Deleted member 5707
hey guys, its ur boy mooch here back at it again with another RAGEQUIT.
alright so imma give u some history and a lil of my background... so ive been playing this game since about b19-rc1. so i think im qualified to say a lot about how mb2 USED to be good. mb2 used to be a fun game with patches that came out with success and it was a time where the dev team didnt have conflicts and people who were in it that were completely immature and im not gonna name any names but seriously what a JOKE. okay so imma get to my point.
mb2 is dying dudes. game is trash. devs (STASSIN) like to put out patches that completely override what a dev (TEMPEST) had been working on for so long... *cough* 1.5... like srsly build is trash. the game is only going down the shitter. and to top off the game being garbage imma tell u about the community mmkay.
so u though the game was OKAY right, well look at the community. U got servers like AOD who are strict and have good restrictions. they have good servers, except NEVER is an admin on and people just do what the fuck ever they want to do. or servers like tR who are unruly and chaotic. soon as u join in, u can have fun having the n word and insecure manchilds trying to insult u all day. i mean sure, you find this in every community but when these are the only servers that are played on its pretty hard to justify reasons for people to even keep playing. but okay, sure u can argue that u can just /ignore all. but u know what that doesnt fix eh?
trolls... lol you got some no lifers that stay on mb2 all day and they teamkill, timewaste, TROLL, bodyblock, and everything. they live and breathe for this and they are amused to the maximum. i cant blame them, some day ago even i found this shit funny. but srsly nawww theres gotta be a command where u can remove teamkilling or make it so u cant move into somebody. every day i go try and snipe and i got some retard just bodyblocking me or melee kataing me into the open.
and also u got some elitist fucks that think they are gods and constantly shit talk on people for absolutely no reason... i mean u got that in every game but WHATEVER dude.
pce dudes, have fun playing on ur patches that are bound to change over and over and over and over and over again and never have a SET patch where everything is finally finished and no more updates ever again. which will never happen lol...
word of advice to u devs, try listening to the community as a whole. not one half or one side or 3/4. find a way to make compromise. K.
since people want to this to be a feedback thread imma just make a quick little list of a whole lot of things wrong with mb2 either open/dueling.
- fp drains still fucked, u can be a tank just holding block
- no stagger or flinch mechanic when someone is facehugging u as a jedi ( u can run around in someone's face and tank forever while they are basically forced to remain stationary or get pulled/pushed )
- pblock is busted for current patch 1.5, overwhelming focus on pblock this patch you can outpblock someone that is completely better than you. thing is u can do it with very minimum pblocks which is the problem here.
- sniping bh in stomach? tank with 1 hp. ( heroes don't survive snipes like that)
- maps that are stupid like mb2_dotf... the respawn little barriers for REBS inside imp spawn and the respawn barrier just outside obj room for IMPS that allow the person inside it to shoot out but u cant shoot into it
- numerous glitches that can be done like the facehug dfa glitch that can drop someone to 0 bp and make them drop their saber as well
- white saber command leak lol?
- wookiee still busted with its GODCASTER that can one shot almost every class with a charged shot.
- teamkill dmg and team bodyblocking still an issue
- ee3 sniper mode had a unexpected buff with the speed increase of all weapons and is now the meta
- fuel consumption for mando seems very minuscule and wastes down pretty fast, and for it to be the mando's number one lifeline and it go out very quickly from barely using it is pretty stupid
alright so imma give u some history and a lil of my background... so ive been playing this game since about b19-rc1. so i think im qualified to say a lot about how mb2 USED to be good. mb2 used to be a fun game with patches that came out with success and it was a time where the dev team didnt have conflicts and people who were in it that were completely immature and im not gonna name any names but seriously what a JOKE. okay so imma get to my point.
mb2 is dying dudes. game is trash. devs (STASSIN) like to put out patches that completely override what a dev (TEMPEST) had been working on for so long... *cough* 1.5... like srsly build is trash. the game is only going down the shitter. and to top off the game being garbage imma tell u about the community mmkay.
so u though the game was OKAY right, well look at the community. U got servers like AOD who are strict and have good restrictions. they have good servers, except NEVER is an admin on and people just do what the fuck ever they want to do. or servers like tR who are unruly and chaotic. soon as u join in, u can have fun having the n word and insecure manchilds trying to insult u all day. i mean sure, you find this in every community but when these are the only servers that are played on its pretty hard to justify reasons for people to even keep playing. but okay, sure u can argue that u can just /ignore all. but u know what that doesnt fix eh?
trolls... lol you got some no lifers that stay on mb2 all day and they teamkill, timewaste, TROLL, bodyblock, and everything. they live and breathe for this and they are amused to the maximum. i cant blame them, some day ago even i found this shit funny. but srsly nawww theres gotta be a command where u can remove teamkilling or make it so u cant move into somebody. every day i go try and snipe and i got some retard just bodyblocking me or melee kataing me into the open.
and also u got some elitist fucks that think they are gods and constantly shit talk on people for absolutely no reason... i mean u got that in every game but WHATEVER dude.
pce dudes, have fun playing on ur patches that are bound to change over and over and over and over and over again and never have a SET patch where everything is finally finished and no more updates ever again. which will never happen lol...
word of advice to u devs, try listening to the community as a whole. not one half or one side or 3/4. find a way to make compromise. K.
since people want to this to be a feedback thread imma just make a quick little list of a whole lot of things wrong with mb2 either open/dueling.
- fp drains still fucked, u can be a tank just holding block
- no stagger or flinch mechanic when someone is facehugging u as a jedi ( u can run around in someone's face and tank forever while they are basically forced to remain stationary or get pulled/pushed )
- pblock is busted for current patch 1.5, overwhelming focus on pblock this patch you can outpblock someone that is completely better than you. thing is u can do it with very minimum pblocks which is the problem here.
- sniping bh in stomach? tank with 1 hp. ( heroes don't survive snipes like that)
- maps that are stupid like mb2_dotf... the respawn little barriers for REBS inside imp spawn and the respawn barrier just outside obj room for IMPS that allow the person inside it to shoot out but u cant shoot into it
- numerous glitches that can be done like the facehug dfa glitch that can drop someone to 0 bp and make them drop their saber as well
- white saber command leak lol?
- wookiee still busted with its GODCASTER that can one shot almost every class with a charged shot.
- teamkill dmg and team bodyblocking still an issue
- ee3 sniper mode had a unexpected buff with the speed increase of all weapons and is now the meta
- fuel consumption for mando seems very minuscule and wastes down pretty fast, and for it to be the mando's number one lifeline and it go out very quickly from barely using it is pretty stupid
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