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  1. bash

    Moviebattles II R20.0.07 Now Available

    Hell yeah there is, bring slap to mouse 2.
  2. bash

    Open is finally dead.

    Truly, legendary
  3. bash

    Open is finally dead.

    Mace changed the SBD slap to be not in mouse 2 and doesn't even play the game anymore. It feels so ass, i hate myself while playing sbd even more lmao
  4. bash

    Open is finally dead.

    I hate the SBD slap change. Fuckssake FUCKSSAKE
  5. bash

    yoo nice hat you got there

    yoo nice hat you got there
  6. bash

    MBII Version Switcher

    That's Huge AF, nicely done
  7. bash

    OPEN IS DEAD?????????

    It's all your fault. You should have never left. None of these would have happened...
  8. bash


    Bob i thought you were the chosen one who would save the open with all your contributions, not leave it in darnkess
  9. bash

    Open is finally dead.

    there ain't no way open is dead, i can fill one just by joining in the morning, and watch as people fill the server. At least that was like that 1-2 months ago, what happened lol
  10. bash

    Moviebattles II R20.0.04 Now Available

    Sense is bugged, literally unplayable
  11. bash

    Your favorite open players.

    yea yellow13 is cool, really good Deka and really good duelist
  12. bash

    Stupidity 2 :)

    Great one, needs more TKing
  13. bash

    That new feature is nice! (№2)

    ask for support on movie battles 2 discords' support section instead of doing this, dude.
  14. bash

    PB zones

    Chech this beautiful video out, see the real blue
  15. bash

    PB zones

    oh im sorry. it was supposed to be played defancively huh? Go play on Open against Thera, Liam, Shady and see how they use blue. You sweet summer child you
  16. bash

    PB zones

    like u play defancive with blue, all blue does is hs spam. Now u can't do it. :3
  17. bash

    Moviebattles II Release 20 Available

    god bless, thanks for the update and keeping the game alive <3
  18. bash

    Your favorite open players.

    thera you old fuck, one of the best out there frfr
  19. bash

    SERVER Sith Happens [Open] [Legends]

    compedium is based but no Deathstar is a warcrime. I shall populate your server