Mando EE-3 and Arc Westar M5


Internal Beta Team
This is an idea that's been brewing in my head for a while, but has recently become more prevalent with recent changes to the ee3. (Note: dual pistols will simply be referred to as mando/arc pistols and the arc rifle will be referred to as the westar m5)

The point I want to express today is that the ee3 and westar m5 are outclassed in certain aspects by their dual pistol counterparts, and need changes to match their supposed role for the class or their role in the game.


The ee3 is a pretty regular gun with a regular primary mode, a sniper secondary mode, and a scope. However, its one defining feature is that it is the only gun in all of open mode with bloom. Bloom is a mechanic where firing above a certain rate of fire causes random spread to be placed on your shots, and is exacerbated by holding or tapping the trigger for extended periods at high rates. In games where all guns have bloom, this is less of an issue, as each weapon is on an equitable playing field. However, in MB2, the ee3 is the only gun with bloom, putting it at a great disadvantage in certain scenarios, namely when prefiring, trying to land headshots, aiming at close quarters, and firing at long range, where an ee3 user must artificially gimp their dps in order to achieve the same accuracy as an e11, even if the ee3 user is standing still or crouching, whereas the e11 user can walk. This greatly limits the usability of the ee3 compared to mando pistols, which have perfect accuracy at all ranges and during any movements, and have a far higher accurate rate of fire than the ee3. This is why I believe the people who will reply to this with "just revert ee3 sniper damage" are not entirely correct: It's not about the sniper damage, although that would somewhat balance the ee3 with the pistols, but it's about rewarding good tracking and aim. The fact that a clone rifle 3 user can stand still and spit out a perfectly accurate stream of fire with higher dps with a minigun compared to the ee3 light carbine is simply ridiculous and does not make for skilled gameplay. The fact that a robot with perfect headshot aim could miss with an ee3 because of bloom where any other gun in the game, mando pistols included, could hit, lowers ee3's skill ceiling and caps its effectiveness, particularly in scrims and competitive play. Additionally, bloom makes the ee3 far harder to use while jetpacking than dual pistols, as the pistols can be charged or spammed for easier aim while the ee3 user sacrifices their accuracy for any usable rate of fire in a flying gunfight. Given that ee3's max innaccurate dps isn't even greater than dual pistols' dps, i struggle to see why this mechanic exists on the ee3.

Solution 1: Simply remove bloom, and suddenly the 2 guns have similar accuracy, dps, and usability in all situations. Perhaps the ee3 should have running inaccuracy, but I believe perfect accuracy while in flight would greatly reward mandos who can both control their flight, aim well, and compensate for both their own movement and the enemy's.

Solution 2: Port the bloom from ee3 to clone rifle. Why does the fastest firing gun in the game not have bloom, but a carbine does? This would force cr3 users in particular to pace their shots and would logically make more sense, given that in real life most LMGs can literally melt the barrel with extended firing and destroy the gun's accuracy doing so. This would also prevent clone spam where a wave of clones can simply indefinitely prefire a corner with no loss in accuracy. This is fairer than having bloom on the ee3 because of the clone rifle's higher rate of fire and dps, which would make up for its poorer accuracy. The ee3 would have the same accuracy as in solution 1.

Next: charge shot on pistols vs ee3 sniper. The ee3 sniper requires 2 hits to do the same amount of damage that dual pistols do charged to the max. Just 3 seconds of charging on dual pistols deals 100 damage, enough to severely damage most classes, while being able to use 3rd person to peek a corner instead of having to quickscope. Additionally, mando pistols' charged shot can be held to line it up perfectly with 0 loss in accuracy while one's accuracy while lining up an ee3 snipe is affected by being hit. Again, this allows for dual pistol mando to peek and deal crippling damage, with a faster reload, larger projectile, and better accuracy under fire. This is not equitable.

Solution 1: Simply increase ee3 sniper damage by 15 or so. Not enough to 1-hit kill on bodyshots, but enough to make it a valid choice over charging pistols. I don't see why this shouldn't be an issue.

Note that all of the above are with a point cost of 19 for dual pistols and 28 for ee3. This is the difference between being able to go dual pistols, fuel 3, flamethrower/wrist laser, rocket, armor 2 and ammo 2, and the same build minus either fuel 3/flame/wrist laser. Taking ee3 gives you a scope for worse accuracy, less build options, and lower effective dps in most gunfights. Something has to change here.


Arc pistols are special because of their bouncy secondary, allowing them to fire around corners and suppress gunners hiding in cover and lay down covering fire without needing to peek out of cover themselves. Skilled arcs like @Fang could probably bounce shots down dotf main without exposing themselves to sniper fire, and being able to suppress disruptor and projectile rifle users without risking a one hit kill or most of your armor/hp is extremely powerful. Additionally, the pistols are also perfectly accurate in every situation. Now, let's take the westar m5. A decent rof gun whose biggest assets are perfect accuracy at rank 2 and the ability to buy attachments. In terms of a gunfight, the only reason to take the westar m5 is for up-close action where the spread on dual pistols makes hitting headshots difficult and the higher rate of fire on the westar m5 is useful in case you miss a shot or 2.

Let's wind the clocks back a couple years. The westar m5 was the most feared gun for any sith because of its fp drains, which were by far the best on pretty much any rifle/pistol. A running sith could be drained in just a couple seconds, and getting hit while swingblocking pretty much deleted any sith's fp. This made a dex 3 westar m5 arc the most dangerous gunner against sith, barring perhaps dash hero. But now, with bad fp drains across the board, the westar m5 is now just an average gun, and given that its rate of fire is lower than the e11 secondary's, it offers no advantage against sith compared to other guns/classes, and the pistols do similar dps and have the same accuracy for cheaper point cost against gunners. I know many claimed the m5 used to be op vs sith; It doesn't have to drain 100 fp in 2 seconds, but it ought to be better than e11 at the very least. Additionally, knowing that devs are working on a convergence fix for pistols that should help them at mid-close range, there will be little reason to pick the westar m5 besides grabbing its grenade launcher, or attempting to pop snipe with a scope that could be better used as a rocket or pulse grenade. Simply put, the combination of dexterity 3 and westar m5 rank 2 used to have a niche role as the best anti-sith gunner tool, and could also hold its own against gunners with good aim. But now, it is outclassed, has less utility, and the thought process when buying points for arc is more like "Do i want bouncy pistols or grenade launcher?"

Solution 1: When fp drains are fixed, the westar m5 needs an edge beyond most other guns in order to have its own niche. Especially compared to the higher rof e11 secondary, the m5 needs, say, 1.3-1.5x the drain per shot to have a role.

Solution 2: The damage per shot on westar m5 should be increased by, say, 2 or 3, so it's better than pistols in terms of raw dps but the pistols have bouncing and cover fire utility.

Solution 3: The price of the westar m5 attachments should be lowered a couple points so its more worth it to invest in the multi-weapon system, which is pretty much unique for a humanoid gunner class.

As it stands, the only reason to take westar m5 is for its sticky pulse nade launcher, and otherwise its old role as a sith killer has been replaced by dash e11 3 hero, which does what arc does but better due to its higher rof and fp drains.

TL;DR: EE3 and Westar M5 are underpowered and have less utility than their dual pistol counterparts, their bloom and fp drains, respectively, need significant change for them to be worth buying over pistols.
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ee3 and m5 suck cock tbh
i mained ee3, now i dont even touch it
m5 never have never will, bouncy pistols all day - why use an accurate rifle when you can skillfully never peak another player with sickimo bouncy shots

that's all im gonna say since ive repeated this shit too many times in other threads
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Deleted member 8306

white sabers when

also id like to see bloom removed from the game entirely. i feel like it lowers the skill ceiling

i agree with your post
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This is an idea that's been brewing in my head for a while, but has recently become more prevalent with recent changes to the ee3. (Note: dual pistols will simply be referred to as mando/arc pistols and the arc rifle will be referred to as the westar m5)

The point I want to express today is that the ee3 and westar m5 are outclassed in certain aspects by their dual pistol counterparts, and need changes to match their supposed role for the class or their role in the game.


The ee3 is a pretty regular gun with a regular primary mode, a sniper secondary mode, and a scope. However, its one defining feature is that it is the only gun in all of open mode with bloom. Bloom is a mechanic where firing above a certain rate of fire causes random spread to be placed on your shots, and is exacerbated by holding or tapping the trigger for extended periods at high rates. In games where all guns have bloom, this is less of an issue, as each weapon is on an equitable playing field. However, in MB2, the ee3 is the only gun with bloom, putting it at a great disadvantage in certain scenarios, namely when prefiring, trying to land headshots, aiming at close quarters, and firing at long range, where an ee3 user must artificially gimp their dps in order to achieve the same accuracy as an e11, even if the ee3 user is standing still or crouching, whereas the e11 user can walk. This greatly limits the usability of the ee3 compared to mando pistols, which have perfect accuracy at all ranges and during any movements, and have a far higher accurate rate of fire than the ee3. This is why I believe the people who will reply to this with "just revert ee3 sniper damage" are not entirely correct: It's not about the sniper damage, although that would somewhat balance the ee3 with the pistols, but it's about rewarding good tracking and aim. The fact that a clone rifle 3 user can stand still and spit out a perfectly accurate stream of fire with higher dps with a minigun compared to the ee3 light carbine is simply ridiculous and does not make for skilled gameplay. The fact that a robot with perfect headshot aim could miss with an ee3 because of bloom where any other gun in the game, mando pistols included, could hit, lowers ee3's skill ceiling and caps its effectiveness, particularly in scrims and competitive play. Additionally, bloom makes the ee3 far harder to use while jetpacking than dual pistols, as the pistols can be charged or spammed for easier aim while the ee3 user sacrifices their accuracy for any usable rate of fire in a flying gunfight. Given that ee3's max innaccurate dps isn't even greater than dual pistols' dps, i struggle to see why this mechanic exists on the ee3.

Solution 1: Simply remove bloom, and suddenly the 2 guns have similar accuracy, dps, and usability in all situations. Perhaps the ee3 should have running inaccuracy, but I believe perfect accuracy while in flight would greatly reward mandos who can both control their flight, aim well, and compensate for both their own movement and the enemy's.

Solution 2: Port the bloom from ee3 to clone rifle. Why does the fastest firing gun in the game not have bloom, but a carbine does? This would force cr3 users in particular to pace their shots and would logically make more sense, given that in real life most LMGs can literally melt the barrel with extended firing and destroy the gun's accuracy doing so. This would also prevent clone spam where a wave of clones can simply indefinitely prefire a corner with no loss in accuracy. This is fairer than having bloom on the ee3 because of the clone rifle's higher rate of fire and dps, which would make up for its poorer accuracy. The ee3 would have the same accuracy as in solution 1.

Next: charge shot on pistols vs ee3 sniper. The ee3 sniper requires 2 hits to do the same amount of damage that dual pistols do charged to the max. Just 3 seconds of charging on dual pistols deals 100 damage, enough to severely damage most classes, while being able to use 3rd person to peek a corner instead of having to quickscope. Additionally, mando pistols' charged shot can be held to line it up perfectly with 0 loss in accuracy while one's accuracy while lining up an ee3 snipe is affected by being hit. Again, this allows for dual pistol mando to peek and deal crippling damage, with a faster reload, larger projectile, and better accuracy under fire. This is not equitable.

Solution 1: Simply increase ee3 sniper damage by 15 or so. Not enough to 1-hit kill on bodyshots, but enough to make it a valid choice over charging pistols. I don't see why this shouldn't be an issue.

Note that all of the above are with a point cost of 19 for dual pistols and 28 for ee3. This is the difference between being able to go dual pistols, fuel 3, flamethrower/wrist laser, rocket, armor 2 and ammo 2, and the same build minus either fuel 3/flame/wrist laser. Taking ee3 gives you a scope for worse accuracy, less build options, and lower effective dps in most gunfights. Something has to change here.


Arc pistols are special because of their bouncy secondary, allowing them to fire around corners and suppress gunners hiding in cover and lay down covering fire without needing to peek out of cover themselves. Skilled arcs like @Fang could probably bounce shots down dotf main without exposing themselves to sniper fire, and being able to suppress disruptor and projectile rifle users without risking a one hit kill or most of your armor/hp is extremely powerful. Additionally, the pistols are also perfectly accurate in every situation. Now, let's take the westar m5. A decent rof gun whose biggest assets are perfect accuracy at rank 2 and the ability to buy attachments. In terms of a gunfight, the only reason to take the westar m5 is for up-close action where the spread on dual pistols makes hitting headshots difficult and the higher rate of fire on the westar m5 is useful in case you miss a shot or 2.

Let's wind the clocks back a couple years. The westar m5 was the most feared gun for any sith because of its fp drains, which were by far the best on pretty much any rifle/pistol. A running sith could be drained in just a couple seconds, and getting hit while swingblocking pretty much deleted any sith's fp. This made a dex 3 westar m5 arc the most dangerous gunner against sith, barring perhaps dash hero. But now, with bad fp drains across the board, the westar m5 is now just an average gun, and given that its rate of fire is lower than the e11 secondary's, it offers no advantage against sith compared to other guns/classes, and the pistols do similar dps and have the same accuracy for cheaper point cost against gunners. I know many claimed the m5 used to be op vs sith; It doesn't have to drain 100 fp in 2 seconds, but it ought to be better than e11 at the very least. Additionally, knowing that devs are working on a convergence fix for pistols that should help them at mid-close range, there will be little reason to pick the westar m5 besides grabbing its grenade launcher, or attempting to pop snipe with a scope that could be better used as a rocket or pulse grenade. Simply put, the combination of dexterity 3 and westar m5 rank 2 used to have a niche role as the best anti-sith gunner tool, and could also hold its own against gunners with good aim. But now, it is outclassed, has less utility, and the thought process when buying points for arc is more like "Do i want bouncy pistols or grenade launcher?"

Solution 1: When fp drains are fixed, the westar m5 needs an edge beyond most other guns in order to have its own niche. Especially compared to the higher rof e11 secondary, the m5 needs, say, 1.3-1.5x the drain per shot to have a role.

Solution 2: The damage per shot on westar m5 should be increased by, say, 3 or 4, so it's better than pistols in terms of raw dps but the pistols have bouncing and cover fire utility.

Solution 3: The price of the westar m5 attachments should be lowered a couple points so its more worth it to invest in the multi-weapon system, which is pretty much unique for a humanoid gunner class.

As it stands, the only reason to take westar m5 is for its sticky pulse nade launcher, and otherwise its old role as a sith killer has been replaced by dash e11 3 hero, which does what arc does but better due to its higher rof and fp drains.

TL;DR: EE3 and Westar M5 are underpowered and have less utility than their dual pistol counterparts, their bloom and fp drains, respectively, need significant change for them to be worth buying over pistols.

Oh there is a lot to talk about when it comes to Westar M5. In the release of the ee3 nerf, the weapon was almost completely bashed of its usefulness, I really miss going for snipes with it and it did not deserve that much of a nerf. I agree with pretty much everything you said in this.


Internal Beta Team
ee3 and m5 suck cock tbh
i mained ee3, now i dont even touch it
m5 never have never will, bouncy pistols all day

that's all im gonna say since ive repeated this shit too many times in other threads
M5 is very good, touch it and you'll see
m5 lvl 2 with the scope is one of the best weapons in the game and a lot better than the pistols in 99% of situations. the only problems with it this patch are that the fp drains are like 10% too low and that dodge exists so arcs aren't allowed to exist

ee3 on the other hand is probably the worst gun in the game, the size of the max spray aim cone and the speed at which you reach it with full auto means that if you don't get at least a couple headshots in the first 5 bullets you're fucked. my suggestion would be to reduce both the speed the bloom builds up by 50% and the size of the maximum aim cone by 50% and work from there. i'd rather not see the bloom mechanic gone because it's such a staple of ee3 and because it forces you to shoot in bursts rather than spam endlessly like every other gun which i think is cool. the other reason is because it synergizes with the jetpack so well, giving you perfect accuracy mid air as long as you control the spread. you could achieve the same result by just making it a copy of m5 with perfect accuracy at all times but i think that would be both more boring and it'd most likely require changes to base damage and fp drain because with the current damage per shot a perfectly accurate ee3 could be pretty broken


Movie Battles II Team
Even M5 Rank 1 is solid, with Dex 3 you can still control accuracy mid dive by holding walk. Dex 3 also gives the scope perfect accuracy mid air regardless of Westar M5 rank.

Personally I like the Westar M5 a lot because I don't typically use Dex 3 builds much (having a single random rocket is far too much fun) and its a much more reliable weapon to stand your ground with when someone swings at you and the scope allows you to get a lot of quick one shots, but I agree its drains feel too low.

@qwerty is right about the EE-3 and blooming, it should stay just be reduced not removed - its part of what makes it not just another E-11.
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Internal Beta Team
m5 lvl 2 with the scope is one of the best weapons in the game and a lot better than the pistols in 99% of situations. the only problems with it this patch are that the fp drains are like 10% too low and that dodge exists so arcs aren't allowed to exist

ee3 on the other hand is probably the worst gun in the game, the size of the max spray aim cone and the speed at which you reach it with full auto means that if you don't get at least a couple headshots in the first 5 bullets you're fucked. my suggestion would be to reduce both the speed the bloom builds up by 50% and the size of the maximum aim cone by 50% and work from there. i'd rather not see the bloom mechanic gone because it's such a staple of ee3 and because it forces you to shoot in bursts rather than spam endlessly like every other gun which i think is cool. the other reason is because it synergizes with the jetpack so well, giving you perfect accuracy mid air as long as you control the spread. you could achieve the same result by just making it a copy of m5 with perfect accuracy at all times but i think that would be both more boring and it'd most likely require changes to base damage and fp drain because with the current damage per shot a perfectly accurate ee3 could be pretty broken

I do agree with your ee3 point, however i'd still like to see bloom on a gun that's not a carbine/dmr and more of a machine gun. I think part of it is that ee3 "has always had" bloom and thus it should stay, but I believe that to be a sunk cost fallacy and if ee3 users have to control their fire in a fight, why should other classes not have to control their fire? This isn't really fair to ee3 users, who now all use pistols because of how bad ee3 is for the price. Just because ee3 "has always had" bloom doesn't mean that can't change or the bloom can't move to a gun that suits it (clone rifle).

I heavily disagree with the idea that m5 lvl 2 scoped is better than dual pistols. Aside from pistol convergence, which is being fixed, pistols have the same dps, faster reload, ability to suppress people in cover, ability to fire from cover without exposing yourself, and the ability to right click to double your projectile size in a shootout. Even if it's close to equal, m5 2 scoped is 26 points while pistols are 14, that's an extra pulse or lvl 1 rocket. Additionally, bouncy pistols can suppress dodge users while they are in cover, and force them to either back up or waste it on your bouncy shots. I struggle to see any situation barring facehug strafing where westar 2 + scope has any significant advantage over dual pistols, whereas as long as an enemy is camping a corner/box or you are in cover, pistols are the only guns in all of mb2 where you can still deal damage without peeking. I don't see why it's even a contest.

Deleted member 8306

i'd rather not see the bloom mechanic gone because it's such a staple of ee3 and because it forces you to shoot in bursts

i think a better alternative would be to just make the ee3 functionally a burst fire gun. 3 rapid shots per burst, the more you fire it the more inaccurate it becomes over time, so that it rewards precision and not just spraying and praying like the e11.


Internal Beta Team
I agree, I believe that the best path forward for ee3 is to make it similar to a Battle Rifle from Halo, with the addition of a regular auto primary mode. Perhaps if left click = auto primary, right click = scope, left click = 3 round burst, alt fire right click = scope with sniper shots? I still believe the ee3 needs a way to dish out accurate fire for a decent period of time even if bloom is retained. I just heavily dislike lowering the skill gap by making high rof = random aim and low rof = lower dps.

Deleted member 8306

I agree, I believe that the best path forward for ee3 is to make it similar to a Battle Rifle from Halo, with the addition of a regular auto primary mode. Perhaps if left click = auto primary, right click = scope, left click = 3 round burst, alt fire right click = scope with sniper shots? I still believe the ee3 needs a way to dish out accurate fire for a decent period of time even if bloom is retained. I just heavily dislike lowering the skill gap by making high rof = random aim and low rof = lower dps.

i dont think it should have full auto. at that point, it becomes a clone of the A280 or the imp variant of that (i forget the name)

making it similar to the halo BR i think would work better for what its supposed to be, as well as having a sniper alt fire.
I just heavily dislike lowering the skill gap by making high rof = random aim and low rof = lower dps.
burst fire would have a lower skill ceiling than bloom

knowing when to spray and when to burst and when to tap is a skill, if the game decides that for you the skill ceiling automatically goes down

i personally hate burst fire weapons with a passion because of the way theyre shot when you need to full auto, usually in those situations it's kill or be killed and having to mash mouse1 for maximum ROF definitely doesnt help your aim.


Internal Beta Team
Perhaps a way to compromise on this would be to make it so that it only has burst fire, has perfect accuracy if tapped semi auto, but has bloom if held down so that you can still treat it like a machine gun but it'll cost you a bit of crosshair accuracy, but allow you to use mouse tracking like any other gun. Thus it rewards being able to semi-auto tap at a good rate but also allow for the occasional panic-spray.


m5 is fine imo, agree with ee3. m5 is arcs only gun atm imo. if u want a good score as mando, its way easier taking JUST westars. I used to take both, now I just feel stupid doing so. ee3 still has a better affinity for dealing with jedi 1v1 tho, its slight tho and wont matter on full servers so much. Would love to see a more unstable inaccurate ee3 that does more dmg. Higher risk higher reward weapon basically. And I hate the 3 shot burst of snipermode, its so low dmg for the time and effort...landing 2 primary ee3 shots does much more dmg. Only thing is the speed, but that is still SLOW. Much preferred the old 2 shot ee3 snipermode. Atm ee3 mando is a weird offbreed between arc's snipermode and a proj rifle. Just look at legends boba fett, his primary speed has been increased and its now completely pointless to snipermode anything unless u kno its gonna 1 shot them at a speed faster than they dont get a shot in before they die.


Internal Beta Team
For all the people who believe that arc pistols and westar m5 are evenly matched, consider the advantages/disadvantages of each gun:

Westar M5 (Level 2):
Centered aiming
Faster rate of fire
Slightly higher fp drain?
Note: can buy attachments for points

Arc Pistols:
Able to bounce shots into cover
Able to bounce shots from cover (avoid snipers/push/etc)
Able to right click and trade fire rate for larger projectile size as well as center your aim for headshots
Way faster reload
Way more ammo
A lot more damage per shot

I'll take the situational versatility of pistols on most maps unless it's like, tatooine, where none of the walls are straight. Being able to suppress without peeking is insanely powerful.


Internal Beta Team
230 often have ppl died to clone p3 the last few years? lol
Considering the hilarious number of bodies I've stacked (as well as other Arc players on NA) in the last 2 years or so with bouncy pistols, a metric fuckton.

Pistols are so much better overall that it's really a shame. 2 points cheaper for a weapon with built in utility (bouncy) and faster reload (by a wide margin at that)? Sign me up. The only real advantage M5 has is the fact that you're shooting only a single weapon, so no having to micro manage two blaster angles, and it doesn't have the current bug where pistols actually shoot below the crosshair (this is also present on Westars of Mando).


we have gamestats im sure will confirm whatever
Great, problem solved, then let this determine who is spewing fact and who is spewing fiction. The idea that anything people in this community say is reliable is comical at best.