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  1. bash

    biggest lie in youtube

    awesome balance
  2. bash

    biggest lie in youtube

    still keep watching it to feel better but after knowing the harsh truth of the game, all left is that this is only a good illusion
  3. bash

    biggest lie in youtube

  4. bash

    Unconfirmed Slap Passthrough

    Was your enemies holding mouse 2 key? If they hold m2 and you click class special 2 key they won't kiss the ground. And maybe your class special 2 key was rebinded to something else, try to bind class special 2 to a Key you want. esc-settings-controls-movie battles-class special 2 (slap for...
  5. bash

    Fix Yaws

    Red has a new special move and purple got it's previous special move!? That's the coolest thing ever! Purple kata rocks
  6. bash

    Old Casual - Saber Duels - Rant

    Before the next year? That's awesome! Project Zomboid will also be releasing beta 41 mutliplayer and will add Louisville in it. This 2 months will be amazing
  7. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    Yea it is frustrating.
  8. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    yea i agree. Like making the dead one grey and the alive white isn't enough. It is better than writing a huge DEAD oveer the name tho. What about a symbol in front of the name like a white SKULL. So we can easily tell that they are dead
  9. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    I have to say, the new ui is the most beautiful thing you guys added since i started 2 years ago. It gave me joy every time i pressed the tab key. And the new CTF is just amazing, i'm loving it! It's like a deathmatch. I really really am enjoying it. Tho it is a little lame when the both teams...
  10. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    you answered your own question. Jedi with speed = mando with jetpack. They balance eachother
  11. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.9 Released

    the ui, the new ctf... it is the most beautiful thing i ve ever seen from mb2 since i started
  12. bash

    Fix Yaws

    I know this game is not beginner friendly at all but, this yawwing tecnique is the boss bitch of the dueling. Like at least can you guys update the library with these game abusing things? Or does the ones who code the dueling, even yaw? Was it intented to be in the game? We abuse it to win duels...
  13. bash

    Fix Yaws

    fix yaws. Yawwing shouldn't be the meta of movie battles 2 dueling.
  14. bash

    Moviebattles II V1.8.2 Released

    Nice anti tk mechanics. Thanks
  15. bash

    Spice Pack v2.5 Update

    Looking cool, nice stuff mate
  16. bash

    Moviebattles II 1.8.1 Released

    New reacts are fun :D
  17. bash

    Moviebattles II Hotfix Released

    Thanks for the fps fix
  18. bash

    Moviebattles II 1.8.1 Released

  19. bash

    Fixed g_classlimits not working as intended.

    Please fix it devs