general feedback thread

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i've been playing this mod for a week or so now, i thought i'd offer some feedback on my gameplay experience from multiplayer, here are some things i think could be changed, should be added, or aren't right. if i say "should" i'm saying "it'd be cool if"


saber throw - it's a pain to land a throw and it only does 35 damage when you do hit. either there needs to be more ultility for the saber throw (like how vader collapsed a platform in ROTJ) or it just needs to be more devastating against non-blockers. i'm not asking for battlefront 2 saber spam, but at least let me kill a stormtrooper. it also seems like 2x sabers should be able to block with the remaining saber.

general extra skills for jedi/sith - mind trick is great, but it doesn't really make sense that only jedi can mind trick. while i'm aware this is a mod balance choice, it leads to some unbalanced situations for the dark side users, where most of their team can just get blindsided - where sith get no such opportunity against clones so to speak.
speed is fun, but again it makes no sense the sith can't use it. the jedi only having mind trick is fair enough, but speed? what about sheev and his spinning scream? - it's a lot like the lunging jump attack speed 3 can do. i'd give sith the ability to scream lunge attack if they take lightning 3 so this ability can stay in the jedi class.
grip is amusing, but it's not really very useful and it's generally only used for 1v1 force whoring. compared to mind trick it's a bit of a gimmick. i'd replace it entirely with sith scream lunge skill because grip is basicly just push. at the same time, it doesn't really make sense only sith can use it. jedi throw clones about plenty... a team version of grip would be cool, so you can throw clones across large jumps. also, if you can use grip while blocking, why can't you push and use other powers? it'd be nice to be able to use a well aimed grip to pick a grenade or rocket out of the air.
lightning is great, but maybe it should drain block a bit more than it does. maybe give a force jedi the opportunity to absorb it like yoda does.
basicly i think sith should be as acrobatic as jedi can be, if not more so.

clones aren't really balanced. their concussive shot should be made the same as ion shot so it doesn't have unlimited power. they should be the same as stormtroopers really. why would older technology be that much better?

bounty hunters should get the same acrobatics as arc troopers, but their sniper rifles should be only as effective as arc troopers. arc troopers pistols shot damage should be reduced but their pistol rate of fire increased.

3 spawn soldiers should be more susceptible to longer ranged push. they can already totally suppress a jedi or sith with constant fire, and they get 3 lives where a jedi doesn't. trying to push in a lot of situations is suicide against some soldiers, and you're only likely to get one unless you're a sneaky sith with lightning.
i have very few comments on the saber system. it's pretty much perfect, though there could be some additions in variety and hilt advantage, and one observation, which i'll start with. it's too easy to knock people down. hitting should have a smaller chance to actually knock down but a very high chance to knock back.

i'd add reverse saber style in single and 2x versions at light 3, like starkiller's style. could just be implimented on two handed dual sabers with one blade turned off.

i'd add a more acrobatic alternative style for dual sabers. i might be able to get animations for this.

i'd add lightsaber pikes at heavy 3, like the royal guards from TFU use.

i'd make angled hilts have different properties to standard hilts, explanation in path to destruction

i'd make spinning the camera while swinging give the opportunity to hit more than once, but if you spin around you expose your back and make it harder to block the next swing

i don't like that wallrunning and wallsitting drain BP. it'd be cool if you could hang/grab a ledge and climb up as well as just a flat wall.


silly but serious

is there a way to add a hutt character? a hutt jedi would make the game great. you can do the animations by just sticking the legs together, then you strap on a hutt model to one leg.

can we get yoda's sabers? or the ability to change saber length? smaller sabers swing faster but larger sabers swing longer

are magnaguards out of the question?

can we get helicopter sabers?
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Achilles is that you?

Unlikely. Both his opinions and the way he expresses them are inconsistent with Achilles' - even if there are a few points of minor overlap.

(Also, I completely agree about saber throw targeting being a pain in the neck. Accounting for gravity, sure - but accounting for the saber's weird hitbox? Seriously?)


Internal Beta Team
Unlikely. Both his opinions and the way he expresses them are inconsistent with Achilles' - even if there are a few points of minor overlap.

(Also, I completely agree about saber throw targeting being a pain in the neck. Accounting for gravity, sure - but accounting for the saber's weird hitbox? Seriously?)

Achilles should adopt him as his apprentice and teach him his ways. Who doesn't want more Achilles in teh community?

If anyone has any serious suggestions as to how saberthrow can be revamped without being OP then please go ahead. It was changed to its current state because of slap+st spam in b18, which would end up killing a guy by HP and not BP. I sort of miss the old, aimed ST of Jedi Academy. Wouldn't it be cool if you could sink points into saberthrow and then throw it around a corner, steering it with your mouse? It would add another element to the game, another dynamic. Perhaps if slap and saberthrow shared a cooldown to avoid the slap+st HP drain spam of b18, while balancing out force and point costs, the old JKA aimed st could become viable again somehow. But of course its debatable whether or not we should be giving jedi/sith a ranged attack. Logically it would have to be balanced around point cost, and be slow not fast, so the gunners would have time to shoot the saberthrowing jedi/sith.
I agree that the issue of saber throw should be adressed. Also, giving force speed to sith, as well as other force powers like drain should be considered. I remember even Stassin thought about it. I also wouldn't mind strengthening grip lvl 3 so it would be actually possible to choke people to death (quickly).

When it comes to the other ideas... well, l am not fan of them. However adding a saber style with reversed grip in vanilla MB2 is a good idea. Currently it is possible with Penekemations 1.0 project developed by Peneke family. But your idea of making it dependent on the fact of having particular combination of force powers, is not the best, to say the least.
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okay, so saber throw seems to be the most popular idea to improve. i'll throw out some ideas.

1) make it so that you can control the throw mid-air. increase it to 100 dmg.


2) add saber throw skill with 3 ranks.
a) saber throw 1 gives the current throw now, but it is free
b) saber throw 2 increases hilt return speed, but costs 5 points.
c) saber throw 3 can break block and destroy windows (IE on moonbase) and does 100% damage if it hits - but only if the enemy was not blocking. make it so that it's possible to perfect block a throw, but otherwise it staggers if somebody was blocking, unless they do PB. make it tactile and controllable with cam.

(i'm not really talking about throw targetting, it's just useless against another saber user, that's all. - i usually hit, it just does nothing)

Dark speed/sith scream force power
1) 8 points - activating starts a dash like the arctrooper's fast roll, distinguishing it from jedi speed. mostly just a mobility ability at this rank.
2) 2 points - adds single target knockback and spinning animation that can hit targets in a frontal cone if you activate your lightsaber
3) 13 points - adds PBAOE stun and increases the range of the dash, makes it cheaper to use. if hands are free and you have lightning it shoots lightning.

kas - i dont think drain really works in this game. perhaps a better skill for a dark lord to have than drain would be battle meditation. it's not original to this game, but i'd imagine it would use the meditation animations to buff teammates movement and rate of fire as opposed to your own regen.


could it be possible to make it so that tapping jump doesn't use bp or the force? as opposed to a force jump, just a normal jump.


can walk/run get a toggle mode?


can arc trooper get a way to climb after wallrunning?
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What I mean by Force Drain, is the SP basejk animation when you could grab an enemy and leech his health points. It would be a cool feature and it would add more diversity. After force focusing a jedi, one should be able to tackle a jedi and hold him, non jedi enemies wouldn't require force focusing. It would have flaws of course. One would have to do it in very close range. One could be shot by other enemies when doing it or be force pushed. But if the jedi is stupid enough to waste force points on acrobatics or failed DFA's and doesn't have enough fp to use the push (lvl 3), he should have his hp drained and die in agony. The health drained from the enemy should be multiplied by, let's say 1/2, and transfered to sith. High risk, high reward, no need for balancing.

Lvl 1,2,3 would just differ in the amount of damage done to the enemy or the time needed to kill an opponent. I would opt for second option as time is crucial factor in MB2.

When it comes to saber throw, I will think about it :)
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What I mean by Force Drain, is the SP basejk animation when you could grab an enemy and leech his health points. It would be a cool feature and it would add more diversity. After force focusing a jedi, one should be able to tackle a jedi and hold him, non jedi enemies wouldn't require force focusing. It would have flaws of course. One would have to do it in very close range. One could be shot by other enemies when doing it or be force pushed. But if the jedi is stupid enough to waste force points on acrobatics or failed DFA's and doesn't have enough fp to use the push (lvl 3), he should have his hp drained and die in agony. The health drained from the enemy should be multiplied by, let's say 1/2, and transfered to sith. High risk, high reward, no need for balancing.

Lvl 1,2,3 would just differ in the amount of damage done to the enemy or the time needed to kill an opponent. I would opt for second option as time is crucial factor in MB2.

When it comes to saber throw, I will think about it :)

i'd prefer it if more dev time was put into the current melee L+R grab than into a new type of grab


Master of Whispers
I'd love to get a ton of gameplay feedback from people that play for a week. Especially Jedi/sith feedback
perhaps some recently found the forum after the reset.

but hey, he has good ideas for a week of play

.. and some bad ones
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Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
Sadly it looks pretty much all the stuff you wrote is nonsense. This game really takes more playtime than a week before you should go on suggesting any new ideas. Please go and play more so that you can get a proper grasp on what is balanced and what is not.
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Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
make it so that it's possible to perfect block a throw, but otherwise it staggers if somebody was blocking, unless they do PB. make it tactile and controllable with cam.

no 2.gif
I'd love to get a ton of gameplay feedback from people that play for a week. Especially Jedi/sith feedback.


"i only want feedback from people who are set in their opinions and have played the mod from outset"

if nobody gave you any feedback would you just put whatever ideas you thought were best in? like how EA make arcadefront

if anything you should ask everyone to give feedback after their first hour of gameplay for initial impressions of what's useful and what isn't to a blind man.


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
There is a difference between good and ridiculous suggestions. Having 1 week of playtime will make you suggest the ridiculous ideas.
There is a difference between good and ridiculous suggestions. Having 1 week of playtime will make you suggest the ridiculous ideas.

saber throw doesn't have to stagger, but it could be better. making it controllable mid-air could be nice.

i'm not saying do what i'm saying verbatim. what's wrong with the idea of sith scream rather than a basic speed skill for instance? it suits the sith. it's aggressive.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
saber throw doesn't have to stagger, but it could be better. making it controllable mid-air could be nice.

i'm not saying do what i'm saying verbatim. what's wrong with the idea of sith scream rather than a basic speed skill for instance? it suits the sith. it's aggressive.

I think it'd be enough just to fix the weird targeting where you have to look a little to the left, but not too much, and pray you got the hitbox right, and usually miss anyway. Saber throw can be a powerful asset under the right circumstances, but using it is virtually impossible.
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