Dev's team opinion on Hero balance?

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I am just here to ask what the Dev team thinks about hero in its current state. Is it balanced, not balanced, are you planning on tweaking it in future builds? I have my own opinion but I am just curious where the dev team currently is on the situation.
We have about 6 classes that were ever in production outside of what you see now. Most of which had their basic mechanics down and created. A few only needed some number tweaks to become viable, a few others needed some features or minor ability redesigns to work still. Some of those classes have had their abilities moved onto current classes.

Other abilities work but development only and were never put on a new class or even into FA. It wouldn't take a lot to reinstate those classes and begin testing again. Though it would take more effort if we didn't take some abilities from the existing classes and move them back onto those. Though this could help facilitate the merger of ET/Commander and Sold classes into one (Something we planned to do in EC) and take the extra stuff that was put onto those classes back onto their originals.

So it would be easier to just make that merc class just a weapon specialist then.

You don't need to really add any mechanics, hes just a soldier class but with normal hp and armor and a bunch of weapons to pick from instead of just the E11 blaster. His build could just be 6 weapons to pick from. No re-spawns or anything, just a normal dude with a gun. The balancing is already done because the weapons exist and how they work on their respected classes. Yeah it sounds lazy but it gets what everyone wants without hurting the balance.

And another question the enforcer you brought up, what was intended for this class? Because when you say enforcers I think those hut cartel goons they hire. Similar models to what the BH has.

Like ya know, vibroblade and blaster for merc/enfo...

Because this is what I really want, a proper commando droid. An exact copy of the fa class on republic cruiser.
(ill gibe monies if you make him walk on walls and ceilings with his mag feet.)
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So your saying I need to go into my sound options and cheat in order to hear the projectile rifle across the map.
So your saying I need to go into my sound options and cheat in order to hear the projectile rifle across the map.
Lile qwerty said, how is having sound high a cheat? Lol thats like saying higher fov is a cheat. No its even less than fov lol 9m sorry but that post is laughable


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Take your lovers quarrel away from this thread. Only warning, personal disputes will be settled via private messages or other forms of peer-to-peer communication, not on our forums, and especially not in the feedback section.
To dream of Sas promised and lost.:(

Didn't the Sa you were working on have those unique stat distribution points? Can't look it up. 'Cuz you know...the forums met with an accident called Sux.:)
I really thought we can have an adult conversation about Hero... yet it turned into a conversation about L2P problems, the trolling about it, and talking about stuffs what non-devs couldnt know... it's a pity.

Cat Lady

Movie Battles II Team Retired
I would also like to mention that we shouldn't balance game around cheaters. Certain players mentioned here as "super pros" with projectile rifle hero are confirmed to cheat by our internal measurements, so both their opinion and balance opinions based on watching them play is not going to be considered (and yes, we will deal with them *very* hard way soon enough).

/Cat Lady


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I really thought we can have an adult conversation about Hero... yet it turned into a conversation about L2P problems, the trolling about it, and talking about stuffs what non-devs couldnt know... it's a pity.

Dev opinion was asked... I gave opinion based on more information than the community has which is part of what being a developer means. I dont know what is wrong with that.

Overall I think hero is in the state it needs to be with the exception of proj and dash.

Proj because I don't think it fits the hero class, and dash because it is a little mechanically broken.
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I know devs were asked, but its not forbidden for others to talk about it, right? It's kinda strange that non-devs and non-beta testers dont have any voice about stuffs like this, unless there's enough noobs to complain about something. I've tried to make a conversation about Hero for real, for real ideas, not just stuffs like "I cant kill a Jedi/Sith, do something with it, because its obviously not my fault". My problem is exactly what you quoted @MaceMadunusus: players are babling about sound options and stuffs like that, and someone came up with unfinished, unreleased so - for the community, and for the questioner - unknown stuffs.

Regardless what the title of this thread is, I thought we can talk about stuffs like this properly, and looks like I was wrong, thats all.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Feel free to start new thread, be more specific tho. Our opinion is stated in features list. Thread is closed from now on, since it missed it purposed I suppose. Again, feel free to start new thread, but please be more specific, and remember this is feedback section although i think devs who were interested already stated their opinion, so thread has been answered.
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