force rtv

I and many others are tired of playing the same 2 boring maps(deathstar and pandemonium) and believe it would be beneficial for the health of MBII if forced rtv was instituted on all servers to allow a more diverse range of playstyles and to allow other maps to have a chance of getting more recognition. Some will be against this, however the only thing they truly fear is change, as they believe no matter what, change is always bad and would bring down an entire game for their primitive beliefs and inability to handle change. The rampant stagnation of MBII can be attributed to essentially only having 2 maps available unless you like playing by yourself.
Make your own server and get a reliable group of people to populate it on a regular basis, and people might flock to it instead. YOU have to put in the effort, not someone else, be it devs, server owners, or whoever
I know change is scary but it will end in something better, you just have to try it
That's your argument? Not very convincing to be honest. And I'm the last person you should be telling that, since DN server (and most of EU servers) has always had RTV enabled.

But yes I do agree that the NA situation is pretty shitty to say the least, with 2 of the most popular server being stuck on either DS or DotF. HOWEVER, it's up to you to change that, you know? How about instead of talking shit on the forums about how change is "scary but good", you actually look for other pro-RTV NA people, gather them, host your own RTV server and populate it. Sounds good? I think that would be MUCH more effective in achieving your goal than creating such threads and trying to convince people to do it for you
force rtv

tl;dr: No.
There are no plans to force servers to use RTV, or rotations or anything else along those lines.

Will RTV be incorporated into the mod (rather than being an external program) - 100% yes (No time frame though).
Will it be enabled in the default server configuration - Almost certainly.
Will it be mandatory - Not under any present plans. I wont rule it out completely though.

I think we all need to appreciate the paradoxical stance of some members of this community. Some people using player choice as a reason to demand classic DOTF be brought back and then acting like scared little children the very first time they are confronted with the prospect of the community being able to choose which maps they play on via rtv.

We need to bin the fallacy that NA players want anything different from EU players and look at why certain servers may have become the default choice for players in those communities. There is no secret about historic abuse that may have contributed to the current state. No corrective action is really possible or even sought, but as a community we absolutely must remain aware that the situation in NA is not entirely the result of a natural community consensus it is to some degree the result of the will of a few being imposed on the will of the many through a campaign of harassment, where the message being sent was very clearly play our way or we will ruin the game for you. That others have attempted the same tactics with less success is not a defense of this behavior.
That's your argument? Not very convincing to be honest. And I'm the last person you should be telling that, since DN server (and most of EU servers) has always had RTV enabled.

But yes I do agree that the NA situation is pretty shitty to say the least, with 2 of the most popular server being stuck on either DS or DotF. HOWEVER, it's up to you to change that, you know? How about instead of talking shit on the forums about how change is "scary but good", you actually look for other pro-RTV NA people, gather them, host your own RTV server and populate it. Sounds good? I think that would be MUCH more effective in achieving your goal than creating such threads and trying to convince people to do it for you
whats dotf mean


Internal Beta Team
Pandemonium is not always on DOTF, it was on Jedi Temple, Snow Facility, Lunar, and Echobase recently if I'm not mistaken. The default is DOTF, yes, but if you get an admin on they'll change the map since their RTV is a bit broken at the moment.

tR, well, that's it's own issue lol.
whoever made the lego star wars map had a spark of brilliancy when he created it and it is a shame that so few people have had the chance to play that map and I believe that many peoples opinion would change if they only tried it out
People are really fickle. Servers with RTV in the US tend to go from 32 population to 0 the moment an unpopular map wins the tiebreaker. Usually Coruscant_Streets or Smuggler. Personally, I always loved servers with a rotation, but the vast majority seem to only play for 5 or so rounds and are pretty picky about what map those rounds are on.

The reason the only populated US servers are on those maps, are because the servers that aren't are empty.

Victin Halcyon

I've had the opposite experience--it's very easy to find or populate a RTV/rotation server in NA. You might not get a 32/32 (though often you do). I actually found Owe's Server to have the best rotation and best gambit for populating, since it always defaults to DOTF, but I think only goes to 10 games before switching through an excellent series of maps in terms of gameplay.


Internal Beta Team
I and many others are tired of playing the same 2 boring maps(deathstar and pandemonium) and believe it would be beneficial for the health of MBII if forced rtv was instituted on all servers to allow a more diverse range of playstyles and to allow other maps to have a chance of getting more recognition. Some will be against this, however the only thing they truly fear is change, as they believe no matter what, change is always bad and would bring down an entire game for their primitive beliefs and inability to handle change. The rampant stagnation of MBII can be attributed to essentially only having 2 maps available unless you like playing by yourself.
smod map mb2_jabba


go prison and rush jabba through the stairs
