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  1. Jvne

    How can I get better at aiming and shooting?

    It's alot of pre-firing, and not just around corners, you basically have to aim where they're going to be and not where they are if they're moving alot. I just went back and watched some clips I have of me doing well as a gunner, alot of the times if someone is moving around, my crossair isn't...
  2. Jvne

    No more forced FA

    Hey community server hosts, this one's for you! In the new 1.9.2 update there was a section in the patch notes that bugged a few of my players regarding some maps were still being forced to FA/Legends, so I've done something about it. Attached below are two .pk3s z_zz_noforcedfa.pk3 Removes...
  3. Jvne

    POV: you have smod

    I can't speak for every admin for every server, but I think most will sympathize with what I'm going to say. Over the years I've seen anyone who has their hand in how the game is run get their fair share of shit, whether it be devs, or and active admin on their respective server. From malding...
  4. Jvne

    🚨 Petitioning all map makers 🚨

    Deathstar but the bridges room repeats same concept but instead of stacking vertically it's horizontal :}
  5. Jvne

    Popular MB2 Theories

    This one I can confirm... I've analyzed it thoroughly
  6. Jvne

    A Thread

    No AAA dev or just one with the SW license is brave enough to maybe upset their shareholders by making a good SW MP game. The closest we have is EA's Battlefront 2 but imho that's hot garbage compared to MBII. Unless the license comes into the public domain we're stuck with EA's $60 golden...
  7. Jvne

    How the fuck did this community become the worst gaming community out there

    Killing lamers unites the server, its fun on both sides.
  8. Jvne

    MovieBattles II V1.6.2.1 Released

    No Lava Rising Desann? F
  9. Jvne

    Guide: Replacing a Model

    Yes, I recommend using Audacity
  10. Jvne

    Guide: Replacing a Model

    I told you what the model error was lmao I don't know how you would do that but this isn't the thread for such a thing. Either make a thread asking about it, or look around and see if anyone else has asked about it here. If you have any questions about porting models from JKhub or errors your...
  11. Jvne

    Guide: Replacing a Model

    the error your getting is for the hats, that will go away when the hats do.(any custom model.glms were not fitted for hats, so MBII uses the default for these.) also, I've already made a working stormurai, feel free to just use mine or look at it for reference! also, about the custom sounds...
  12. Jvne


    You've gotta be kidding me!
  13. Jvne


    Help me!
  14. Jvne

    RGB Texture Creation

    I'm working on a small model pack and instead of having multiple colored models, It would make much more sense to have one RGB model. I've looked at base MBII and Penekepack to try and learn how just from looking at the files but I just don't understand. Honestly I'm just lost and I would...
  15. Jvne

    Ideas To Improve The Melee System

    👺 tfw you are about to attempt to disarm a jedi as a stormie
  16. Jvne

    Hosting Server SMOD Calculator?

    Thanks, I can't believe I didn't even see that smh
  17. Jvne

    Hosting Server SMOD Calculator?

    Is there a calculator out there that can help me set up admin privileges? If not, a list of the privileges and a formula for combining them would be just as nice. Thanks in advance!
  18. Jvne

    Imagine if someone remade JK:A & JK:O in UE4

    That would be a godsend... I still love this game, I just think it would be nice w/ a graphics update, not much you can do besides PenekePack with the current engine. Although, the 2003 look does have it's own kinda charm. <3 Best of luck to you, I'll be keeping an eye out
  19. Jvne

    Imagine if someone remade JK:A & JK:O in UE4

    LMAO thank you, the video is kinda misleading! Regardless of who's making it, Star Wars in the Unreal Engine looks amazing and I can't wait to see what the UE4 community can do! It's ***RUMORED*** EA is losing their license soon, and I would love if a more appropriate company was given the...