
  1. D

    Episode 9 Palpatine Custom model

    Warning: I haven't created this skin. I downloaded it from and i created it to a mb2 Custom Sith skin
  2. Zeldak

    Palpatine Gang

  3. WandererVal

    "It's treason, then"

    I ended up recreating Palpatine vs Mace Windu with some friends, decided to share it here!
  4. Palpy

    [NON OFFICIAL ADDON] PNK pack without graphic additions

    I Decide to post my pk3 file that i created a few days ago. How you already can see it's Penekepack without new graphic effects, hilts and playermodels. But there're still new backgrounds, new ingame menu buttons like "Music" or "Optimization" and new class configuration menu. Links below...
  5. A Potato

    New clan is recruiting !!!

    New Clan (Palpclan) is recruiting!! feel free to ask me to join ;) my steam link: Steam Community :: GruziX We will be playing for fun and we need good duelists ;) Our steam palpclan steamgroup link: Steam Community :: Group :: Palpy Clan and we need good melee players. have a nice day guys ;)