1.4 Open Beta Dueling Feedback

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Feedback when v1.1 was released: "this system is so ****ty without nudge, it even looks so freaking horrible how sabers just stay idle in characters, i quit right now, thanks alot for removing the most important mechanic in the game, v1.0 was almost perfect but now we got this retarded ****".

Feedback now: "nudge is so ****, it feels so uncontrollable and horrible and unnecessary, remove asap plz, i quit playing, v1.3 is so much better".

I'm not saying ppl are retarded or anything like that, this just stems from ppl having learned a system and feeling all their hard work taken away; and that cannot be helped. 1.4 actually attempts to merge many mechanics that ppl felt made previous systems good (given feedback from recent times just like from long ago), while keeping out what made them bad; there are some who have witnessed it and that is why we are going in this direction.

EDIT: oh no... did i actually go out of my way to post this, knowing all answers will be "idiot ignorant retard ****er, you don't understand anything about it v1.3 is the best system, all those new mechanics are so bad" (maybe with nicer words but who cares, the meaning will be the same)
what a fool i am really, sigh
Feedback when v1.1 was released: "this system is so ****ty without nudge, it even looks so freaking horrible how sabers just stay idle in characters, i quit right now, thanks alot for removing the most important mechanic in the game, v1.0 was almost perfect but now we got this retarded ****".
Perhaps this is the main problem with beta, there is a mechanic that is indeed ''most'' important, forcing you to a certain duel style that most of us find dull and boring to abuse it and limiting the versatilty in other technqiues.
(Look at how dead shadowing is now for example)
But main thing I wanted to mention is, there IS a most important technique. Why do we have a most important mechanic now when we can have 2-3 important mechanic that are almost equal to eachother that will help people specialise in diffrent techniques? This is what im trying to point out. If there is a most important mechanic then there is fail at balance.

Feedback now: "nudge is so ****, it feels so uncontrollable and horrible and unnecessary, remove asap plz, i quit playing, v1.3 is so much better".
It is really dissapointing that a ''dev'' sees our constructive critcs as bunch of pointless protest with no interest in innovation.

I am pretty sure that we pointed out the major problems along with the suggestions for improvements to shape 1.4 in a better way where we are not forced to follow certain technique over others simply because it works better.

Sadly this is not the reply to our constructive critisms I expected and at this point I see no more reason in trying to express our thoughts since our suggestions are most likely to go into the rubbish.
Seeing how red stagger seems to be more important than the main issues like even random pb stopping a well timed/planned offence or a mechanic forcing us into certain technique

I'm not saying ppl are retarded or anything like that, this just stems from ppl having learned a system and feeling all their hard work taken away;
This is not the case at all, we are all fine with some implementation of stopping combos instead of only one mechanic which is ''counter'' but implementation of this was very wrong, allowing some random pb to stop planned aggro is never the best invention if you ask me. Maybe it is time to put prejudices aside?

EDIT: oh no... did i actually go out of my way to post this, knowing all answers will be "idiot ignorant retard ****er, you don't understand anything about it v1.3 is the best system, all those new mechanics are so bad" (maybe with nicer words but who cares, the meaning will be the same)
what a fool i am really, sigh
Perhaps you should know your community enough to not generalise it and putting ''immature'' tag on everyone? :)

But don't worry on that, it is always good to hear honest opinions and apart from that at least we tried.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Well this open beta was very much like the open beta from V1.3. No major changes were made from the beta to release. Only tweaks. I'm sure the developers would really just like to get V1.4 out of the way as then other projects can be worked on (including of course saber system).

As Stassin pointed out, people were quick to tear V1.3 apart for ruining saber, and its just history repeating itself this time all over again. At this stage, I think the best you all can do is grit your teeth, if you must, and get on with playing V1.4 and learning everything again.

I don't know how I feel about the saber system just yet, but there are many great changes and I think weeks of playing will be necessary to really see what changes are needed.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
If there is a most important mechanic then there is fail at balance.
Is there ? I don't feel like balance has much to do with there being a most important mechanic, just maybe diversity (or actually even not, because there can very well be 1 mechanic that everyone must know, and then lots of less important ones that will make all the difference between players).
In any case, did v1.3 have several most important mechanics ? Not really, the most important thing was spam, i.e. combos (or swingblocked combos at high level), that was the most powerful tactic both defensively and offensively. Now the most important mechanics can't really be said to be nudge alone, rather nudge + PB (offense + defense).

I am pretty sure that we pointed out the major problems along with the suggestions for improvements to shape 1.4 in a better way where we are not forced to follow certain technique over others simply because it works better.
I so totally agree that it is much better to have several techniques that are powerful instead of just one (like in v1.3 for example, spammy spam).

Perhaps you should know your community enough to not generalise it and putting ''immature'' tag on everyone?
(maybe with nicer words but who cares, the meaning will be the same)

..anyways, i will not go ahead and answer every single suggestion and explain why it is bad, because i have already experienced this kind of thing in v1.1 (which was mostly the same as v1.3 and everyone thought it was horrible at the time, despite what you are defending nowadays; so i'm afraid i cannot help but genuinely believe that this is simply due to ppl being used to the system and feeling their hard work taken away, which again is a totally natural concern but it cannot be helped at this point).

Let me just answer this shortly:
I couldn't agree more with agentoo8, this update literally promotes; facehugging instead of footwork, spamming 1-2 hit combos with nudge and killing mblock aspect of game where staff gets affected most.

In brief, new core mechanics limits the freedom of duelers and alters the versatilty when it comes to aggro/defensive techniques.
- Facehugging IS footwork, it is part of footwork, it makes footwork more diverse and complex compared to before; it simply makes all the sense in the world that close range should be dangerous and where offense shines because that is how it works in reality. You may not see this because it requires more advanced techniques but scoring bodyhits when not in close range is still absolutely possible even against the best players, it is all about using footwork as well as feints (not literally pressing reload, but playing in an unpredictable way is what i mean) to confuse the opponent's PBing aim, and baiting him to use your own PBing offensively.

- How is spamming 1-2 hit combos with or without nudge (yes it also works if you are unpredictable enough) worse than spamming 4 hit combos all the time (resulting exclusively in parry i.e. cancel-out spam all the time) because it's the most powerful thing ? At least now both single hits, 2hit combos and 4hit combos have some purpose, since using 4hit combos as well as 2hit combos from time to time will confuse the opponent's timing by interrupting him, while single hits are more the backbone of your offense in trying to gain ACM. Of course this is only talking about yellow/purple/staff comboing, other styles are different especially for example red (benefits more from 3hit spam), duals/cyan (benefit more from spam than other styles, for these styles multiple hit combos are just as good as 1hit combos), blue (benefits most from 2hit combos).

- There were complaints about staff perk being too powerful, i get that those complaints didn't come from you since staff is your main but there we go, staff perk got nerfed indirectly. Nerfed too much, you might be very right about that but we can't know that over just a few days of practice; though in any case it has lost quite alot of its meaning due to PB combo-breaking being general, indeed. It may be good to change that into something else or buff it in some way (maybe allow to plainly disarm swingblocks instead of just staggering them ? Dunno, need to think about it more)

- New mechanics limit the freedom of duelists ? Well no, it is the opposite. Now PBing actually matters. Single hits actually matter. 4hit spam (unpredictable one otherwise you get PBed of course, which is why we have more freedom in comboing directions to help with that) matters especially when you get ACM. Before in v1.3, only 4 hit combos actually mattered, trying to PB them was just a waste of time, what you needed to do was parry them using your own 4hit combos; very diverse and interesting, wouldn't you agree ??

To take some of your suggestions:
  • To stop combos with pb dueler must mblock as well as pb instead of just lucky pb stopping all aggro.
Really ? You said yourself that mblocking had become alot harder with staff, which makes it even harder for other styles; and now you want something as game-changing as stopping combos (which is the main reason why something else than 4hit combo spam is actually worth trying) to be triggered by mblocking, i.e. something much less reliable than just PBing ? A change like that will once again make spam prevalent, as the only thing to defend against it will be spam itself.

  • I believe nudge was removed for a reason and this feature killed footwork when people started to abuse nudge by facehugging, this creates very clunky dueling which feels dull.
Already answered that about footwork.

  • Styles should be resricted on swing directions because combo was something to learn in 1.3, now with one nudge people just spam combo in any way. This also hits mblockers hard because there are way too many combination of attack direction it is mostly luck based (Again makes staff perk useless)
Already answered that about spam being nerfed due to PB stopping combo, yet buffed at the same time with directionless comboing (which for once also makes the system more casual player-friendly, something rarely seen in the saber system changelog).

In this whole thread only 2 useful suggestions have caught my eye:
- Innovation 1: Parry triggers blue flashes on the crosshair and BP bar.
- Innovation 4: Add the opportunity to get up after melee kata the same way like after slap.

More generally, you are very correct about PBs being "random" to some extent given how fast attacks are, PBing some swings reliably will just not be humanly possible and at the same time you might get PBs you didn't directly expect to get. Yes, this is something that cannot be helped and it is due to the attack speeds especially with nudge. But it does reward skillful play quite alot; even if you can't always PB reliably, you can very much attempt to predict the opponent's attacking pattern which gives alot more depth than just mechanically PBing every swing (and if that was possible the system would be extremely flawed anyways, it would mean the highest level players could negate any offense just by PBing).

Again, i have already seen this pattern when releasing v1.1, so i am very much convinced that most of the feedback is due to having learned a particular system and being sad to see it taken away. You believe v1.1-v1.3 is interesting and good, let me assure you that when v1.1 got released, pretty much everyone firmly believed that v1.0 was awesome and v1.1 horrible (because nudge removed so no more visual feedback, because visual saber clashes removed, because the old unreliable PB was removed, because perks, because whatever).

Here are my thoughts on what changes should see the light of day for the system to be more universally likeable and overall cleaner:
- Cyan/purple/duals/staff need to go because they are unpolished styles from the base game to begin with, the animation sets are much messier than blue/yellow/red and with those 3 styles alone there is enough diversity in the system (and at the same time it becomes much cleaner and less complex).
- All perks need to go as a result because blue/yellow/red have enough differences between them (light/medium/heavy).
- Special moves need to be dealt with properly (made interruptable, nerfed heavily).
- Possibly, it would be better to once again decrease all swing speeds so that PBing is more reliable and at the same time remove or nerf PB combo-breaking at the very least.
- Also change bodyhit gfx/sfx into something more movie-like as it used to be, the current ones aren't really the best even though they allow to recognize bodyhits by sound pretty well.

With those changes, the system would be much cleaner and much more in accordance with mb2's general gameplay without such overwhelming complexity focused on saber vs saber fighting. But even i will not dare push towards such changes because of how huge they are, i don't believe there is any way they would be accepted by the dev team itself so late in development, and it would also mean a huge undertaking to rebalance saber fighting as well as saber vs gun.

This is a nonprofessionally-developed mod and has been taken over by different generations of developers who have different views, that is why, as frustrating as it can be, we are seeing major changes so late (after over 12 years of development), and that is also why we are able to see the gameplay evolve for the better by learning from past mistakes (again, 1.4 attempts to keep many old mechanics that were considered good in saber systems from the last 10 years, while keeping the bad points out). The huge changes i suggested above also go in that direction, even though you may view them as plainly horrifying due to staff being your main style.

Try to gain some perspective in viewing this matter. It might not really be possible due to not seeing why spam is still viable and footwork is not degenerated (quite the opposite), and why v1.4's system actually brings so much more diversity to the gameplay. Because you don't have the in-game skills to make those things work. But try.
Similarly i suppose i could say the same thing about me, i am not able to see very well what the gameplay looks like at a less experienced level of play, because then these techniques cannot be pulled off so the system might look degenerated. Still, there is no freaking way it is as degenerated as v1.3 at any level of play, and i am confident everyone who lets go of the v1.3 ways to play and learns the new ones will not think v1.4 is worse than v1.3. You just need to focus on different things in your play, that is all. The plateaux of skill that need to be reached in order for any given tactic to work well are different. Offense is definitely harder to pull off, swinging alone will not work as well. But how about using PB offensively ? Everyone is saying how PB is so easy to do, well then, rely on it to weaken your opponent's balance, rely on counters to attack him. If the opponent is backing off, carefully rush towards him as if you're going to attack to bait a swing from him, PB that swing and gain the advantage. At this point these are simply learn to play issues.

In the end this is not about a system being "worse" than another from your perspective, but rather about having the will and curiosity to learn something new. Seemingly, you had that will with v1.3's system, you might not have it now anymore and it is very frustrating to see all your previous learning process gone to waste, but nonetheless other people will have it and continue playing. At the same time, realizing that all the hours you spent on this game to gain skills is lost to some extent, might push you towards dedicating those hours back to RL or other matters; obviously this was the case for many of us across mb2's history as we got older, a chunk of gameplay changes come and we lose interest in learning something because we already did in the past, which is a good excuse to quit (even though we still love to bash ppl making the changes nonetheless).
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Is there ? I don't feel like balance has much to do with there being a most important mechanic, just maybe diversity (or actually even not, because there can very well be 1 mechanic that everyone must know, and then lots of less important ones that will make all the difference between players).

In some aspect yes, balance doesn't have that much maybe I couldn't express my thoughts sorry for my english what I meant was diversity more than balance in that subject. I do agree there must be one mechanic for majority to learn and use but what I meant was if this mechanic surely did better than the others than diversity would be lowered.
Just like how using nudge and facehugging is much better than 1.3's shadowing because facehugging is mostly guaranteed hits while hits without nudge are most likely to be pblocked
In any case, did v1.3 have several most important mechanics ? Not really, the most important thing was spam, i.e. combos (or swingblocked combos at high level), that was the most powerful tactic both defensively and offensively.

Now the most important mechanics can't really be said to be nudge alone, rather nudge + PB (offense + defense).

v1.3 doesn't have most several important mechanic yes ''pb first hit+counter rest'' was the most powerful mechanic in my opinion but even with this mechanic there was halfswings and delaying hits to counter this, v1.3 is also flawed in many aspect be it style balance or be it endless combo spam. This is exactly why I also mentioned there really should be a mechanic to stop combos but this shouldn't appear on random also my suggestion on it can be talked about, pretty much anything that doesn't appear randomly or that easly should help.

And about this ;
- Facehugging IS footwork, it is part of footwork, it makes footwork more diverse and complex compared to before; it simply makes all the sense in the world that close range should be dangerous and where offense shines because that is how it works in reality. You may not see this because it requires more advanced techniques but scoring bodyhits when not in close range is still absolutely possible even against the best players, it is all about using footwork as well as feints (not literally pressing reload, but playing in an unpredictable way is what i mean) to confuse the opponent's PBing aim, and baiting him to use your own PBing offensively.

Yes it is still footwork but what i tried to point out is that there were many duels where when I ran a little back to keep distance to counter nudge what I saw was opponent doing same to run to me and still benefit from nudges while I had nothing to counter and in the end this dueler managed to put enough pressure on me with little effort. Nudge could be good addition but the thing is, the fact that it changes animation and flashes so much which happens very often distracts and misleading eyes. If nudge must be kept in game then it surely needs some rework on it. Other than that I agree with your perspective.

- How is spamming 1-2 hit combos with or without nudge (yes it also works if you are unpredictable enough) worse than spamming 4 hit combos all the time (resulting exclusively in parry i.e. cancel-out spam all the time) because it's the most powerful thing ? At least now both single hits, 2hit combos and 4hit combos have some purpose, since using 4hit combos as well as 2hit combos from time to time will confuse the opponent's timing by interrupting him, while single hits are more the backbone of your offense in trying to gain ACM. Of course this is only talking about yellow/purple/staff comboing, other styles are different especially for example red (benefits more from 3hit spam), duals/cyan (benefit more from spam than other styles, for these styles multiple hit combos are just as good as 1hit combos), blue (benefits most from 2hit combos).

Not sure if I got the sentence it is due to my lack of english I think but let me try to explain parts I understood.

Spamming 1-2 hit combos are always better than going for full combo because of the 0.5* addition in 1.4 why? Because Nudges change animation so much and flash enough that some people I dueled could swear they saw me comboing unlimited times while all I did was doing single-2 hit combos mostly and when next nudge happens which is happens way too frequen I would just do anohter little combo. Maybe this can help understand better what im trying to say.
4 Hit combo is 1.0 - 0.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 as of v1.4
Because nudges happen way too often and without any effort if you go for single-2 hits you basically can do two diffrent combo with 2 hit almost as fast as 1 full combo.

4 hit combo seem to work best to do parries but when going to put more pressure and deal more bp, single hits-2-3 seem to do better job. Also yes, I meant purple, yellow and staff when I mentioned it as didn't play much blue myself but from my observation what you said was true about other styles. If we were to compare beneficion of nudge I would say.

Red>Purple>Staff>Yellow (Can't compare blue or cyan much due to lack of information of them in 1.4 however I can easly tell any style counters and literally kills any mblock with nudge)

- There were complaints about staff perk being too powerful, i get that those complaints didn't come from you since staff is your main but there we go, staff perk got nerfed indirectly. Nerfed too much, you might be very right about that but we can't know that over just a few days of practice; though in any case it has lost quite alot of its meaning due to PB combo-breaking being general, indeed. It may be good to change that into something else or buff it in some way (maybe allow to plainly disarm swingblocks instead of just staggering them ? Dunno, need to think about it more)

Staff was always a worse yellow because of the very little range, bp damage and being hardest style to control when it comes to counters and such.
Reason to being hardest to control is whole right side of staff makes you spin when you attempt to counter with dw - d or ds and it is worse when you fight against fast styles. (Nightmare to duel blue due to this reason) Other styles also had spin moves but it was limited to only one direction counter such as ''ds'' of yellow
It's perk and faster swings are what it made up the balance between yellow and staff but mostly mblocks, also reason I found staff to be most interesting is it has the potential to stop anything but here is the keyword, it has ''potential'' while all other styles had perks that are pretty much guaranteed to occour. Also the fact that apart from Agent and exodus I didn't really face any competitive staff user. This is the reason I found staff to be balanced in a way which is rare way perhaps it is what helped me get 3:0 against exodus' staff. But yes at first when I heard that staff only got it's bp reduced I was actually happy with it and would love to see it's bp nerfed even more to balance when needed but the fact is this update outdated staff and nerfed it way too hard that using yellow seems much more beneficial so what we have special in staff now? Only fast hits, mblocks became more luck based than skill only people I still mblock disarm midcombo are the ones who are still used to 1.3 other than duelers can now choose to do any kind of combo so basically there is way too much combination that we can not mblock midcombo like this wasn't enough nudge made sure that perk dies even for first swings. Basically I always saw staff as high risk high reward when we compared it to other styles (Unless user abused counters which is op for any style anyway.)

- New mechanics limit the freedom of duelists ? Well no, it is the opposite. Now PBing actually matters. Single hits actually matter. 4hit spam (unpredictable one otherwise you get PBed of course, which is why we have more freedom in comboing directions to help with that) matters especially when you get ACM. Before in v1.3, only 4 hit combos actually mattered, trying to PB them was just a waste of time, what you needed to do was parry them using your own 4hit combos; very diverse and interesting, wouldn't you agree ??

I like the fact that pb has impact but it's impact is way too much, and the fact that this big impact happens even randomly this is the reason I called out a rework on that and I do like single hits being useful too it is just that rest of combo shouldn't be half bp damage because it promotes using single more often, some multiplier like 0.6 or 0.7 would be more reasonable. Also yes PB in 1.3 was mostly used for first swings, against red and for crossing fingers to pb when near death. But I for myself always liked that combos were limited so I could pb/mblock opponent if I could manipulate their movement in a way or predict their swings. Now movement manipulation nor prediction does not help since opponent still has way too many combination of combo to use.

what you needed to do was parry them using your own 4hit combos; very diverse and interesting, wouldn't you agree ??
Yes parries/counters were op as I mentioned but about pb, it did actually matter for first hits alot because when you pb first hit then counter/parry, (Let's say yellow vs yellow or yellow vs staff) you wouldn't get any hit and instead, you would do one additional hit on opponent so you would punish that offence with good defence. But if you don't pblock first then still counter, you would still get that hit which could maybe cause loss.

To take some of your suggestions:
  • To stop combos with pb dueler must mblock as well as pb instead of just lucky pb stopping all aggro.
Really ? You said yourself that mblocking had become alot harder with staff, which makes it even harder for other styles; and now you want something as game-changing as stopping combos (which is the main reason why something else than 4hit combo spam is actually worth trying) to be triggered by mblocking, i.e. something much less reliable than just PBing ? A change like that will once again make spam prevalent, as the only thing to defend against it will be spam itself.

Mblocking did become alot harder, to a point it became luck because of nudge, pb zones and limitless combos. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't get how it is harder for other styles to do all styles need pb+mblock now, because of this update staff now requires to pb just like any stye so I don't understand what you mean by staff can mblock easier especially when it's perk is nerfed to a point where it doesn't differ from pblock perk at all.
Edit: Just tested this again and it seems staff still does not require pn only (horrayy!) until this time it always seemed to require pb which I did but it seems it is the problem with nudge that messed up timings, Shegorath himself also thought it required pb as well but yeah, sorry for misunderstanding.

Maybe I went too overboard when I requested rework on pb to make it require mblock as well to stop combos but it seems it could be hard for many people to accomplish where old technique would be seem a better idea so yes. We still need a rework on current state of pb but not that much skill requiring with the one I suggested.

Already answered that about spam being nerfed due to PB stopping combo, yet buffed at the same time with directionless comboing (which for once also makes the system more casual player-friendly, something rarely seen in the saber system changelog).

I am fine with a casual player-friendly system but this shouldn't draw lines on people who has tried to accomplish more, I am very fine with giving people abilty to do combos like aw dw d ds but being able to repeat a swing such as w w w w punishes mblockers more to a point there is no reason to mblock at all. At least limiting people to not being able to swing in same direction twice would decrease huge number of combo combination.

In this whole thread only 2 useful suggestions have caught my eye:
- Innovation 1: Parry triggers blue flashes on the crosshair and BP bar.
- Innovation 4: Add the opportunity to get up after melee kata the same way like after slap.

These are indeed good innovations especially a parry indicator was needed. There are some nice suggestions too to fix pblock issue such as ''Getting pblocked reduce the bp damage of rest of the combo''

More generally, you are very correct about PBs being "random" to some extent given how fast attacks are, PBing some swings reliably will just not be humanly possible and at the same time you might get PBs you didn't directly expect to get. Yes, this is something that cannot be helped and it is due to the attack speeds especially with nudge.

Yes it will never be possible for us to catch all swings with pb as you mentioned speed is most important factor here.

But it does reward skillful play quite alot; even if you can't always PB reliably, you can very much attempt to predict the opponent's attacking pattern which gives alot more depth than just mechanically PBing every swing (and if that was possible the system would be extremely flawed anyways, it would mean the highest level players could negate any offense just by PBing).
This is the thing I have been trying to tell, for now my prediction and manipuation against duelers still work but the main reason to this is they are still used to the learnt combos of 1.3 I am pretty sure many duelers who had time to duel me witnessed it such as Tarkin, Jono and others but the thing is this will not last long. When people get used to limitless swing directions you won't be able to predict it because there is just way too many combination that could occour in all sides, in 1.3 most yellow duelers went for the opposite diagonels while with movement manipulation went for combos like aw dw however minority of duelers especialyl experienced duelers like Yhashara went mostly for dw ds dw as well as halfswings. Give it some time and you will see out of 10 swing maybe only 2-3 wll be pbed while only around 1 will be mblocked.

Again, i have already seen this pattern when releasing v1.1, so i am very much convinced that most of the feedback is due to having learned a particular system and being sad to see it taken away. You believe v1.1-v1.3 is interesting and good, let me assure you that when v1.1 got released, pretty much everyone firmly believed that v1.0 was awesome and v1.1 horrible (because nudge removed so no more visual feedback, because visual saber clashes removed, because the old unreliable PB was removed, because perks, because whatever).

Sadly I wasn't here to experience but I trust your word on that and im always open for innovation and improment as long as it benefits and balances game for every kind of dueler and not certain type of dueler.

Here are my thoughts on what changes should see the light of day for the system to be more universally likeable and overall cleaner:
  1. - Cyan/purple/duals/staff need to go because they are unpolished styles from the base game to begin with, the animation sets are much messier thanblue/yellow/red and with those 3 styles alone there is enough diversity in the system (and at the same time it becomes much cleaner and less complex).
  2. - All perks need to go as a result because blue/yellow/red have enough differences between them (light/medium/heavy).
  3. - Special moves need to be dealt with properly (made interruptable, nerfed heavily).
  4. - Possibly, it would be better to once again decrease all swing speeds so that PBing is more reliable and at the same time remove or nerf PB combo-breaking at the very least.
  5. - Also change bodyhit gfx/sfx into something more movie-like as it used to be, the current ones aren't really the best even though they allow to recognize bodyhits by sound pretty well.
1. I also wished to get rid of styles like cyan and purple go because it never felt enjoyable to fight them (Especially cyan)nor had any good animation. As much as I hate to face dual users I still think it wouldn't be fair to limit them to single sabers. Also
Don't touch my staff what has it done to you >:'(

2. Perhaps perks can never be balanced so I agree with you but I still think all styles should have that ''potential'' that will benefit them when it is mastered.

3. Special moves should be able to get countered heavly because it is no risk-high reward at the moment, some system could be implemented like how melee kick into kata kind of countered it.

4. I actually had this idea in my mind but could never express it because didn't really think others would agree. If this actually happened this would help duels be more skill requiring as you would actually have to follow swing movement and could help dueling be more casual player-friendly.

5. Anything movie-like feature can never be bad, since movies are for entertainment just like games so I would love to see more intence fights with similar visual and sound to movies.

With those changes, the system would be much cleaner and much more in accordance with mb2's general gameplay without such overwhelming complexity focused on saber vs saber fighting. But even i will not dare push towards such changes because of how huge they are, i don't believe there is any way they would be accepted by the dev team itself so late in development, and it would also mean a huge undertaking to rebalance saber fighting as well as saber vs gun.

This is a nonprofessionally-developed mod and has been taken over by different generations of developers who have different views, that is why, as frustrating as it can be, we are seeing major changes so late (after over 12 years of development), and that is also why we are able to see the gameplay evolve for the better by learning from past mistakes (again, 1.4 attempts to keep many old mechanics that were considered good in saber systems from the last 10 years, while keeping the bad points out). The huge changes i suggested above also go in that direction, even though you may view them as plainly horrifying due to staff being your main style.

Try to gain some perspective in viewing this matter. It might not really be possible due to not seeing why spam is still viable and footwork is not degenerated (quite the opposite), and why v1.4's system actually brings so much more diversity to the gameplay. Because you don't have the in-game skills to make those things work. But try.
Similarly i suppose i could say the same thing about me, i am not able to see very well what the gameplay looks like at a less experienced level of play, because then these techniques cannot be pulled off so the system might look degenerated. Still, there is no freaking way it is as degenerated as v1.3 at any level of play, and i am confident everyone who lets go of the v1.3 ways to play and learns the new ones will not think v1.4 is worse than v1.3. You just need to focus on different things in your play, that is all. The plateaux of skill that need to be reached in order for any given tactic to work well are different. Offense is definitely harder to pull off, swinging alone will not work as well. But how about using PB offensively ? Everyone is saying how PB is so easy to do, well then, rely on it to weaken your opponent's balance, rely on counters to attack him. If the opponent is backing off, carefully rush towards him as if you're going to attack to bait a swing from him, PB that swing and gain the advantage. At this point these are simply learn to play issues.

In the end this is not about a system being "worse" than another from your perspective, but rather about having the will and curiosity to learn something new. Seemingly, you had that will with v1.3's system, you might not have it now anymore and it is very frustrating to see all your previous learning process gone to waste, but nonetheless other people will have it and continue playing. At the same time, realizing that all the hours you spent on this game to gain skills is lost to some extent, might push you towards dedicating those hours back to RL or other matters; obviously this was the case for many of us across mb2's history as we got older, a chunk of gameplay changes come and we lose interest in learning something because we already did in the past, which is a good excuse to quit (even though we still love to bash ppl making the changes nonetheless).

I do hope and believe that unlike the current beta the suggestions and constructive critcs will be taken into consideration to some extend that will help all mb2 community to enjoy certaing things in duels. I will however try and test new things (If there is) other than nudge spam and see how things go when the 1.4 comes out with balanced, smoother dueling system with diversity.

Not sure about others but as for my self, PBs are not even close to being ''easy to pull-off'' especially not with facehug distance and im yet to see someone saying otherwise. Random pb seem to happen mroe often than the calculated pb especialyl in facehug range (Where majority uses this range anyway)

But other than those as I mentioned I still expect hope and wish to see v1.4 come out as a version better than 1.3 and looking forward to it. I can't say anything on rest since you are %100 right, things come and go we need to find the little things that are enjoyable to ourself perhaps this is why I am in need of reviaval of mblock probably because it is the most enjoyable thing to me being staff user?

Oh well in the end im happy to make this conversiation with you thanks for your understanding and opinions, if there is anything I can help regarding the progress of the mb2 be it community wise or system wise such as testing, suggesting or anything make sure to hit me up in a pm I would love to help.
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Slayed dreamer
duals/staff need to go
WHAT?! Are you kidding me? Can you please not do it? Those styles are important, they clearly exists in the movies (remember how this mod called!), they existed in Movie Battles for a very long time, they make game experience more diversified, providing of ability to find an suitable saber style for every player... it would be a huge loss if staff and duals will be removed.

Speaking of my impression from this beta, I can say that there are a lot of slaps in every duel.
Almost the all time it's like a slap-slap-slap-slap, after some pretty short time I started to slap much more often than I did before... is it a little overpowered right now? :)

All other saber changes looks pretty interesting, though I didn't had enough time to find out and feel most of aspects of newly introduced features, so at this point I can only thank developers for all that work they've done bringing 1.4 beta to us.
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Internal Beta Team
Slap is not overpowered, it's your swingblock skills that are lacking. Also, stassin has been saying for a long time that if what you want is a perfectly balanced, clean looking saber system then duals/staff/cyan/purple need to go, because those aren't as polished as the base stances of red/blue/yellow. It is more of a hypothetical observation than a practical suggestion.

It is nigh impossible to perfectly balance 7 styles, and comparatively easy to balance just blue/red/yellow. The removal of these stances is never going to happen I think, and I hope. Variety is the lifeblood of MBII. Look at a game like the new starwars battlefront. It has uber graphics, but it's gameplay can become stale very quickly because it lacks the variety, complexity and depth of MBII.

EDIT: For the record I agree with most everything stassin has said in the above thread, except the suggestions that were made like removing stances and slowing down swings etc. If that ever happens it will make gameplay stale and boring imo.


Internal Beta Team
I didn't play the 1.4, how is the duel against more than one jedi?

It seems more managable than in 1.3 due to PB's stopping combo's and the following insta-counters.
Ofc, if you want to win a 2v1 you'd need to outskill or out-strategize your opponents, or throw a trick Mblock or two.
After playing with SeV today, I must admit that new system is very interesting.

To Flooven: I must apologize, you were right about the spam etc... I hope weren't upset with my previous posts.
Idea that popped into my head from reading the thread: different slap cooldown for styles, red and purple get the shortest cooldown, yellow/staff/dual slightly longer cooldown and blue/cyan with the longest cooldown.
Have you guys ever seen a jedi/sith flinch or nudge in the animated series or movies ? Have you ever seen a swordsman nudge ?
My feedback:

Overall I'm really liking the new system, although it took some getting used to. I like that there are many more options of playstyle, and ways to play around other styles. The fights are much more reactive and adaptive. The tide can turn very quickly if you go out of control, which I actually like, because it makes you aware that you need to be careful. Mixup games are really nice due to swings coming from anywhere now. I think Red could use a very very slight damage buff, but I think it's getting a longer stagger so that's fine. I think the styles are pretty much all balanced, or very close.

I give you kudos, devs. Good patch imo, looking forward to playing it more.
Have you guys ever seen a jedi/sith flinch or nudge in the animated series or movies ? Have you ever seen a swordsman nudge ?


Internal Beta Team
Have you guys ever seen a jedi/sith flinch or nudge in the animated series or movies ? Have you ever seen a swordsman nudge ?

Because fighting in movies/animated series is so realistic and we should totally base MBII sabering skill on it.

Check out these two 'Masters' of lightsaber combat. What the fuck are they doing?

MBII isn't trying to simulate anything. We're working on a meaningful sabering system that takes skill. Look at other star wars games and see how piss poor their lightsaber combat is, or look at something like Skyrim or the witcher or even mount and blade. I would argue that none of those come close to MBII patch 1.4 in terms of skill required. Some of the systems like mount and blade aswell as the one in Kingdom come deliverance may be more 'realistic' but people are fighting with swords, not made-uppey glowsticks, so the fighting styles should be different. Lightsaber combat in the movies isn't based on what is realistic, just look at the ridiculous gif above. The sole purpose of lightsaber combat in the sw movies is to look cool. In MBII we want to do more than just make it 'look cool'.

We want to make it feel cool.
Because fighting in movies/animated series is so realistic and we should totally base MBII sabering skill on it.

Check out these two 'Masters' of lightsaber combat. What the fuck are they doing?

MBII isn't trying to simulate anything. We're working on a meaningful sabering system that takes skill. Look at other star wars games and see how piss poor their lightsaber combat is, or look at something like Skyrim or the witcher or even mount and blade. I would argue that none of those come close to MBII patch 1.4 in terms of skill required. Some of the systems like mount and blade aswell as the one in Kingdom come deliverance may be more 'realistic' but people are fighting with swords, not made-uppey glowsticks, so the fighting styles should be different. Lightsaber combat in the movies isn't based on what is realistic, just look at the ridiculous gif above. The sole purpose of lightsaber combat in the sw movies is to look cool. In MBII we want to do more than just make it 'look cool'.

We want to make it feel cool.

People still assume that isn't Realistic, it was meant to Confuse the opponent, based on the fact they both know the same movies and Obi was the teacher for anakin. Anakins moves are based on Obi's moves. thats a simply a way to confuse the opponent. so yes, it is in fact realistic (somewhat)


Internal Beta Team
People still assume that isn't Realistic, it was meant to Confuse the opponent, based on the fact they both know the same movies and Obi was the teacher for anakin. Anakins moves are based on Obi's moves. thats a simply a way to confuse the opponent. so yes, it is in fact realistic (somewhat)

The only duel that makes some sense is Darth Vader vs Old Obi-wan in episode 4, which was based more on kendo. Then it gradually devolved into showmanship and saber twirling competitions. Looks cool but it cannot be called realistic. Jedi are supposed to be spending their whole lives with a lightsaber at their side, surely they aren't gonna twirl it like some ravestick when in combat with a sith lord?
Check out these two 'Masters' of lightsaber combat. What the fuck are they doing?

I'm a retard who knows nothing about swordmanship, but i always thought that the move anakin and obiwan did was some kind of defensive move to parry incoming attacks, imagine 2 players using purple kata at the same time. I guess it could be explained by Anakin being trained by Obi Wan and they both realized that a defensive move like this would be ideal in this situation or something.
People still assume that isn't Realistic, it was meant to Confuse the opponent, based on the fact they both know the same movies and Obi was the teacher for anakin. Anakins moves are based on Obi's moves. thats a simply a way to confuse the opponent. so yes, it is in fact realistic (somewhat)

I actually agree with you here. Two masters of the force who have spent years sparring each other, they clearly understand the nuances of each other's style. People are bashing that exchange, and for what? It was a high stakes duel, cmon.

It doesn't translate well into mb2, however.
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