[Feedback] Droideka does no FP damage.

I used to play deka a lot at one point, and I have to say that HTD is right - the drains are pathetically low, and deka as a whole gets completely countered by jedi. There's literally nothing you can do - a smart jedi will ALWAYS kill you at close ranges, no matter your build, so your only option against good players is to run away. This is why I found that quick deploy deka is really the only way to play - with other builds you are forced to stay away from the fight and provide fire support. And while that's somewhat effective, it's extremely boring and tedious.
I used to play deka a lot at one point, and I have to say that HTD is right - the drains are pathetically low, and deka as a whole gets completely countered by jedi. There's literally nothing you can do - a smart jedi will ALWAYS kill you at close ranges, no matter your build, so your only option against good players is to run away. This is why I found that quick deploy deka is really the only way to play - with other builds you are forced to stay away from the fight and provide fire support. And while that's somewhat effective, it's extremely boring and tedious.
Well, sometimes you can't even run away cuz you know... 5 years old bug.


Internal Beta Team
We both killed each other as a Jedi yes, and we also traded, the argument that FP drains need to be increased is moot. With consistent aim you drain FP and it's fine, you miss, you die.
With shield discharge also, if you time it correctly and you can aim, you get the kill, i failed to display this on 200 ping. But on native it was more than a cake walk.

In terms of balance, dekka is equipped for a 1v1.

On the approach, jedi can jump and use any means of movement abilities to evade blaster fire, deka has to practically lead every shot no matter how close they are due to the slow turning speed. When up close, If you arent using discharge, jedi jumps on your head and you cant do anything against it. If you are using discharge, the jedi can just continue to run in circles around you (you have to lead your shots even at point blank to hit them) and then they can just swap directions instantly with a halfswing. Timing your discharges to push them back? jedi can just swingblock it with defense 3, take like 10 fp drain from the flinch, and then try again, while the deka loses 200 shields out of a possible 700, letting them discharge 3 times, 4 if they turn the shield off between discharges and if you were shot by gunners before the engagement, you have less uses from the start. Jedi can literally just strafe around you with the option to get an instant halfswing at any time due to your firerate. If you run quick deploy, Sure you dont die, but you also cant kill the jedi because low FP drain at distance, and jedi just will use cover when they are low. A jedi can shut down any deka with just speed and a fast style. when you're running around the deka, (deka leading their shots to even hit you) you just 180 the other direction, turn on speed for a split second, and suddenly the deka has to 180 to get the flinch.

Droideka's do not have many options against a jedi.