Do you like new DOTF?

Do you like new DOTF?

  • Yes

    Votes: 50 39.4%
  • No

    Votes: 50 39.4%
  • Not sure yet

    Votes: 27 21.3%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure how you didn't get bored of the old one. I was certainly bored of it and it usually made me quit MB2 after playing a few rounds if the server didn't have RTV.

Well, the old version had that nostalgia factor going for it and I think that's why i preferred it. I might start liking the new one more as time goes, who knows.
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so what's the purpose of removing the old version of dotf? tantive classic, jedi temple classic, etc. can't keep a dotf classic? i don't understand the point in removing it entirely if people prefer the older version and would rather play that. visually this new dotf is ''better'' but it plays far worse than previous versions in my and many others' opinions. if enough players in this dying community would like it to remain in the game, as other classic versions have, why remove it? guarantee a server running the last version of dotf over this new one would get more population.

i was going to make a new thread with a poll voting on keeping the old version in the game but i assumed it would get locked/deleted or some other stupid shit considering this thread already exists, even though it would be an entirely different poll. anyway, i haven't read any substantial reasoning behind removing the previous version completely from the game and i actually don't understand why you would
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
so what's the purpose of removing the old version of dotf? tantive classic, jedi temple classic, etc

The reason those two exist is because it theyre very different from what is already there, essentially being a new map. DOTF classic, Cloud City Classic, etc are not to be found because they are basically the same. DOTF now is very similar to the DOTF prior to v1 with the routes widened. It isn't as different or as bad as you all are claiming. FAR from it. The MB team has even done several experiments to see if this is true, including several released maps that have nearly identical the layout to rc1 dotf and v1 dotf only to find that the community shuns them as well. Why? Because you guys just want your boring dotf even if another map has exactly the same layout. We could literally make a box map with the exact layout of DOTF and you guys would bitch that something is wrong even when it is exactly the same thing to the point we built it on top of DOTF. I could literally make a GIF of me widening main, side, and removing throne door between this and old dotf and get new dotf. Yep those changes make it UNPLAYABLE.

However, I have already fixed most of the issues complained about with the patch last week. The remaining issues regarding the objective bugs need to be fixed by a programmer and are out of my control. It would benefit everyone to report the issues and help out on that front rather than screaming bloody murder. I plan on making other changes as well, and instead of helping me I get the shit above. Seriously? I literally told you it wasn't perfect and needed the communities help in getting more information to improve it.
tjunction is nowhere near the same, throne hall/room is nowhere near the same, left corridor, right corridor, etc.. yes the overall layout is essentially the same but a lot of the components that made DOTF, DOTF, have been removed or changed. i did not say, nor do i think anyone really has, that this version is UNPLAYABLE but it is my opinion and the opinion of many others, that the previous version of DOTF played much better. i don't believe it's a coincidence either that people have stopped playing DOTF 24/7 servers significantly since the release of this update. regardless what you're saying, my original post had nothing to do with the flaws of the map but rather the pointless decision to remove the old variation of our beloved Duel of the Fates.

it is also my personal belief that the biggest reason you are so against leaving the previous iteration in the game is due to the fact you put a lot of time and effort into the update and i think you know that more people would play the older version over the new. not here to discredit your work or anything of that nature, however, i don't believe there is a single justified reason to remove the old version entirely from the game, especially knowing how many people have asked for it to remain. i think you are worried that people will play the old version over the new, thus making all your work put in a 'waste'.

can't even fucking 1vX throne defense clutch anymore. and honestly... no one gives a shit about a classic Cloud City because the general consensus is that the updated version is far better, that is not the case for the DOTF update.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I don't honestly believe it plays much worse than the previous version. I have had a lot more fun with this one and so have many people. You're just so used to the old version you don't know how to play the new one.

Tjunc isn't that different from the old one, all the pillars are the exact same distance between eachother as the old pillars were... .you just now have options on both sides. That actually makes it better and allows for more angles of attack/defense.

And ya know what? ITS GOOD NO ONE IS PLAYING DOTF 24/7! But guess what, I still see the new dotf on full servers that have RTV and it works just fine! SHOCKER.

"Can't even fucking 1vX throne defense clutch anymore" that is a lie because you can. The obj just likes to bug some times and we need to fix that. Plus you should NEVER be guaranteed that win simply because the obj hack is too small and makes someone completely vulnerable.

And if you honestly think "time expended" is the reason I don't want to put classic there you are wrong and never even read my developer diary post on it. If that was the case I would have released any of the other versions of DOTF that never made it public.

Instead of giving me valuable feedback like @StarWarsGeek gave about changing the routes a bit more. I get the useless crap above. Or McBober giving me a way to bring catwalk back while still removing the detrimental parts of it.

And oh look the "yes I like new dotf" on this thread beats out the no votes. Most of the no votes and "IDK yet" votes were prior to the previous patch as well, which improved the map over its initial release. So please.
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you still haven't given a single substantial reason to justify removing the old version entirely from the game. i'm not here to give ideas to help improve the current because in my opinion there was nothing wrong with the previous. obviously you're missing the point of my first and even my second post. what is so bad about giving the community the option to play whichever they prefer? if people want to play the new dotf they can fucking play that, if they want to play the old, let them. what is the big deal? nothing in any of your replies justifies the removal of the prior version.

also i never said anything about a guaranteed win due to the old objective, that isn't even remotely true. there was no guarantee whatsoever. it took a huge amount of skill to even defend the objective in a 1v2, let alone any higher number of enemies. i've had several opportunities to clutch in the throne room 1vX since this update, something i was pretty good at in previous versions, but every chance i've had, bug or not, staying inside the objective the rebels are still allowed to capture it somehow. either way if the objective functioned properly there is hardly any cover within the actual objective circle itself, 1vX situations on defense are nearly impossible. call it a lie if you'd like but that does not make it one. there is nearly 0 clutch potential given the change to throne room and the objective itself.

regardless, i was never here to make any suggestions, complaints, anything like that, about the new version to begin with. i simply wanted an answer, some sort of legitimate reasoning behind keeping the old version of DOTF out of the game, which you have failed to give in either of your replies. let people play what they want to play instead of forcing this "update" on them. you think the new version that you created is better, other players do as well but there is also a large majority that think otherwise and would rather play the other, so why not let them make the choice for themselves? this shitty poll means nothing also by the way.

oh and i certainly do know how to play the new DOTF, doesn't mean i enjoy playing it, i can play any map in the game. i'm not sure where you pulled that one out of, most likely your ass, considering i have been playing this mod since B15.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
you still haven't given a single substantial reason to justify removing the old version entirely from the game. i'm not here to give ideas to help improve the current because in my opinion there was nothing wrong with the previous. obviously you're missing the point of my first and even my second post. what is so bad about giving the community the option to play whichever they prefer? if people want to play the new dotf they can fucking play that, if they want to play the old, let them. what is the big deal? nothing in any of your replies justifies the removal of the prior version.

How am I supposed to get enough information about something new that comes out quickly in order to improve it when people just play what they are comfortable with? This has literally been a problem level designers have faced in MB2 because people don't bother to play something they aren't comfortable with from playing all the damn time. Historically the community has been horrible at giving us information for level design in a quick and easy manner and this is because of all the dotf 24/7 crap. I wouldn't have been able to get the information for the patch last week AND do that work AND test it in 3 weeks if it wasn't put live in the manner it was. It would have taken 2-3 times longer if the path followed every other map release in history. Sometimes the community needs to actually participate in something rather than running away into their safe space.

I CANNOT rapidly iterate on the new DOTF to make it better with the old one in place. It simply is not possible. I said I needed the communities help on making it better and I cannot do that when every time in history everyone retreats to their safe space within 24 hours after a release happens.

i've had several opportunities to clutch in the throne room 1vX since this update, something i was pretty good at in previous versions, but every chance i've had, bug or not, staying inside the objective the rebels are still allowed to capture it somehow. either way if the objective functioned properly there is hardly any cover within the actual objective circle itself, 1vX situations on defense are nearly impossible. call it a lie if you'd like but that does not make it one. there is nearly 0 clutch potential given the change to throne room and the objective itself

Yes that is a bug and it needs to be fixed. I also want to add more cover to the circle but it already had more cover in the middle than the previous DOTF did. I am thinking of ways I can possibly make this better but again I cannot do that with having the 6-8 beta testers playing the map. We can only get so far doing that and I mentioned that is why I wanted to release earlier than I normally would want to. There is clutch potential. I have done it already, which is why it is a lie. I did it vs 4 people on DOTF the night after the most recent patch. It is possible when the capture point decides not to bug.

+oh and i certainly do know how to play the new DOTF, doesn't mean i enjoy playing it, i can play any map in the game. i'm not sure where you pulled that one out of, most likely your ass, considering i have been playing this mod since B15.

No one knows a map after less than a month regardless of how similar it is to the last one. It is literally impossible for you to say "I know how to play the new dotf". Especially compared to someone who has played it for years. So don't tell me I am talking about of my ass. Basically every time I watch you play its always on DOTF and always jedi/sith. Learn some new styles. Plenty of people who have been playing for a long time especially get in this rut where they have a hard time learning anything new.
still dodging the question that Apex had for you... Why was there any need to replace the old dotf at all? You generally make changes or fix maps when they are broken. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old dotf at all. So can you explain why???


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
still dodging the question that Apex had for you... Why was there any need to replace the old dotf at all? You generally make changes or fix maps when they are broken. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old dotf at all. So can you explain why???

I literally answered most of that in my dev diary post. The Evolution of Duel of the Fates

Cover in main sucked, was too cramped. Same for side route. Imp spawn didn't have enough spawns and could crash the server, needed to be widened so I did. Throne room for years has been a camping fest. Imperials could win easily even with much less numbers simply because throne was too defensible. That is why the balcony route was added and that helped but was never enough. Imperials having way too much time to retreat to defend even if caught out of position because of the alerts and delay due to balcony window / throne door. If you can go from gen to throne before it is breached with the faster classes... somethings wrong. You were out of position and had horrible game sense. Imperials / rebels spawning in terrible locations resulting in new spawn rooms being added and not literally right on top of the objective (hows that fair). List goes on. You're welcome to read more in depth if you wish.

Giving me the crap that "nothing was wrong" with the old dotf is a load of horseshite.
so the only reason for removing the old version is because it could possibly interfere with the rate at which you receive feedback on the new version? that is bullshit. you're basically admitting that people would play the old version over the new if given the chance. if that is the case, what is the need for this "update"? there wouldn't be one.

impossible for me to say "i know how to play the new dotf"? how so? what is there new to even learn? i've adapted a new way to light roll in main, jump across hangar, other ceiling glides, etc. you are definitely talking out of your ass. i'm better than you at every single class in the game and at every style there possibly is. i'm not having a hard time learning anything considering i just dropped 70 kills and 12 deaths earlier today on this terrible map called an "update". i don't even want to drop this ego on you but asked for it. i'm entirely better than you in every aspect at this game, maybe you can't learn the new DOTF as fast even if you designed it, but some of us higher skilled players are more than capable.

old version was better, new version is better, this can go back and forth but in the end what is the big deal around keeping the older version in the game for people to host on their server if they'd rather over the new? there isn't any reason. you're forcing your update that no one even asked for.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
so the only reason for removing the old version is because it could possibly interfere with the rate at which you receive feedback on the new version? that is bullshit. you're basically admitting that people would play the old version over the new if given the chance. if that is the case, what is the need for this "update"? there wouldn't be one..

Going back to a map they know well vs a new one will always happen and happens regardless of the quality of the map. Reading comprehension sucks I see. I also like twisting of my words.

i'm better than you at every single class in the game and at every style there possibly is..

Ah, the "1v1 me" argument. An instant lose. Especially when you bring up KDR while probably playing jedi/sith.
Infraction: Flaming
aren't you autistic? why are you talking about reading comprehension? nothing to do with that. i simply skim over most of your bullshit because you've been saying the same thing in every reply and can't give a real answer or reason for not keeping the old version in the game and allowing people to play whichever they prefer.

yeah you want to talk about play styles, skill, the ability to learn new styles or new maps, and when it comes to anything skill related in this game i am entirely better than you in every single way.