Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

H.B. Pack 7.6 is out // PATCH FOR RELEASED.

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Hello there!

The H.B. Pack returns! The newest version is the v7.6
, what is compatible with the v1.9.1.1 version of Movie Battles II. All information about this pack, including the list of new stuffs, credits and information about possible problems can be found in the new readme file, what is located inside the downloaded .zip file, and I attached it to this post too. If you have any problem, please check the readme file first, you may find the solution for your problem there.

You can download the H.B. Pack from here!

--> See NoobGuided Pack

I've uploaded some preview pictures about the Hero units, about the Villain units and about the FA exclusive units, but you can also check the User Interface modifications, and of course there are the usual icon tables, what shows you the icons of the playable characters from Open mode. Outdated as of the latest HB Pack version, icon tables below:

Feel free to give feedback about the H.B. Pack here, or by sending PM to me.
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Hey this might be a stupid question, but I'm new, I know when I installed movie battles 2 it came with skin packs installed. I was wondering if I updated the H.B. pack in this instance, would other people even see it if they don't also have it? I'd like the new skins but I also would want what's visible to most players. I appreciate any help


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
Only people who also have the same addons will see your skins, and most of the population dont use them so its pretty much only for yourself to look at

The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
Hello there!

Anniversary update (v7.4) is released! Today it's been 7 years (at least on this forum) since the H.B. Pack's official existence.

This time I put more work into it on my own than in previous releases. However it focuses on Jedi/Sith classes once again despite it was all inclusive most of the time. The universally acceptable stuff had been included in the mod officially so that's partially the reason why the pack got smaller and smaller over time. Some of the gunners (among others) have also been removed since the previous release. Now, most of what was removed will be featured in the next MBII proper release with the rest of my ideas that intentionally did not make it into this H.B. release. Nonetheless, let it be a surprise.

Note: remove older H.B. releases before installing this one.





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Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
Very cool, I noticed some things about how you keep everything consolidated, mind if you teach me some things over pm?
Hello there!

Anniversary update (v7.4) is released! Today it's been 7 years (at least on this forum) since the H.B. Pack's official existence.

This time I put more work into it on my own than in previous releases. However it focuses on Jedi/Sith classes once again despite it was all inclusive most of the time. The universally acceptable stuff had been included in the mod officially so that's partially the reason why the pack got smaller and smaller over time. Some of the gunners (among others) have also been removed since the previous release. Now, most of what was removed will be featured in the next MBII proper release with the rest of my ideas that intentionally did not make it into this H.B. release. Nonetheless, let it be a surprise.


Note: remove older H.B. releases before installing this one.

You can check all the news and changes of this release below.

Added Meetra Surik.
Added Male Exile.
Added Juhani.
Added non-ported Satele Shan.
Added a tweaked version of authentic Cade Skywalker.
Added a non-ported Anakin Solo.
Added Underwater Kit Fisto (from Tartakovsky Clone Wars)

Added Exile among +2 more generic Sith.
Added Yuthura Ban.
Added a tweaked version of non-ported Sith Eradicator.
Added unmasked Sith Assassin.
Added Pureblood Sith duo.
Added Female Reborn duo.
Added better quality, more authentic Darth Tenebrous.
Added better quality, more authentic Boc Aseca.
Added Darth Tiras / dark Kel Dor.
Added Sith Zombie (from MotS).
Added generic female twi'lek "Sithress".

Moved HK-50 and HK-51 to Bounty Hunter.
Added HK-47 (KotOR II) to Bounty Hunter.
Added Underwater Quarren to Rebel Soldier.
Added Gunslinger to Rebel Elite Trooper - inspired by SW TOR 'Return' trailer.
Managed some characters to be even more compatible with other packs.

Swapped RGB support from default Rebel Alliance Soldier to its afro counterpart.
Changed some of the Jaden Korr skins to get more in line with Jedi class as whole in a way to avoid confusion with gunners.
Changed cloth of Jedi Brute to avoid confusion with Noghri.
Changed cloth of Lord Aviar ( Sith Cyborg) to look a bit more unique.
Recolored renegade Ongree skin to be less saturated.
Swapped Brianna from ported to HapSlash model mesh.
Fully updated the model and textures of Tulak Hord.
Extended/reorganized model meshes of Exar Kun and Freedon Nadd, making them way more authentic.
Added either lip or hand movement to Anakin Solo, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, K'Kruhk, Kyp Durron, Darth Bandon/Sith Governor/Uthar Wynn.
Fixed lighting on A'Sharad Hett, Revan (custom), K'Kruhk, Ithorian Battlemaster, Nautolan Watchman.
Added armour mesh to Darth Krayt.
Merged classic H.B. generic jedipack to one core model now - including Quarren, Twi'lek, Zabrak and the four human variants.
Optimized all model meshes I touched earlier, made everything more engine-friendly so to say - merged verts, removed unnecessary tags, added LODs here and there etc.
Reverted Darth Bandon to classic KotOR skin.
Reverted Anakin Skywalker (RotS) to classic HapSlash skins.
Added unique soundsets to the following characters that didn't have in last update: Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo, Jedi Kel Dor, Jedi"Too" (JA), Darth Andeddu, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, Uthar Wynn, Sith Governor, Sariss, Darth Tenebrous, Darth Krayt, Darth Nihl, Cade Skywalker.
General soundset maintenance.
Removed some of the ported Sith characters that are already part of Landolore's pack.


Cool update, dude. But I noticed one model, it seems pretty stupid and ugly. look at these shoulders, too high for neck


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The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
Cool update, dude. But I noticed one model, it seems pretty stupid and ugly. look at these shoulders, too high for neck
Guess I was too lazy to deconstruct a part of the mesh to make it look better. So I did it this way to avoid some serious clipping.

EDIT: already fixed for the next patch.
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The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
Hello there!

Compatibility update (v7.5.0.2) is released for the new MB2 version (v1.8).

EDIT: Re-added RGB Darth Talon as a custom character due to multiple requests. Re-added MotS Mara to Jedi because it felt wrong to exclude her from the class even though she became part of the recent MB2 roster in Hero.

Compatibility with Peneke and Noob packs will have to work properly. However the same cannot be guaranteed with Landolore's for the time being.

Note: Remove earlier H.B. releases before installing this one.

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Hello there!

Compatibility update (v7.5) is released for the new MB2 version (v1.8).


You can see the details below.

Added Obi-Wan (hermit) with a non-ported backpack, slight tweaks on the hips.
Added SJG Kyle Katarn (Undeadstar FA).
Added a tweaked version of Jedi Knight Revan (same as in Landolore's Pack, comes with mesh fixes - and perhaps more to it in future)
Added Darth Maleval (Legacy comics).
Added Darth Bane (Legends - authentic book version).
Added Cultist (CMP Hotfo FA) - using the criminally unused Cultist Voice 3 set (JA)

Fixed Sith Eradicator's shoulder problem.
Moved Space Cowboy from ET to Hero in favor of compatibility with Noob Pack.
Added RGB support to Jedi Quarren.
Lighting improvements for Mira, Mission Vao, Calo Nord, Canderous Ordo.
Added Sith Eyes to helmetless Darth Vader.
Reduced skin count of Kruhk from 3 to 2.
Reduced skin count of Jacen Solo from 2 to 1.
Reverted Human Male Hoth Trooper to vanilla in favor of newly added vanilla Jaden Korr in Jedi.
Updated/*added unique* soundsets to Darth Andeddu, Darth Nihl, Yuuzhan Vong, Cade Skywalker, Nautolan Watchman, Corran Horn, Kyp Durron.
Updated some icons to better quality.
Further optimized compatibility with Peneke Pack.

Removed Revan Pack as it's much worse quality than the one in Landolore's or Peneke's packs so I saw no further reason to keep it.
Removed Unmasked Sith Assassins/Uthar Wynn/Exile for being added to base MB2.
Removed Yuthura Ban for being added to base MB2.
Removed Jorak Uln for being added to base MB2.
Removed Exar Kun for being added to base MB2.
Removed Freedon Nadd for a tweaked version of it being added to base MB2.
Removed Darth Zannah for being added to base MB2.
Removed Darth Bane (HapSlash version) for being added to base MB2.
Removed Sith Pureblood duo for a much better version being added to base MB2.
Removed Darth Krayt for beind added to base MB2.
Removed Darth Tenebrous for being added to base MB2.
Removed Female Cultist for being added to base MB2.
Removed Male Cultist #2 since now its female counterpart follows the same RGB pattern in base MB2.
Removed Boc Aseca for a tweaked version of it being added to base MB2.
Removed Sariss for being added to base MB2.
Removed Jaden Korr (Human Male / Twi'lek Female) for being added to base MB2.
Removed ponytail Mara Jade (Jedi) for being added to base MB2 (Hero).
Removed Sith Kel Dor for being added to base MB2.
Removed A'Sharad Hett for being added to base MB2.
Removed Rebel Alliance "afro" RGB variant for being added to base MB2.
Removed HK-50 and HK-51 units for being added to base MB2.
Removed Darth Talon RGB as I found it annoying and over the top at times, considering the number of RGB skins we have now.
Removed Prisoner RGB for the same reason as above.
Removed BX Droid RGB as it the *rgb* parts was barely visible.
Removed Darth Plagueis and Emperor's Wrath as they're already in Landolore's Pack with no difference.
Removed Garindan, Hera and Old Rex as they're in multiple other packs already with no difference.
Removed JASP Alora.
Removed gothic Alora reskin.
Removed Ongree robed skin as there's no point to have it.
Removed female reborns as I found the mesh redundant considering how many reborns we have.
Removed JediTwo (JO) and Jedi Master (JA) to reduce mesh redundancy - and they weren't popular anyways, also without unique soundsets.

Great job, man! Really amazed by both MB2 and HB pack updates at the same day :D
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