

1. TRIGGERBOT (gunners)
2. AUTO-PB (duelists)

Why you should care about PROSECUTING FRAUDS?
The Game seems to be doing OK, (Grafana) the Avg. Player Count wise BUT: a lot of Active Players are brand New Players. And if the New Players do not have Seasoned Players to show them around and explain things some percentage of them will quit and that will continue to be a poison for the overall activity. And the Seasoned Players might not be the most active now because "cheating had gotten so rampant I am not committed to playing as much as I used to..."

While the Movie Battles 2 has a better Average Player Count than it had in June of 2019, maybe NOW IS THE TIME to invest in making sure it stays the good way?

What is a "TRIGGERBOT"?
Are you starting to recall certain players with Disruptor or up-close Pistol Lvl. 3. What if it was not a matter of "skill"? FEELS BAD.

What is an "AUTO-PB"?
Less clever of those fellows jump around like they are on fire PB everything perfectly. CLOWN FIESTA.


The amount of burden that would have to (each time) be put on AN INDIVIDUAL Player to PROVE somebody is using a TriggerBot would be huge that frankly speaking nobody will bother to do it and what's worse frustrated enough they will uninstall instead... Therefore, The Project should feel oblidged to provide the tools for enforcing the solution to this issue otherwise it will be like tolerating the loss of Dedicated, Seasoned Players who are for sure noticing THERE IS AN ISSUE! but are unable to solve it alone. And the majority will simply not notice and /shrug thinking "it was a skill gap" while in fact, it's was a matter of FRAUD IN FAIR PLAY.

To try and make things better you should express more openly your DISSATISFACTION WITH ALL FORMS OF CHEATING so that gives the signal to the Development Team to shift their priorities towards bringing in FAIR-PLAY SOLUTIONS as something needed more urgently than ever.

INCREASED COLLABORATION between the Active Servers could be helpful - to create & share the HACK/CHEAT busted /banlist of HARDWARE ID.


A PersonA goes through the trouble of documenting the cheating of the PersonB (hours for single case!)
PersonB just CHANGES IP, RENAMES and CONTINUES. PersonA just got a first hand experience that their effort was in vain.

CONSIDER AN UNION OF PRIVATE SERVERS TO ENFORCE HARDWARE ID BANS. F*ck the frauds up, they will have to buy new PROCESSOR, GRAPHIC CARD, MEMORY, NETWORK CARD and the SSD, or spend a lot of time trying to spoof the serial numbers and MAC address :)

I think this Thread brings up a FAIR POINT, and even though you might not like my view on other things below I am sure you have the longevity of The Project as a priority and limited resources so it should not be a problem to stick to intended use.
1. Please adhere to my plea, if this gets implemented (in any form) that it will never be used to judge other people's speech. If it crosses your mind to try and use this for any other purpose than mentioned here please just pretend you have never read my suggestion. In-game chat is good part of the game (all of it, PERIOD.) This is being called for to work on the issue of cheating and hacking not a single other case.

Fight to preserve organic fun aspects of this game, come on!
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As far as I am aware its a game of catch-up as new cheats are being made and older ones are fixed.
Cheaters basically have infinite free rein as long as they have a VPN that isn't detected by most servers.


Servers that have the chat command for reporting running usually do not allow for !report <custom reason>

Good thing when the server has their Discord link in a visible place.
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some servers have an anti-VPN auto kick right? can't that be implemented on all servers as well as some sort of 'master ID' for people's MB2 clients themselves?