Dueling meta sucks right now

I'm someone who started playing this game in late 2017, and since then I've spent probably 95% of my time in Duel mode. There's been a lot of changes since I started playing, but dueling is by far the least fun right now. My main gripe with the whole system is that Yellow is way too gotdamn good. If you've played with me recently you know what I'm about to say next. To me, this is how I'd introduce the current meta to someone new:

Introducing WIGGLESABER!
It's when you use Yellow style and spam the shit out of your opponent every time you get a PB. Heres how you do it:
1. Use yellow style
2. Get a PB
3. Yaw the FUCK out of your mouse with your swings
4. Spam all of the WASD keys for a whole second with your swings
5. Your opponent is at half BP already
6. repeat

Essentially what I mean by Wigglesaber is that when you do this "technique," your animations are going so fast that the opponent can't PB you on purpose. The animations look like you're wiggling a saber in their chest. You might say that you should just use a different style to be less predictable. From what I've gathered, this is what happens for every style against Yellow:

Yellow: be better at wigglesaber than your opponent and you'll win
Red: get disarmed
Purple: get disarmed or parried
Blue: can probably stand up to wigglesaber for a while
Cyan: lol
White: lol
Green: might actually win

I also don't want to complain without offering a solution, so heres some loose ideas to build off of to fix this kind of thing, I guess
  • Make yellow style less damaging or something
  • Old-school PB Counters, where if you PB, you can hit back with a 2x speed attack (is this still in the game? I know it wasn't for a long time, idk if it got added back in the 2 years I didn't play)
  • Buff purple and blue? Fuckin everybody uses yellow right now, idk I think a reason to not use yellow would be nice
I don't know, man. Dueling is just super unfun right now with this kind of shit being the meta. I'm not someone who duels to win every single time, I duel to have fun, and with wigglesaber it's taking the fun out of all of my duels. I can't blame people who use it, because it is in the game and it does win duels. I just wish it wasn't so spammy and unfun to play, is what I'm saying. I have to actively avoid people using wigglesaber if I wanna have any fun duels like the old days

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
Buff purple and blue? Fuckin everybody uses yellow right now, idk I think a reason to not use yellow would be nice

Very much agree with this. To see some variety would be amazing! Right now it feels like you're putting yourself at a disadvantage by not using yellow.
Is this for real? Haven't played since last year but are you telling me the saber system is now JA 2004 with that yaw swing bullshit?

Talk about regression.
Really just Shit tier development on sabering, and It’s all been going downhill for these past years. I suppose we could wait for Tempests Sabering.
It doesn't really matter whose build comes next, yawing aka wigglesaber as our OP friend calls it is something that would be extremely hard to regulate in any build. It's an old abuse of broken Jedi Knight animations that's been around forever.
Honestly, people who use red and yaw into a wasd combo are the ultimate badasses. No other type of player can actually 100-0bp you in a shorter amount of time. I think it takes ~4.5 seconds to kill someone with that technique if you hit with 2 combo's.

I don't get mad at this game, but I'd lie if I said those players don't stab my heart.
Seriously, though, I tried this build for about 3-4 times, each time leaving disappointed.

The thing is, I just don't get it. For example:
- What's up with those stupid interrupts? When exactly they happen, during which part of animation? What gameplay purpose they serve? How to avoid it? How to weaponize it and make it happen to your opponent? Who was this bright genius who introduced this mechanic and for what reason? Does anybody really like him it?

Like, I understand, interrupts can be used as a tool to disrupt your opponent's flow, and you gotta watch out for yourself too, nice idea. But it doesn't work if you can't reliably control when it happens. And I am having problem with reliability. For me interrupts happen pretty much randomly during duel. Sometimes, sure, I hit enemy during his windup animation and he gets interrupted, nice. But sometimes it does not work. Sometimes, sure, I can protect myself by not launching my swing too recklessly. But sometimes I just get interrupted anyway. Thing is, if execution is not reliable. then mechanc becomes random BS nuisance. Or maybe this is just l2p issue? Can somebody help me then? Exaplain to old silly me how the F am I supposed to control this thing?
Seriously, though, I tried this build for about 3-4 times, each time leaving disappointed.

The thing is, I just don't get it. For example:
- What's up with those stupid interrupts? When exactly they happen, during which part of animation? What gameplay purpose they serve? How to avoid it? How to weaponize it and make it happen to your opponent? Who was this bright genius who introduced this mechanic and for what reason? Does anybody really like him it?

Like, I understand, interrupts can be used as a tool to disrupt your opponent's flow, and you gotta watch out for yourself too, nice idea. But it doesn't work if you can't reliably control when it happens. And I am having problem with reliability. For me interrupts happen pretty much randomly during duel. Sometimes, sure, I hit enemy during his windup animation and he gets interrupted, nice. But sometimes it does not work. Sometimes, sure, I can protect myself by not launching my swing too recklessly. But sometimes I just get interrupted anyway. Thing is, if execution is not reliable. then mechanc becomes random BS nuisance. Or maybe this is just l2p issue? Can somebody help me then? Exaplain to old silly me how the F am I supposed to control this thing?
Yes I can show you.
Purple: get disarmed or parried
I know is a rage shitposting, but dude, purple really needs a buff,I Know purple NEEDS to be slow and "high damage" (is not really high damage but is stronger than yellow... or I supose that...) but it's too slow, I mean, the enemy can just stand there and MB until you get disarm and is not hard because the swing is slow af and even if you swingblock to prevent the disarm, you make your swing combos even slower and the enemy can PB easier, PB until you decide to connect another swing without swingblock and finally MB and disarm, and if you swingblock and get ACM, the enemy can do the opposite thing, just spam swings and he don't worry about pulverize his bp because probably the purple bp would be gone before that, purple can't attack against a spammer, literally, can't parry, and if actually do that, don't worry, parry a swing tooks a lot of BP from him, it's to slow to do that properly and it's not worthy because you spend more BP on that, even if he PB, or try to MB, the enemy gets ACM and if you don't PB just one swing after that you are ded. In fact the easiest form to kill a purple user is just swing when he is attacking and MB when he is defending, so he can't PB you, he can't MB you, he can't parry, he can't win ACM, just RIP. About the damage, the damage of purple is just like a "little bit stronger yellow", and with the slow fact, is not worthy to play it, I mean, yellow can do the same damage in Less time, with less problems, no, every style can do the same damage in less time with less problems. The only way to duel fair with purple is with max mouse sensivity and move the mouse , swing like a monkey with parkinson, you know, wigglesaber.

Also, purple hitbox is weird, probably because has a lot of range and, it's probably the only good thing in purple, but sometimes, you can get a sidewhack from the front in a middle of a swing.

Now, after all that shit, ¿you know what?, purple is cool, the moves are like Makashi and Vappad, wich are badass styles, feels so good winning with purple, doing combos, having range, connecting swings with kicks and any other cool thingys, but, maybe, if the speed in a middle of the swing like red, the first swing of red style is slow, but the others are pretty fast with the same damage, something like that would be pretty cool in purple, maybe not so fast like red but, faster than purple or maybe if tooks less BP attack and defend would be pretty good too.


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
use red, its purple but way better
What's tempests build look like? How does it make the system better? Been hearing about it for the longest time
The current state of duelling "mechanics" made me avoid playing duel altogether ever since it got definitively fucked - then left in a somewhat less-fucked state, but still in complete disarray. Indeed, Tempest's build can't come soon enough !
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