Fire Nade Change Suggestion


Internal Beta Team
US Official Server Admin
Fire Nade Change Suggestion:

The issue - Fire nades in their current state are too oppressive at holding corridors, specifically the alt. throw, and with some changes I believe they would be much more manageable and interactive for both teams. In the current state there is no difference between the secondary fire nade and primary fire nade other than the fact that primary nade can bounce off walls and is much much easier to push back, what this causes in my experience is that primary fire nade is nearly never used in competetive scrims since it is just a worse option, its much better to just use secondary fire since its instant, has the same fire spread, and is nearly impossible for a jedi to push back in most circumstances.

The solution - Reduce the spread of fire from the secondary nade to both make it less oppressive and encourage players to use the primary throw, which allows for counter play to be used, how would this look? I will show you:

Primary Nade - will be unchanged and work as usual, spreading out from the point of origin in all 4 directions as well as having the origin flame in the center

Secondary Nade - will only create a flame on the point of origin that the fire nade contacted with, which will cover a much smaller area than primary nade, giving players a reason to use it

let me know what you think about this suggestion in the comments, as well as any changes you would make to this suggestion, have a nice day <3
That secondary area effect is way to small to ever be usable. Also, primary fire instantly lights enemies on fire. It is not the best, but it is usable. The damage nerf was unneeded though tbh.


Internal Beta Team
That secondary area effect is way to small to ever be usable. Also, primary fire instantly lights enemies on fire. It is not the best, but it is usable. The damage nerf was unneeded though tbh.
secondary effect is only small if you detonate it on the ground, if you detonate it on a wall, a roof, or an enemies face, it spreads a lot more. And both fire nades set you on fire if you stand in them for 0.50 seconds

And I do think the damage nerf was needed, it felt shit when you were like 5 feet above/away from where the fire effects appeared but still instantly lost around 40 HP, only to then have your speed decreased by like 50% because you're in the fire with rapid fire damage, all of that is expected except the original damage doing so much from so far away from its own visual effect.


Internal Beta Team
No he was saying he wants all pillars reduced from 5 to one pillar. I wish he was misunderstanding this.
what? IK what he's saying, but you were saying that the secondary fire effect is too small be useable, but when it appears instantly, still deals a lot of damage, and can shut down a doorway for like 10-15 seconds, its still huge in scrim play. If losing its surrounding pillars is a massive nerf, you can still increase the size of the original pillar for it.

Personally I just think the duration of sec nade needs to be tuned down.
I meant his version. The current version of secondary fire is fine. Reread my posts. I said THAT secondary fire (His Idea) is too small to be practical.


Internal Beta Team
US Official Server Admin
I meant his version. The current version of secondary fire is fine. Reread my posts. I said THAT secondary fire (His Idea) is too small to be practical.
i believe it would still be useful for small doors and for targeting a single individual like a wookie for example, the idea of the change is to make alt fire not the only way to use fire nade, since right now its basically the only way to use it, fire nade on the top of a doorway and it covers the whole thing, and the reason thats the only way to use it is because its just too good to even consider using primary fire, or throw it behind a team as they push in to split their team off for free since its nearly impossible to push an alt nade back unless you get lucky at close range, but at least with this change i believe it would be easier to maneuver around the fire if its done using alt mode


Internal Beta Team
US Official Server Admin
secondary effect is only small if you detonate it on the ground, if you detonate it on a wall, a roof, or an enemies face, it spreads a lot more. And both fire nades set you on fire if you stand in them for 0.50 seconds

And I do think the damage nerf was needed, it felt shit when you were like 5 feet above/away from where the fire effects appeared but still instantly lost around 40 HP, only to then have your speed decreased by like 50% because you're in the fire with rapid fire damage, all of that is expected except the original damage doing so much from so far away from its own visual effect.
not to mention it was and still is as hard to push as old sec nade


Internal Beta Team
Problem with the 1 column idea is that wherever you nade, be it roof wall or anything, the 1 fire column would stay there, so if you fire the roof of a doorway, all that space under it wont be affected, same with the sides of doorways. Really the biggest thing is just reducing its duration IMO. Instant fire for less duration


Internal Beta Team
US Official Server Admin
Problem with the 1 column idea is that wherever you nade, be it roof wall or anything, the 1 fire column would stay there, so if you fire the roof of a doorway, all that space under it wont be affected, same with the sides of doorways. Really the biggest thing is just reducing its duration IMO. Instant fire for less duration
ye that is also an option for fixing the problem, also a way you could fix my idea is just by allowing the pillar that goes straight down to spawn, so sec nade would be 2 pillars


Movie Battles II Team
Finally when firenade became useful and fun to use, it needs to get nerfed right away? Just remove all sound effects from fire so that sound bug would cease to exist. Nothing else needs to be changed. If anything, buff primary to make it useful.


Internal Beta Team
Finally when firenade became useful and fun to use, it needs to get nerfed right away? Just remove all sound effects from fire so that sound bug would cease to exist. Nothing else needs to be changed. If anything, buff primary to make it useful.
The reason primary isnt used much is simply because it can be pushed back easily, how are you going to buff it in a way where that's a better option than instant crowd control. And we arent asking for a super massive nerf either, does it not make sense that when you throw a nade with a longer detonation time, it would have a longer effect, vs throwing a nade with an instant detonation time, to have a shorter duration. Its still hella useful, you split up half a team or deal huge off the bat damage on detonation, you just cant run 15 seconds off the clock per fire nade when you can have 4 fire nades on a single player.


Movie Battles II Team
The reason primary isnt used much is simply because it can be pushed back easily, how are you going to buff it in a way where that's a better option than instant crowd control. And we arent asking for a super massive nerf either, does it not make sense that when you throw a nade with a longer detonation time, it would have a longer effect, vs throwing a nade with an instant detonation time, to have a shorter duration. Its still hella useful, you split up half a team or deal huge off the bat damage on detonation, you just cant run 15 seconds off the clock per fire nade when you can have 4 fire nades on a single player.
Didnt mean it needs a buff. Imo just keep it the way it is. I dont see how it is actually op


Internal Beta Team
Bring 3 ET fire starters with double fire nades and see how long they can timewaste you for, it makes gameplay passive and encourages the slow, campy style of gameplay that makes people bored and annoyed. The fact that it hits instantly more than makes up for the fact that you can barely dodge it and that it lasts forever, and when you can block off whole lanes as defense there's really not reason not to spam them and just freeze Rebs out.