No animations in signatures
btw I actually wanted to say "no images in signatures", since both kinds of pictures are blocked from including in signature, static and animated.I see.Thanks for the fast response and help!
btw I actually wanted to say "no images in signatures", since both kinds of pictures are blocked from including in signature, static and animated.
Additionally, there is also a specific rule against of animated content in signatures: Code of Conduct & Posting Guidelines
Also smiles are also restricted from appearing in signature -- see sign of @Damn Polak .
Yes.I understand.So basically no picture whatsoever in the signature or emoticons such as and so on right?
Devs don't allow fun
Yes you can insert pictures in your posts.Probably to avoid content that is not allowed on here.I saw plenty of people sort of put an image on their every post.For example if id reply to you 3 times in all of those 3 replies id have the same image as a sort of signature i guess.Im assuming thats allowed?
Yes you can insert pictures in your posts.
But before that, examine this:
Code of Conduct & Posting Guidelines
Aaaaaaand this:
Censorship and bending rules.