Is Moviebattles 2 dying?

The stable population is the same as it's always been, ~150-200-ish. Clans die and other surface to replace them.
Been playing for 10+ years and the numbers have always been roughly the same, with generations of players replacing the previous one claiming the exact same thing you are right now.
Even with that constant discouraging elitism of ours, new players come, no matter how poor they seem to your "veteran" eyes. ;)
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The stable population is the same as it's always been, ~150-200-ish. Clans die and other surface to replace them.

Been playing for 10+ years and the numbers have always been roughly the
same, with generations of players replacing the previous one claiming the exact same thing you are right now.

Even with that constant discouraging elitism of ours, new players come, no
matter how poor they seem to your "veteran" eyes. ;)

since old players are replaced with new players, this means the skill level is gradually decreasing right
Even with that constant discouraging elitism of ours, new players come, no matter how poor they seem to your "veteran" eyes. ;)
This. MB2 fills in the niche gap of ridiculously hard multiplayer games extremely well. It's one of the biggest reasons why I still play it despite of how salty I get.
since old players are replaced with new players, this means the skill level is gradually decreasing right

Almost all of the old players I used to see daily when I first started playing are gone since a long time, only a handful are left and even so most of them are rather inactive. Of course, I tend to only remember the best ones and somewhat "famous" names, the newbies of the time might not have left that strong of an impression on me :p
They got "replaced" by new players that rose to their level and for some of them even beyond that. Moreover, successive patches can greatly impact one's skill-level if he takes breaks ( duelling comes to mind ), different players shine in different roles as the meta-game changes as well - all in all, I believe the overall skill level is pretty much the same as it's ever been, it's always been a very wild mix of seasoned players who know what they're doing and have solid knowledge of maps and mechanics versus a constant influx of newbies who are pretty clueless. If some of the latter choose to stay after repeatedly getting owned and dedicate themselves to it, they'll become the first and so on. As long as there will be passionate players, and the game shines in rewarding that, there will be skill.
I'm still fucking bad though.

Since the game's so cheap/easily pirated and can run on even ancient hardware, I'm not too worried that influx of new players will see an end.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I've posted long-winded posts in so many similar threads over the past decade. I'm tempted to do so again since my passion for this game never disappears no matter how much I get distracted by other projects at times.

I'll try to be brief this time:
  • MB2 is friggin' awesome.
  • There's a game to be had at any hour.
  • Every day we reach concurrent player peaks of around 100.
  • Viserys gathered some cool metrics with unique IPs polling the server list that would indicate there's at least a thousand of us or even more.
  • Our community has insane passion and it shows in our heated balance debates.
See you guys in the next thread. <3
Whenever i'm coming back to MB2 the activity seems to be exactly the same. Less players i recognize maybe.
And if Jesus taught us one thing it's if you die slowly and painfully your resurrection will be inevitable and world changing.
So do not fear!
So who's supposed to be the Jews?
In case of this community that would be the snowflakes bending rules to do not allow any criticism about them.
Well if we're going to be totally accurate, the Jews would have to be the playerbase. We've enjoyed the great things MB2 has given us but now that it's started doing things we don't like, we're ready to kill it. I guess that makes the Dev the his apostles and Achilles Pilate but I don't think we really need to drag on this really wierd analogy even further
Clans die and other surface to replace them.
That's a given, no matter how good any game is, clans are decided based on the COMMUNITY and the players themselves.

Been playing for 10+ years and the numbers have always been roughly the same, with generations of players replacing the previous one claiming the exact same thing you are right now.
Even with that constant discouraging elitism of ours, new players come, no matter how poor they seem to your "veteran" eyes. ;)
That's a given too, but you can't deny that too many regulars and too many reputable people have left. It's sad to see, and after I took a 6 month break and came back, I could hardly recognize ANYONE I knew and loved.
Numbers may be the same, but that's doesn't mean it's a good thing.
I do miss some people that had a very positive impact on the community overall and were always good fun to play with, I miss some of the old clans that gathered the very best players; but I really feel like it's a constant turn-over process, I've seen new clans emerge only months ago and their members already got a very solid level - I don't know really, you might be right and I might be wrong, we'd need some actual data to actually assess this :p Some patches are better than others and can make veterans flee as well - I don't feel like 1.5.1 is a very good patch in many aspects, that could explain your experience.
It doesn't stop me from playing because I barely do, but more dedicated people might have become frustrated and been more prone to going to other games. Fingers crossed for the next patch which will hopefully stabilize things a bit.

I've seen so many people come and go that I don't feel as strongly as you do over your objectively smaller sample size, it's a very cyclical thing to me. Poorer patches drive some people off, better ones make some of them return + bring some fresh meat, Star Wars being hot news or discounts on JKA can do that as well. I had your concerns when I saw some clans dissolve and big names disappear, but I don't notice a huge drop in overall skill level either. I agree that there have been a number of peaks at which the skill level was higher on average. Duelling has been weird lately so I don't know about that particular scene.
Keep in mind that a good chunk of players constantly smurf and change nicknames over time, even more so when they don't belong in a clan.
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i wonder if you printed the entire forums out how much paper it would take

its funny how much we all type about/discuss a mod for a prehistoric star wars game