Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

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  1. ScarryLarry

    Unconfirmed Invisible fire from fire grenades.

    its been like that for while lol
  2. ScarryLarry

    Sith and Jedi Way too op! (Mb2 Diss Track)

    dude you didnt hear it he was all like ddoodooodooorrdoodoodododdnndddnnnddd
  3. ScarryLarry

    Sith and Jedi Way too op! (Mb2 Diss Track)

    i can agree with all of this way too many times do i get swarmed by 10 or more sith and jedi that proceed to push me then launch me for 10 min knockback game is broken. devs need to make bounty hunters have miniguns and multi rockets and also need to be immune to knockback. hero also needs...
  4. ScarryLarry

    cool beans.

    cool beans.
  5. ScarryLarry

    cool beans?

    cool beans?
  6. ScarryLarry

    The new Elevators are cool

    i still don't understand why...
  7. ScarryLarry

    How does map music work?

    I would like to add my own music to maps, I was curious about how i can, and where to find music that can fit MB11's format, thanks to anyone that helps!
  8. ScarryLarry

    on break

    you asked
  9. ScarryLarry

    on break

    you asked
  10. ScarryLarry

    on break

    you asked
  11. ScarryLarry

    on break

    you asked
  12. ScarryLarry

    Top 5 All Time Favorite Force Whores (NA&EU)

    what servers are these i've never see these guys
  13. ScarryLarry

    MB2 Duels #11

    i notice a lot of duelist use that crosshair, is that cause its better to look at the crosshair while dueling?
  14. ScarryLarry

    MB2 Duels #11

    what crosshair do u use
  15. ScarryLarry

    The black pill which destroyed the community

    i never know whats going on
  16. ScarryLarry

    (MUST SEE) Argorn cheat proof.

    oh is it like game breaking in the sense that the game will crash if one cheats?
  17. ScarryLarry

    (MUST SEE) Argorn cheat proof.

    how does this even work? and does it break the game?