New class suggestions here

Dark Trooper for Imps, and a BF( original ) style Clone Jet Trooper ( but then that's too many clones xD ).
Make a droid class, be universal. Basically the R2D2 class.
  • Pistol 1
  • Shock arm: (not sure, my idea is that its a weak force lighting)
  • Stun laser: you hit somebody and they cant run only walk for a short duration. Upgrade determines number of shots. 2-4-6.
  • Interaction speed: 1.2-1.6-2.0 (faster console hacking, and objective interactions)
  • Ammo drops: 50%-100%-150%
  • Armor drop: 15-30-60
  • Travel speed: wookie speed- average- clone sprint speed
Then the typical ammo and armor.

Downside, 50hp 50 armor, has very shitty combat capabilities.

My idea from the last class suggestion thread.
The only thing I would edit is that its a one life class. can't jump, or strafe,

A common pool astromech droid class. Meaning its a universal class like soldier and ET/CMDR.
A class designed for console hacking, door opening, and supporting gunners.

There is a lot of droid models and sounds running around on jkhub and in the vanilla base game.
Configuring animations is the only challenge I see outside of balancing, but even then. Those droids are not exactly animated.
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I think there are more than enough classes in the game at the moment, adding more is just going to create an even worse situation for balance and the classes being added would have to bring something new to the table, something that makes them worthwhile.
What would a stealth class bring to the table but more opportunities for people to camp, hide and do obj rather than fight? Stealth often tends to be fun only for the person being stealthy, there's not a lot of options for counter play that don't involve looking through every corner, nook & cranny, what would a clone with a jetpack add to the game bar being a close range focused Mandalorian?

I wouldn't mind seeing some extra classes added to semi-authentic or full authentic but at present I think open already has enough classes, the balance is almost always in flux and adding more classes is just going to be a massive pain in the arse for the developers to balance, that being said though, I wouldn't mind seeing new tools added to existing classes, a grappling hook for arc or a deployable shield generator for commander/elite trooper could be really cool and potentially open up new ways to play the game without adding entirely new classes that require the developers to wholly rework balance for said classes.
^ Agreed, I'd like the Jet/Dark troopers, but there is already 7 classes per team (open mode). It's quite a bit already. I'd like to see more 'control'. Somethings are a bit too unforgiving, Such as when trying to do a specific move ( melee or saber ) and then getting a different one because you either hit them in a different order or were just mere milliseconds too late. Meh I'm getting off-topic.
I think open doesn't need more classes.
But i really miss some aspects like a Support class with AMMO, and a MEDIC

(so much calling for medic on voice chat)
The sugested astromech class could be medic too, if ever added to begin with, IMO, it makes him useful in maps where one side doesn't have anything to hack and/or if there are no gunners in said team, only jedi/sith. I'd sincerely trade the blaster pistol for medkit dispenser more than once as ET.
I would simply add it to the Commander / Elite Trooper builds under the name Supplies and it would cost like 30 points or as much as Reinforcements.
Devs aren't ever going to do Medic. They believe it will only ever slow down gameplay, and that there is no way to balance that out ( not true ). Ammo could possibly speed things up in some cases though... Medical supplies should not go under Commander. Ammo, maybe.
I feel like rather than suggesting whole new classes, suggesting changes to already existing classes are gonna be the way to go.
I feel the need for more diversity in the existing classes rather than new ones (although 1-2 (1 per team) new classes might be nice at some point).

I think the ET class isn't unique enough. It's just a buffed soldier at the moment with an additional rifle, speed, a different grenade and health. Although those are a fair few differences from soldier, I feel something needs to be added to make this class more unique.
I agree that ET could get a few tweaks to fully have the option of becoming a 100% support asset rather than just soldier 2.0 a 30 point cost upgrade like an ammo/shield dispenser for example (say goodbye to that respawn). Rather than healing everyone's hp can make classes that use shield points (which not only there are less classes that use shield points [DEKA SHIELDS OBVIOUSLY DON'T COUNT FOR THIS], but shield is ussually a much more reduced "health" pool than basic health) recover their shield so they can pack a punch again... or give ammunition, it sucks to survive for so long as a soldier to the point you've wasted all your E-11 ammo and you don't want to go suicidal to get more because it's your last life. Maybe 13 points to dispense ammo, and 17 to be able to "heal" teammates' shields?

Alternatively, seeing that ET could easily become a Grenade-based class as it is now, grenades that have buff effects rather than grenades that cause damage/stun, such as faster movement speed to those affected.