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  1. President Bossk

    Force ''Push'' nerf / thoughts and questions.

    Could you give force whores a larger force pool or something? Make it a little more, I dunno, USEFUL?!?!
  2. President Bossk

    Force ''Push'' nerf / thoughts and questions.

    Use gun kick. That's how I do it.
  3. President Bossk

    The Lunarbase Revamp

    You devs out to just make us mad? First DOTF and now this? SHAME ON YOU! JK looks great.
  4. President Bossk

    Purple lightsabers for sith?

    No because I will be confused on who to shoot. Maybe if you make it different shades?
  5. President Bossk

    Force ''Push'' nerf / thoughts and questions.

    Please don't let jedi become OP like it was pre-flinch. I beg you. One team would spam jedi and win every time. It sucked. I exclusively played cortosis SBD in those days because it was the only way to win without jedi spamming yourself.
  6. President Bossk

    Adjustments to General Gameplay

    I don't understand either.
  7. President Bossk

    Adjustments to General Gameplay

    I think it should work with lightning and super push. Now these powers will have increased cost and no extra power.
  8. President Bossk

    New "Hardcore Duel" Mode

    Only Goober would have fun in this game mode.
  9. President Bossk

    Criticisms and Complaints from a New User

    The only problem I have with dueling is that people just run away all the time and drags duels out way longer than they have to be.
  10. President Bossk

    Do you like new DOTF?

    I think that is the first non-troll comment I have ever heard you make. I like it, I think map would be significantly better with and more enjoyable with this. Feels a little bland for whatever reason right now.
  11. President Bossk

    Darth Jar Jar model

    What do I all copy? One is just called Jar Jar and has jar jar stuff in it. Another is called Jerec and has Jar Jar stuff in it. EDIT: I tried to make it replace Maul from CW and all I get is a floating shirt with generic taunts. Any help? EDIT: NM, I figured it out. Thanks. Model is hilarious...
  12. President Bossk

    switching styles in battle?

    I have heard of people using red for offense and staff for defense, Honestly never tried it myself and can't tell you how good it actually is though.
  13. President Bossk

    Do you like new DOTF?

    You guys are having a nerd war. My brain hurts.....
  14. President Bossk

    Darth Jar Jar model

    Alright thanks!
  15. President Bossk

    Criticisms and Complaints from a New User

    But wavedashing is the bomb.
  16. President Bossk

    Adjustments to General Gameplay

    This is coming from someone who uses Conc. grenades a lot, I think this change will make them OP. Allow soldiers to cream clones easily.
  17. President Bossk

    Darth Jar Jar model

    Can you just give me the model? I don't really want a whole pack.
  18. President Bossk

    Do you like new DOTF?

    ^ I second this.
  19. President Bossk

    Should Geonosis Hanger be added to the game?

    If it's already in JK2 like you say, it should be fairly easy to add to MB2.