They are not the strongest class.
I dont expect to kill everything i actually just want to use red again against gunners again like before 1.4 thats really all i want a real fair chance with any style.
Things i expect are to be allowed to swing without getting lucktarded by some noob gunner who just sprays random and gunners fear saberists again like before flinchautoprotection was invented, 1.4 killed many tactic aspects in this game anyway.
All "superpowers" jump, push deflect doesnt help if your fp gets empty so fast and then you have to face noobflinch.
I dont know what the devs expected from 1.4.
I stay know with the team push and deflect like there is no morning and barely swing at enemy if hes aware of me.
If that is what devs and all nerfwhiners wanted, they won.
Also it sounds saberists are always close to you, maybe you should stop facehug them.
I know some people would strip all the unique things of the saberists which make them interesting and usefull and constantly whiny fools had luck with nerfwishes in the past, but believe me this will not serve this mod in the long run.
Soldier is a 3 live class, why should a 3 live class get more chance or the same than a 1 live class? A soldier should have the same chance like a hero? That makes no sense.
Give all classes 3 live or remove more live classes, then we can talk.