Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

I think im done

I've been playing this game for about 4-5 years, it's been fun, had some ups, had some downs, I've laughed so hard my stomach hurt, other times...well not so much.
Anyways i want to make this post to say that I'm done playing this game, and it's not because open is dead or anything like that, I dont care about that. It's not because i got offended by someone or some admin or whatever, nah. It's because of...well...My life, I dont like how my way of life is right now, I dont like how my health is, or how my career is, you see I'm not really good at balancing, things, if I play MB2, I Play it for hours, long hours and my Grades and my Health, and my Social life, Sitting on my ass for hours looking at screen, it takes a tole. It's an addiction. You dont have a lot of other games that have this social element to it, I mean you got chat, voice cmds, emotes, etc. And when i have friends playing, It's REALLY addictive. So it's come to a point where I have to make a decision, and I've made it. I hope everyone keeps having fun, I hope bob makes some more fun maps for people, hopefully after my classes I can make games/maps as good as he does , dude's the goat, Also bob if you're reading this, Legends Luke Skywalker > Exar Kun, et Nique ta mere. what else... oh yeah, here are some shoutouts to close "MB2" friends, I basically already did bob, but whatever. thank you Bob for helping me get into Kotor and giving me Lore i never knew about, also putting me in a lot of your vids, I try to make everyone laugh, keep doing what your doing!. and the unsung Hero, Obi-WanK, dude makes me laugh every time and i always get excited when he joins, My first MB2 friend. Next is Star, dont remember exactly how we connected but we became kinda funny rivals, Star if you're reading this (prob not) WALLOMER HA, gotcha bitch (jk i'll miss you dude). and Lxilith, member of the golden Trio (me, obi, him), thanks for all the fun and FAs we did, and putting up with me, sorry I kept deleting my discord, but I basically explained it above, I had enough. And im rebel, dudes a lot like me, likes to make ppl laugh in his own way, i remember getting triggered sometimes, but over time, matured, and yeah he's the goat. and Others: Kush(the OG one), Davik, DarthValeria, TG, Pesky(he gone too lol), JakTan, JabbaTheFatFuck, Aliit/D|Fives, Zydus. If im forgetting anyone else (purposefully gogo,), well...I blame it on the state im in. So here's farewell, you might ask if i'll ever come back? probably not I think I need a few years, if im not making progress, im not coming back.

current Disc: bluemilkaddict777
Gonna be weird that you won't be in my vids. Take care, and hope to see you back at some point once everything's okay :)