Great work
, but I´ve thought it diferrently. In weapons.dat you have these lines:
weapontype WP_BRYAR_PISTOL
weaponclass weapon_bryar_pistol
weaponmodel models/weapons2/briar_pistol/briar_pistol.md3
weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_briar
missileFuncName bryar_func
altmissileFuncName bryar_alt_func
ammotype 2
ammolowcount 15
energypershot 1
firetime 400
range 8192
altenergypershot 1
altfiretime 400
altrange 8192
muzzleEffect bryar/muzzle_flash
altmuzzleEffect bryar/altmuzzle_flash
altchargesound sound/weapons/bryar/altcharge.wav
altchargeforce fffx/weapons/bryar/altcharge
selectSound sound/weapons/bryar/select.wav
selectforce fffx/weapons/bryar/select
So I´ve wanted these informations mainly because of firetimes, ranges, muzzleefects, sounds, and models
I haven´t found it in mb2 folders. Because without it, i cannot do proper weapon replacement for JKA