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[SOLVED] Extracting Launcher exe on Mac issues

Using Mac Sierra 10.12.4, I bought and downloaded Jedi Academy on Steam, but after I download the MB2 launcher exe, I cannot extract it. I've used the Unarchiver and a couple other extracting applications off the App Store and still none of them work. I've look for hours trying to figure out the problem, so if anybody can help I would really appreciate it. Please, if somebody tries to help, explain it in a simplistic way, as I am not the best with computers.


Slayed dreamer
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Ok, so I was just trying to open the MBLauncer.exe right after i downloaded it. I did a little more looking and realized that i have to put it in my GameData folder, but I cant find it. I go from Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy, all I have in there is the base, MBII, MBII_Laucher folders, and now the MBLauncher.exe in the Jedi Academy folder. I got mono to open though imputing the code in the terminal from the troubleshooting guide, mono is what the app is called on my bottom bar (i dont know what the bar with all the apps is called) and it opens the Movie Battle II launcher. I guess i'm confused on which to follow, the community page downloading directions or the troubleshooting guide directions. Am I on the right track or did I miss something? Again, please explain a simply as possible as you can probably tell already, I don't really understand this stuff.


Slayed dreamer
Not an emulator, it's a substitute. It executes .NET applications as-is.
I don't even understand what "substitute" does mean in this context, but it doesn't even matter, cause "emulator" is exactly how Mono looks like for an end-user: it creates an environment that allows executing program those originally weren't designed for systems where that environment is deployed.

It very similar how game console emulators work: NES emulator, which is regular Win32 app, starting up in Windows in standard way, then it reads ROM file form hard drive, interpret it and execute it, so user can play videogames those never designed for any PC OS, on his PC with Windows 7 installed.
Replace "NES emulator" with "Mono", "ROM file" with ".exe file" and you'll get the picture.
Again, it's more about [unexperienced] end-user impression, rather than the narrow, dogmatic view of the jedi.
DOSBox, WINE, Cygwin etc etc are pretty similar to what I've described.

Furthermore, .NET is entirely Windows-only standard, based on Windows and designed for Windows, no matter what Microsoft managers say.
.NET applications are regular Win32 PE files, and PE has almost nothing to do with either Linux or MacOS.

Though we also can use other metaphor, where Mono is interpreter for languages like PHP or Python, and MBIILauncher.exe is like a php/python script.
Or text editor/text file thing...
open the MBLauncer.exe right after i downloaded it.
You can't open MBIILauncher.exe directly, you must do it via Mono.
Like you open a pictures of nice cute adorable kittens via Photoshop.
I did a little more looking and realized that i have to put it in my GameData folder, but I cant find it.
You can't have a GameData, it's a Windows thing.
I go from Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy, all I have in there is the base, MBII, MBII_Laucher folders, and now the MBLauncher.exe in the Jedi Academy folder.
Put MBIILauncher.exe into "/Users/YOUR_NAME/Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy" and NOT into "/Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy".
it opens the Movie Battle II launcher.
Yes, open a terminal, then type:
cd /Users/YOUR_NAME/Library/Application\ Support/Jedi\ Academy; mono ./MBIILauncher.exe
MBIILauncher should appear shortly.
Install Movie Battles using Launcher.
Then download JKJALaunch and run MBII with it, as described in Installation & Troubleshooting Guide


Movie Battles II Team
It very similar how game console emulators work: NES emulator, which is regular Win32 app, starting up in Windows in standard way, then it reads ROM file form hard drive, interpret it and execute it, so user can play videogames those never designed for any PC OS, on his PC with Windows 7 installed.
Replace "NES emulator" with "Mono", "ROM file" with ".exe file" and you'll get the picture.
Again, it's more about [unexperienced] end-user impression, rather than the narrow, dogmatic view of the jedi.
DOSBox, WINE, Cygwin etc etc are pretty similar to what I've described.
In your case .NET Framework is also an emulator for .NET programs. Just original one.
(And it's wrong.)
They both translate CIL into native calls.
They work indentically: execute CIL, translate into system-specific calls.
Mono does not emulate .NET Framework, Mono works the same.

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Currently MS is working on .NET Core (cross-platform including Windows) that suppose to replace .NET Framework and Mono. And we all have been waiting for it.
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So, two things. First, when I go to my users, then to my name, there is no Library folder, however when I go to Downloads, the MBII launcher and MBIIlauncher.exe is there with the rest of the stuff I assume goes with this mod as well in the Downloads folder as well. If there is a way to redirect it to have the library/application support/Jedi Academy moved into the user folder, I would need to know. And the code doesn't do anything in the terminal, I can assume because of the reason above.

Second, when I open up MBII Launcher (its called mono on the bottom bar but MBII Launcher on the top of the page), I can follow the links on the page eg. " Update Released" and "Movie Battles Official Discord Server". But I cannot click on the bottom buttons of Install, uninstall, settings etc., I guess I need to sort out the first problem, then this will be solved.

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Lul, disregard the first problem I had. I found the way to find the library folder and I guess I already put the MBIIlauncher.exe in the Jedi Academy folder.
However, I still have the problem on still not being able to click on anything at the bottom of the Movie Battles II Launcher when I open it. It also opens a tab on my internet browser called "Index of /download" and its a white page with several links to things such as the MBIIlauncher.exe. I've also opened up the JKJALaunch which leads to the "Jedi Academy Launch Settings" but the "Ok" button on the bottom right corner is unclickable. So this is what point I am in the process, just to clarify.
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Slayed dreamer
In your case .NET Framework is also an emulator for .NET programs. Just original one.
(And it's wrong.)
They both translate CRL into native calls.
They work indentically: execute CRL, translate into system-specific calls.
It's not an emulator because it's original system. It can be emulated.
And in your case, WINE is not an emulator as well, since it just translates Windows API into [Linux] system-specific calls.

.NET binaries aren't native for MacOS in any possible way. They belong to different OS.
In the eyes of end-user, running those binaries via Mono shares same look-and-feel as running ROMs via game console emulators.
there is no Library folder
How to view the ~/Library folder in Mavericks and Yosemite
10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder - Mac OS X Hints
why can't i see "Library" in home folder | Official Apple Support Communities
I can't find the Library folder | Official Apple Support Communities
Where is my Home Library Folder in El Capitan? | Official Apple Support Communities
But I cannot click on the bottom buttons of Install, uninstall, settings etc.,
Well, that's frustrating :(
Not really sure how to fix it, but there is another thing to try anyway; I forgot to tell you that you actually should download a special build of Launcher, not regular one: http://www.moviebattles.org/download/MBIILauncherLIN.exe
Use it instead the one you've already got.
I've also opened up the JKJALaunch which leads to the "Jedi Academy Launch Settings" but the "Ok" button on the bottom right corner is unclickable
That's because it needs to set up a proper path to Jedi Academy first in JKJALaunch.
The path usually looks like:
/Users/YOUR_NAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/SWJKJA.app
/Users/YOUR_NAME/Applications/Jedi Academy/SWJKJA.app
/Library/Application Support/Steam/SWJKJA.app
/Applications/Jedi Academy/SWJKJA.app
Whatever exists on your machine (check them all)...
And don't forget to set
+set fs_game MBII
as a command line parameter in JKJALaunch!

Though it won't work until you'll get Movie Battles installed...
Soooooo, I guess i got JKJALaunch to work, i put in/ Users/MY_NAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Jedi Academy/SWJKJA.app,
And put in the code in the line parameter and then hit ok. It then made me pick single player or multiplayer. I assume that is the way its supposed to work.
And, i used the new .exe you provided, and what do ya know, i can click install button on the MBII launcher.
Im going to try to install tomorrow (i read it takes some time), and I have finals tomorrow as well, but I will let you know if I have any more problems.
Thanks again for the help so far, and future help if I should need it!


Movie Battles II Team
.NET binaries aren't native for MacOS in any possible way. They belong to different OS.
.Net binaries are not native for Windows as well, they are native for .Net Framework.
They are native for Mono Framework.
And the frameworks translate to system-specific calls.
Alrighty then, I installed the MBII Launcher and after a couple hours it was installed. Then I press play and nothing happens. So I exited out an now can open it back up again, when I try it says that it quit unexpectedly. I also can't seem to get MBII Launcher to open through the terminal either.
Also, when I open the JKJALaunch, the option of single player and multiplayer come up, I choose multiplayer and it just starts the regular Jedi Academy multiplayer.


Slayed dreamer
.Net binaries are not native for Windows as well
Yes they are -- as I said, they are regular PE files, which is native Windows format.
They just need an additional runtime, .NET.
.NET appliations export at least one function via standard PE method, export table -- "_CorExeMain" from MSCOREE.DLL.
MSCOREE.DLL is part .NET and it's yet another regular PE file.
This whole technology is a Windows thing, has nothing to do with Max or Linux, and .NET apps requires emulation to run on systems other than Windows.
And the frameworks translate to system-specific calls.
So... what's about WINE?
I installed the MBII Launcher and after a couple hours it was installed.
Then I press play
Wrong turn.
While there are some reports that MBIILauncher can start Movie Battles on Mac, I believe JKJALaunch is much more reliable way.
I open the JKJALaunch, the option of single player and multiplayer come up
just starts the regular Jedi Academy multiplayer.
Probably you just forgot to set
+set fs_game MBII
as a command line parameter in JKJALaunch.
Check it, it just below where you set path to SWJKJA.app.
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