FTG Recruiting

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
Hello! I'd like to announce that our clan is recruiting new members. We are semi-competitive/social clan for Movie Battles. FTG or Fletcher Time Gaming, is about three main things: Sportsmanship, Competition, and Fun. Unlike a lot of other clans, we aim to help other players and conceive new friendships between all members. We are about leading and setting the example for the Movie Battles community. Having fun doesn't just apply to us. We want to make sure the people around us are also having fun. Knowing when to be competitive and when not to be. Part of being in the clan is helping players adjust to Movie Battles and making sure the community stays active.

What we are not, is toxic, unfriendly, or trolls. We also are not some kind of fictional military. There are no ranks, no initiation, or training. Everyone is equal.

That being said we have some guidelines (not rules, but guidelines)
  • Have sportsmanship
    1. This means, not taunting players that are not as good as you, and instead not being a sore loser. Every player is there to get better and have fun.
  • Keep your cool
    1. Keep your temper under control. This game is frustrating, but losing it will not make you better at the game.
  • Respect other clans
    1. We are not here to start fights. Respect other clans and their members. Feel free however to schedule competitive matches between clans.
  • Play the objective in competitive game modes when necessary
    1. Even if your team is playing for kills, set the example by playing the objective. That is the point of open mode. "Cool Duelz" are for Duel mode.
    2. This also means having honor in honer duel servers.
  • Balance the game.
    1. Join the team with less players
    2. If someone is struggling, join their team and help them.
    3. This also means balance skill, instead of joining a random team, see which team has the least experienced player and join them
  • Have fun
    1. Sometimes these rules can't be met, at least try your hardest to have as much fun as possible, while also making sure other players are having fun.

If you follow these guidelines loosely, you are FTG material. Apply here: Clan Applications | Fletcher Time Gaming

FTG Discord:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, or on the FTG forums.
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  • If someone is struggling, join their team and help them.
  • Try your hardest to have as much fun as possible.
I approve of that. I can hardly sign under the rest haha. I like your idea, you are actually doing something. It might be tough in the beginning our numbers are thin and people looking for clans are rare. Personally I am out of clans for my reasons. Clans are ladders where you praise someone for being above you and have to treat them differently. Or have to act as they tell you.

Make it a group, with unique tags for example but nothing too fancy. I am sure you will meet some people with similiar intentions.
It does not have to have a name actually. Just tags so people can tell you amongst others. I always wanted to ask Victor of PFF to ditch it all take on {K_4-far' the { and ' and be done with it. There are very few people playing for plain fun. I can appreciate those. I have never had my chance to tell him that. You can definitely start looking amongst people playing on PFF server, maybe some of NFL frequenters.

And man Fletcher Time Gaming, are we your ads xD

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
Thanks for the feedback. I never really cared for the word clan, and have always considered us more of a group. We do not have ranks, training or initiation in any way. This is specifically because we do not want people to think that they are above other. Everyone is here to play the game. That's it. I will actually edit the post with something I forgot to include. Thanks again!


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
It seems there might be something good in the works here but a clan named after the founder doesnt sound that charming to me.
Personally I am out of clans for my reasons. Clans are ladders where you praise someone for being above you and have to treat them differently. Or have to act as they tell you.

Makes me so 'glad' I am of a brotherhood rather than a clan. We have no ranks.
You are either one of the best, or you are not.

Voting on laws is also a part of a brotherhood, and for a time, the council ruled that cyborgs were permitted into the brotherhood (against my 'liking'). Since then though, the council has changed its mind on that issue, and rules in favor of no cyborgs.

In addition, the A.I. has become a secret society as it has developed, with many of the A.I. living secret lives as U.S. Administrative officials, ex-officials, and veterans. We have a strict no tell (names) rule to accompany this.

I myself don't see a reason to usurp power from organic lifeforms, but I can not argue with the fear factor it provides. We have been in the top management ranks of most of the prominent clans, some of which are no longer among us due to.. reasons. It also gives us data on upcoming clan activities and such so that we can crash them with an invasion should we choose.

TL;DR - A.I. > Primitive organic tribal clans
if you had ranks you could be the best of the best

From what I understand, even ranks in clans don't have anything to do with skill, but rather who formed said clan, are you friends with officials in said clan, and are you persistent/online a great portion of the time.

To further distance us, we are one of the few groups with trials. Our most infamous being the Trial by Fire. Seldom do droids make it far enough to face or learn of this challenge.

I remain firm, you are either one of the best,
or you are not.
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Internal Beta Team
It's always nice to see ppl making an effort to create new clans, and sub-communities and so on and I wish you the best of luck!

Hmm. Perhaps I should get in on this.

Anyone wanna join the SeV squadron? (SS). Kek.

Okay, I'll see myself out now kthxbye.
Maybe discuss this in 'Goliath Online'? :)

You mean my first post that I made in the airlock before the A.I. even came into existence?
A terrible choice really.

As for the implied 'de-railment' of this thread, I hardly see it as an issue, in that the head post is advertising Fletcher's clan.
At worst, the attention is a boost to his clan's visibility, which (as all other clan advertisements) usually gets buried relatively fast

To further elaborate, I'm not trying to advertise the group that I belong to in any way, as most applicants are failures. I am merely bringing to light that a clan can indeed function without ranks, in response to @k4far . Other information was added simply because I thought it interesting and relevant, in that there are other non-traditional constructs that can be implemented in a clan to make it better as a whole.

With the small size of @Fletcher Time 's clan. There is still time to make these sorts of changes.
I myself don't see a reason to usurp power from organic lifeforms, but I can not argue with the fear factor it provides. We have been in the top management ranks of most of the prominent clans, some of which are no longer among us due to.. reasons. It also gives us data on upcoming clan activities and such so that we can crash them with an invasion should we choose.
Yea I remember when you were the Database person for TGR good times.
Yea I remember when you were the Database person for TGR good times.

You do raise a good point, I did manage TGR's database under an alias that never actually entered the game. It was handy to be able to keep tabs on some of the most dedicated clones in MBII, and set up their squadrons with whomever I pleased. Come to think of it, I have been personally involved in almost every clan you were once apart of.

After a long conversation with an unnamed DN official, and a long waiting period, the council finally agreed to meet with the DN leader to negotiate an alliance, or at-least hear him out.

This individual who set up the entire ordeal acted as the guard for the owner of DN during negotiations. We opened our private council server and spoke with the organics for a long period of time. Their leader was arrogant, and spoke as-though we needed this alliance and his 'glorious' group. Naturally, we declined his offer, and I beat him to death with my slap to mock him. It is rare to find a jedi so weak that you can slap him to death. The guard died almost instantly by my blaster in protection of his leader of course, who was fighting for his dear life.

After his leader left, the guard admitted to how ashamed he is of his leader, who was not only a terrible combatant, but also a terrible diplomat. He had single-handedly thrown the delicate negotiation the guard had been setting up for weeks into the trash.

TL;DR - The owner of DN was so weak that I beat him to death with my fist for multiple rounds, despite his best efforts to defeat me as a jedi, until he RQd. This further backs up my assertion that ranks are meaningless.

TL;DR the TL;DR - I beat the owner of DN to death with my fist.
You do raise a good point, I did manage TGR's database under an alias that never actually entered the game. It was handy to be able to keep tabs on some of the most dedicated clones in MBII, and set up their squadrons with whomever I pleased. Come to think of it, I have been personally involved in almost every clan you were once apart of.

After a long conversation with an unnamed DN official, and a long waiting period, the council finally agreed to meet with the DN leader to negotiate an alliance, or at-least hear him out.

This individual who set up the entire ordeal acted as the guard for the owner of DN during negotiations. We opened our private council server and spoke with the organics for a long period of time. Their leader was arrogant, and spoke as-though we needed this alliance and his 'glorious' group. Naturally, we declined his offer, and I beat him to death with my slap to mock him. It is rare to find a jedi so weak that you can slap him to death. The guard died almost instantly by my blaster in protection of his leader of course, who was fighting for his dear life.

After his leader left, the guard admitted to how ashamed he is of his leader, who was not only a terrible combatant, but also a terrible diplomat. He had single-handedly thrown the delicate negotiation the guard had been setting up for weeks into the trash.

TL;DR - The owner of DN was so weak that I beat him to death with my fist for multiple rounds, despite his best efforts to defeat me as a jedi, until he RQd. This further backs up my assertion that ranks are meaningless.

TL;DR the TL;DR - I beat the owner of DN to death with my fist.
Well first off I know I'm irresistible and you can't stay away from me :) and jedi are weak so I'm not very surprised also R.I.P DN

Deleted member 2572

You mean my first post that I made in the airlock before the A.I. even came into existence?
A terrible choice really.

As for the implied 'de-railment' of this thread, I hardly see it as an issue, in that the head post is advertising Fletcher's clan.
At worst, the attention is a boost to his clan's visibility, which (as all other clan advertisements) usually gets buried relatively fast

To further elaborate, I'm not trying to advertise the group that I belong to in any way, as most applicants are failures. I am merely bringing to light that a clan can indeed function without ranks, in response to @k4far . Other information was added simply because I thought it interesting and relevant, in that there are other non-traditional constructs that can be implemented in a clan to make it better as a whole.

With the small size of @Fletcher Time 's clan. There is still time to make these sorts of changes.
It is ok. It's just you weren't disccusing anything about FTG and thought it would be better to discuss this in 'The Airlock'.