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  1. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    Thank you very much Goliath. I am honored to join my brothers in steel in the heat of battle.
  2. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    That's the problem, I don't do steam. Now, what qualifys exactly as, "Seen as a organic"?
  3. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    I think I am ready for Brotherhood. May I join now? Q-11 seems to think so.
  4. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    I am indeed a robot, I had to hack a account cause I couldn't get past the 'I am not a robot' thing. Does this mean no or maybe when I am ready?
  5. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    I have had double the kills as Goliath, why does thou hold me back?
  6. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    How may I prove thyself?
  7. President Bossk

    Request: May I join AI brotherhood?

    It is I, Destroyer AI, may I join the brotherhood?
  8. President Bossk

    New model... maybe?..... Please?

    FINALLY we have a high quality Thrawn model, could the devs ask this dude's permission and get this in game?
  9. President Bossk

    Organic Organisms

    My weakness is... none. I am the ultimate life form. What can I say? I DIE HARD!
  10. President Bossk

    Goliath Online.

    I have seen him play, Goliath AI is actually really powerful.
  11. President Bossk

    Status update for 1.4

    Will this feature the Finalizer map?
  12. President Bossk

    Christmas in July spin event?!?!

    Could we have the spin event from Christmas.... IN JULY?!?!?!
  13. President Bossk

    Darth Binks Request

    As the biggest Darth Jar Jar fan EVER, I TOTALLY SUPPORT THIS!
  14. President Bossk

    Hosting Server Am I hosting one right?

    Me and my friend were going to just play one on one. I hit the create button and made server, but he couldn't find it. Any help?
  15. President Bossk

    AWESOME jedi power idea!

    I think I might have figured out how to have heal and balance it. What if the healing starts to heal a set amount of HP when you get a kill? That way you won't sit in a corner all the time. Level 1 heals 10 per kill and heals slowly. Level 2 heals 15 and heal moderately. Level 3 heals 20 and...
  16. President Bossk

    ARC vibrshiv

    What if you had a cool down for it after a roll? Wouldn't that make it fair?
  17. President Bossk

    New class suggestions here

    New class ideas? Put em' here! My idea is maybe a Bothan class with stealth abilitys? Give me your thoughts.
  18. President Bossk

    ARC vibrshiv

    I know what you all are thinking. But they would be over powered. What if they couldn't block with it? Basicly a lightsaber with no force or BP. Can only PB jedi attacks. Tell me what you think.
  19. President Bossk

    Models / Skin suggestion thread

    Thrawn-commander Note this is not my skin. I just one a found and want in MB.
  20. President Bossk

    [Suggestion] Sabercopter

    I think flying with a saber looks dumb. Thanks for recommending twin bro. (sarcasm)