Report player/abusive admin
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    Unban Request
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Admin abuse: Cat Lady

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Official Eu competetive
~2 a.m GMT +2 07.02.2018

tl;dr version: Cat Lady interrupted event, and banned everyone.
Long version:
People from dk clan and ad.ppl clan met at random server and decided to have fun match. To make it a bit private, they moved to the empty EU Hardcore server, I have smod, so I did vstr pug_start cmd and we started to play. After approximately 20 mins, Cat Lady shows up and joined straight ahead. We asked him (her?) to join spec, he said: "nope, another player coming" (btw, there were 9 ppl on the server, but only 8 were playing, before cat lady joined), but he were switched to spec due to classlimit script. We continued, since no dmg done and teams are even, but CL started to spam to chat with some questions. We explained that we have a friendly match. He began to say some bs, but we were concentrated on the game. Then joined his friend or smth, with shoveling cat or w/e cat nickname. He straight up joined as well (while Cat Lady stayed in spec), we asked him to join specs, he declined. We tked him fast and continued round.
Then Cat Lady just banned one of ours and started to tell some bs again. like no tking.
We were pissed off, so I told him in rude form that his ability to make decision is highly questionable. Or smth like that. But it was in a very rude fashion and I am not prouf of it. Sometimes we all could lose the control of yourself.
Everyone else joined me with this thought.
He told me that he will ensure that I'll lose my admin smod.
I with few ppl, moved to another server, where CL doesn't have admin rights, but most stayed and tried to explain this person, that he was wrong. He banned EVERYONE.
It's a disgrace, that first times when some events happening for the last few years, there's some douche, who destroying it just because he wants to feel administartive excitement one more time.
Hope that such people wont be able to sabotauge such old game.
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Internal Beta Team
Official Eu competetive
~2 a.m GMT +2 07.02.2018

tl;dr version: Cat Lady interrupted event, and banned everyone.
Long version:
People from dk clan and ad.ppl clan met at random server and decided to have fun match. To make it a bit private, they moved to the empty EU Hardcore server, I have smod, so I did vstr pug_start cmd and we started to play. After approximately 20 mins, Cat Lady shows up and joined straight ahead. We asked him (her?) to join spec, he said: "nope, another player coming" (btw, there were 9 ppl on the server, but only 8 were playing, before cat lady joined), but he were switched to spec due to classlimit script. We continued, since no dmg done and teams are even, but CL started to spam to chat with some questions. We explained that we have a friendly match. He began to say some bs, but we were concentrated on the game. Then joined his friend or smth, with shoveling cat or w/e cat nickname. He straight up joined as well (while Cat Lady stayed in spec), we asked him to join specs, he declined. We tked him fast and continued round.
Then Cat Lady just banned one of ours and started to tell some bs again. like no tking.
We were pissed off, so I told him in rude form that his ability to make decision is highly questionable. Or smth like that.
Everyone else joined me with this thought.
He told me that he will ensure that I'll lose my admin smod.
I with few ppl, moved to another server, where CL doesn't have admin rights, but most stayed and tried to explain this person, that he was wrong. He banned EVERYONE.
It's a disgrace, that first times when some events happening for the last few years, there's some douche, who destroying it just because he wants to feel administartive excitement one more time.
Hope that such people wont be able to sabotauge such old game.

I don't know why he has admin, but my impression of he/she/it over the years hasn't been favorable. I am not surprised to see he/she/it pull this kind of stunt as he/she/it is known to be a bit mentally unstable.

However, perhaps the situation could've been handled better by both sides. Catlady will no doubt claim that he/she/it's behaviour was justified due to how you treated he/she/it. It is also an admins job to try, whenever possible, to be as diplomatic and reasonable and patient as possible. I understand that you were having a fun/heated match and didn't want to be disturbed. It's a shame you couldn't go to a private server. I think that it is very unbecoming behaviour for catlady to force themselves on you guys like that instead of asking or negotiating.

But an admin that bans just like that (I assume permaban), should not retain admin. We are a small community and should treasure events and only tempban most players outside of the most degenerate VPN trolls. I don't know the whole story, but it sounds bad. I hope we can minimize this kind of occurance in the future by more carefully selecting slightly more mentally stable individuals for admin.
Prior to that "incident", we were playing on DG warzone with my clanmates when a player named "striveling cat" (not sure if the nick is correct though) joined the rebel team as an ARC trooper with rocket launcher and started teamkilling my clanmates and other players alike for no reason. After 5-6 rounds of dying because of his trollish manner I told him to change class or leave the server since my teammates couldnt enjoy the game because of his actions. He did not listen, so I teamkilled him to prevent further teamkills. After a few minutes cat lady joined my team and wanted me to reach the tk limit by punching me and laming. We were trying to enlighten him about the nature of the situation, but he didnt listen and went on to act like a complete moron and threatened us with perma ban and rq-ed. Obviously that troll guy was his buddy. It would explain why he appeared out of the blue.
After approximately an hour, pepsi joined the server and I asked him about a friendly practice match between dK and his members. Pepsi suggested going to Eu official hardcore. Everyone else agreed, so we met there and started playing and the rest is written is Pepsi's post. Despite his age, Cat lady was acting like a giant crybaby with atleast 3 kinds of severe complexities. Its a shame he has admin.


Movie Battles II Team
Prior to that "incident", we were playing on DG warzone with my clanmates when a player named "striveling cat" (not sure if the nick is correct though) joined the rebel team as an ARC trooper with rocket launcher and started teamkilling my clanmates and other players alike for no reason. After 5-6 rounds of dying because of his trollish manner I told him to change class or leave the server since my teammates couldnt enjoy the game because of his actions. He did not listen, so I teamkilled him to prevent further teamkills. After a few minutes cat lady joined my team and wanted me to reach the tk limit by punching me and laming. We were trying to enlighten him about the nature of the situation, but he didnt listen and went on to act like a complete moron and threatened us with perma ban and rq-ed. Obviously that troll guy was his buddy. It would explain why he appeared out of the blue.
After approximately an hour, pepsi joined the server and I asked him about a friendly practice match between dK and his members. Pepsi suggested going to Eu official hardcore. Everyone else agreed, so we met there and started playing and the rest is written is Pepsi's post. Despite his age, Cat lady was acting like a giant crybaby with atleast 3 kinds of severe complexities. Its a shame he has admin.

Get in touch with me, Hexodious, qwerty or basically any DG member if that happens again. It's unaccaptable and I will take retrospective action. I am on discord.

@Pepsi hit me up on discord I will give you pug admin.
Kittens are minions of the Devil.o_O

If I can be a bit Freudian here. First, your mother.

Second, if the names we choose are reflective of our character, a momentary reflection, even something chosen at random, think of the mind that committed itself to being called...A Cat Lady! Not even a "The Cat Lady.'

It's the difference between psychopaths & sociopaths.

The Truth, heartbreaking thought it might be to some, is that Cat Lady doesn't exist. It's not a real person.
It's a mask the devs use to troll the community at random. They all do it. Cat Lady is really the entire dev team using that identity(among others) to spread havoc in servers.

As such, admin abuse threads like these serve no purpose except to stroke the fur of these spawn of Satan.

Plus I'm more of a dog person. :p
chaos, please stop feeding or else this thread will be closed too as the first complaint thread by Bybochka


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
Just because the first thread was locked doesn't mean its not being looked at. It was locked because it was turning into hearsay and insults.
Is it normal that admins lock a public server, whenever they want to play a private match? Especially if it happens to be the only public server with enforced class limits. That sounds more like abuse to me.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
We have changed the server admin password and initially given access to active developers only.

We'll review this decision when we get in contact with Cat Lady and he tells us his side of the story.
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