Mandalorian Option: "Jump Jets"


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Thought of this while writing my other jetpack thread.

There could be a 0-point "upgrade" that appears if you have Fuel 3, and switches your jetpack between two types:

1: What we have now. Can fly for a very long time, but has a substantial cooldown.
2: "Jump jets." Controls exactly the same, but can only fly for somewhere between one and two seconds before it shuts off. Has a very short cooldown.

Jump Jetters would sacrifice the prolonged safety of long hovers/flights for the ability to always/constantly be able to make quick repositioning "hops." Against Jedi, for example, a jump jetter would never be caught vulnerable on cooldown, but would risk being pushed over while coming down after a high jetpack hop.

A quick cooldown would also potentially mean we'd see more roll-launch jet-kicks, which would be fun. It would give Mandos the chance to play more like the dynamic, over-the-top badasses they are, instead of just being... hover tanks.

If the cooldown was short enough, you'd also see mandos launching themselves into the air and then jetpacking again before they touch the ground, allowing for sort of infinite flight. This might not be a bad thing? They would be extremely vulnerable to pushing in the time that their jetpack is off.

It ought to have different sound effects and maybe visual effects, so everyone has a heads up to adjust their tactics. And because the current jetpack sfx would get pretty tiring if you heard them this frequently.

In combination with the Dual Pistols tweak, this would make Mandos very nearly as exciting and mind-bending as ARCs.

It would probably also make the... uh... Batmandalorian, more viable. And by Batmandalorian, I mean the Mandalorian who fights using just gadgets and boxing/jiu-jitsu. Did you know that you can use the Wrist Blaster in the middle of any melee attack? It's true. Being able to constantly reposition with large horizontal hops would make for.. some antics.

(on that note, Melee fuckaround ARCs aren't seen enough. ... makes me wish ARCs could buy reinforcements but only on the condition that they only buy max dex/stam and armor. It would be cool to have an almost legitimate punchy Melee character who's agile and dynamic instead of being a steamroller like Wook. There's not really a canon precedent for kung fu ARCs, though.)

also: how hilarious and wonderful would it be if the kick while jetpacking did Push-type knockback depending on how fast you were going? As in, if you landed a kick while jetpacking at full speed, it would be an entirely unblockable, but easily avoidable, "super-push." That would be incredible. And also, almost entirely reasonable, given the kind of momentum we're talking about here. I want to rocket kick a jedi to oblivion.
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I agree with everything Fang said, to me real mandalorians (like in comics and stories) are all about blitz attacks from the air. I think this whole idea is the case of balance - get all the numbers right (cooldown time, jump height, etc) and you got yourself some fresh gaming experience.)
P.S. English is not my native language.