accessible, with 1.4 and wiki updates and stuff. Will you put up data about damage multipliers for different body regions? And armor?

Yeah there is no reason for this type of information to be hidden from public view and only known by people talking about it in-game.

For a rough overview (from memory).

Head: 3.5
Torso: 2.0
Arm: 1.5
Leg: 1.0

I'll make sure the exact figures are up on the wiki at some point. I still have to get Rate of Fire / Ammo Drain
(Per Shot) / Clip Sizes worked out correctly yet. And I'll need to add some fields for Splash damage on grenades and rockets.

I am watching Captain America tomorrow, but I'll try and get the rest of the weapons finished after that (and go over the ones I've already done and make sure everything is code-correct).

I might also do one of the classes so people can use it as a template for the rest of them.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
You are a good person. Your efforts will make me way more likely to show this game to my friends. It's hard to recommend a game when I can't give much guidance because I'm not entirely confident in the mechanics myself. And it's tedious to keep playing the game when I don't completely grasp what's going on and what my options are.
Great work :) , but I´ve thought it diferrently. In weapons.dat you have these lines:

weapontype WP_BRYAR_PISTOL
weaponclass weapon_bryar_pistol
weaponmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3
weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_briar
missileFuncName bryar_func
altmissileFuncName bryar_alt_func
ammotype 2
ammolowcount 15
energypershot 1
firetime 400
range 8192
altenergypershot 1
altfiretime 400
altrange 8192
muzzleEffect bryar/muzzle_flash
altmuzzleEffect bryar/altmuzzle_flash
altchargesound sound/weapons/bryar/altcharge.wav
altchargeforce fffx/weapons/bryar/altcharge
selectSound sound/weapons/bryar/select.wav
selectforce fffx/weapons/bryar/select

So I´ve wanted these informations mainly because of firetimes, ranges, muzzleefects, sounds, and models :) I haven´t found it in mb2 folders. Because without it, i cannot do proper weapon replacement for JKA :)

{Δ} Achilles

Getting shot in the chest is actually substantially more lethal than getting shot in the head. Much of your brain is not required for sustaining life, and center mass is the preferred choice for sharpshooters, as it provides lethality for a much easier-to-hit target. Not sure why headshots would be 3.5 times, and torso only 1.3 times. No wonder I felt like I was shooting other gunners for centuries in the torso to no avail, I should be pretending this is counter strike and keep my crosshair at eye-level at all times.
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Slayed dreamer
Getting shot in the chest is actually substantially more lethal than getting shot in the head. Much of your brain is not required for sustaining life
What? I really doubt about this, actual consequences of hitting torso should depends of where exactly bullet hit. In some cases it may be not lethal, allowing victim to make some shoots while laying on the ground, while getting shot to the head means instant death, or, at least, complete disability to take any part in further actions.

Though @BigBossBigTeef must know better anyway.
Though @BigBossBigTeef must know better anyway.

I know what better?
Are we talking about the video game or medically?

Video game wise, chest is always the best option when it comes to hardcore shooters because the hitbox is bigger, easier to see and focus on. Especially in games like Insurgency, Arma, or Red orchestra where people typically die very easily.

Headshots should only be considered if the body is obscured. When it comes to hardcore shooters, skill does play a role but spacial awareness, logic, and patience will beat twitchers most of the time. Because you can't always predict enemy positions, and hiding is the best way to play these type of games.

MB2 is a hardcore shooter but it uses an arcade esq health system, headshots are more ideal in MB2 because there are classes that can tank a few chest shots before dying and the game doesn't have the fighting game mechanic of staggering while getting hit. When your character gets punched, your character doesn't animate response blows. You keep the normal standing position until death.
This universal for all the classes, people don't animate to blows, they just suffer knock back.

One of the big problems that gunners face the melee force class is not just thier force powers, but that they don't animate blows. They can keep swinging while getting shot, the jedi can tank a blaster shot to the chest mid swing and keep the swing animation going.

In 1.4 they introduced the fighting game mechanic of staggers which they dub as flinching. Where if a gunner hits a jedi while he is swinging his saber. The jedi will stop the swing. However this only applies to the jedi/sith class. If flinching were applied universally, we would loose the arcade esq element which I think would be interesting. But would need testing to see if that would actually be fun.

Medically speaking, you can just google this kind of information.
What Are the Odds of Surviving a Gunshot Wound to the Head?
Only 5% survive gunshot wounds to head
Anatomy of the Brain | Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library

Theres science and papers behind everything with favor or opposing views. Honestly headshots have a lower chance of survival because replacing what was damaged is very minuscule compared to the body.

The body, most of the organs can be replaced via transplant surgeries.
This kind of discussion is a gateway to stim cell discussion and then devolves into ethics about such usage.
Stem Cell Basics: Introduction [Stem Cell Information]
Blood loss is the typical lead factor into people dying from any kind of gun shots.
You can google "exit wound" and then look into what caused the wound.
Gun shot related deaths also depend on what kind of ammo was used, and how fast first aid was applied.

From my personal experience in hospitals, headshots only seem to happen in children when it came to gang violence while adult victims typically suffer more stabbings, beatings, and chest shot injuries in comparison. There is probably a reason behind that but I haven't lived in the hood since I was like 10, and haven't really looked into it. I could guess why that is. Maybe it has something to do with children typically having big heads until their teens. Other than that I don't really want to google people getting shot, maybe for those interested in law enforcement would find this more interesting than a medical student. I know why people are killed, I don't want to know how.
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Slayed dreamer
Whatever, since I have nothing to do with a medicine, anybody who is related to sounds like a doctor to me. :p
Video game wise, chest is always the best option when it comes to hardcore shooters because the hitbox is bigger, easier to see and focus on. Especially in games like Insurgency, Arma, or Red orchestra where people typically die very easily.

Headshots should only be considered if the body is obscured. When it comes to hardcore shooters, skill does play a role but spacial awareness, logic, and patience will beat twitchers most of the time. Because you can't always predict enemy positions, and hiding is the best way to play these type of games.
I wasn't arguing with that, not even once.
Honestly headshots have a lower chance of survival because replacing what was damaged is very minuscule compared to the body.
Yep, this is exactly what I meant.

{Δ} Achilles

Referring to combat damage, something that would incapacitate or kill the person as quickly as possible. A chest shot is far more reliable than an attempted headshot. A shot to the lungs, or heart, even if it doesn't actually hit the organs themselves, the kinetic energy will tear the tissue, and kill the victim rather quickly. Whereas, headshots only instantly drop the victim if it is a shot that severs the occipital lobe, which snipers refer to as the 'deadly T', or the position at which a shot will penetrate the face, and destroy the spinal column/lobe/stem, whereas the victim loses all capability of moving, or utilizing any organs, and simply falls, waiting for the brain to die from internal bleeding/lack of oxygen. HOWEVER, that sort of shot is incredibly difficult, and it is far more reliable, again, to shoot the chest, which kills equally as well, if not more often.

Is getting a 7.62mm brain hemorrhage lethal? Possibly, or even probably. Is it lethal right away? Certainly not. I've had the opportunity to become friends with a police officer in my state who survived numerous 9mm rounds in her head from point blank (from her own weapon), and is still alive and functioning perfectly well to this day. There are especially many reports of soldiers fighting on for significant amounts of time with almost no frontal lobe, Romans used to even treat exposed/sliced brain with cobwebs.

So no, headshots are not god, and never have been. A shot to the throat, or chest, is significantly more dangerous, and more likely.

As far as MB2 goes, I'd prefer it to be less CS:GO arcade. Less strafey strafey snipey snipey. But hey, we all have our different taste, and need atleast 6 heroes/mandos per game.
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