i heard he got bunned yesterday lolHey Oink! I'm a frequent TK'er and N word user and I have to say after reading this I created an account just to let you know that I'd love to hear more about your plans to remove trolling from the game, while we're both in the same team, and I'm using ARC Trooper with my rocketlauncher loaded up.
Ironic, isn't it?He may have some issues replying as he's currently banned for wallhacking ))
hey hey chill bro chill... stop thinkingHalf of the replies in this thread seem to be from the target group Oink was talking about. Really makes you think...
u mean rosh+ worshippers?Melee worshippers.
Cringeu mean rosh+ worshippers?
lol bet u cannae evun mele kyied
ur mumCringe
ha git faueikin de_stroyed hessu-chanur mum
annihilated nub
gayha git faueikin de_stroyed hessu-chan