Twenty years of Jedi Academy 🎂◄►


  1. DarthValeria

    Technical Issue Preventing players to steal your name

    I dont know if it's possible but can devs add a system which players cannot use or steal your nickname? Lets just say my name is Niko and if someone tries to write as Niko then his name would become Niko[1] something like that Thank you
  2. k4far

    Strangely popular maps & player friendly servers

    American Continent has: 5 duel servers 13 open servers 2 full authentic servers OPEN MODE & FA Maps eagerly used on american servers: - 1st place ex aequo! mb2_deathstar & mb2_dotf (each being used by 3 servers, 22 percent of total amount of american servers). - 2nd spot mb2_commtower (used...
  3. k4far

    Cross-Server Leaderboard

    Accesible from the console, We would have a sporadical pop-up in the left top corner (echo) showing first few people with most impressive: time spent, kills, umm... accuracy, anything of significance. It would work only on the official Servers, for obvious reasons. There should also be a fast...
  4. The_Real_aNUS

    Where are my friends???

    Hi guys my name is aNUS in game and I have been missing a lot of my buddies recently, I have noticed that GAR is almost completely gone. I miss my buddies, Grey, Kael, Pencil, Coul, and especially big daddy Alt. I'm sure there are others I am forgetting since I have not seen them in so long. I...