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  1. President Bossk

    Do you think disney has been good for Star wars?

    I love marvel movies and I think Disney has been great for them. But Disney has been kinda mixed for SW. I think in order to make new films EU had to be erased and I can't blame them for that, but new SW, outside of Rogue one, play it very safe. They do stuff people have already seen and liked...
  2. President Bossk

    Do you think disney has been good for Star wars?

    Just wondering what you guys think. Please no mindless hate. Don't post "I just hate Disney" and not even say why. Kinda mixed for me. Loved Rogue one and new trilogy is alright but EA having exclusive SW rights is a big negative to me.
  3. President Bossk

    [Guide] Port Forwarding

    This hurts my brain....
  4. President Bossk

    Can't join a server, when my brother is in it.

    I miss windows XP...
  5. President Bossk

    Models you want to see in game?

    A girlfriend for me. Female Trandoshan - JKHub
  6. President Bossk

    Leadership Change

    In that case have a happy life together. Name a kid after me will you?
  7. President Bossk

    Technical Issue Loading Screen Crash

    Hit repair installation on launcher, see if that fixes it.
  8. President Bossk

    First timer

    Dig the profile pic by the way JarJar
  9. President Bossk

    Leadership Change

    Don't forget us trandos. We will take good care of the game when all you humans are dead and gone...... op trando class here we come...
  10. President Bossk

    Leadership Change

    There has been a spike in players since TLJ. New SW movies are great for the game.
  11. President Bossk

    You think we could ever see a unaltered release?

    In 1997 Lucas permanently altered the Original Trilogy by adding CGI, extra voice clips, and other things. Since then Lucas has refused to release the unaltered SW. I was wondering under Disney if we could see a unaltered release. Some guy on the internet made a fan HD restoration, I'm sure...
  12. President Bossk

    Leadership Change

    Thanks for all the work guys. You really helped make a fun and enjoyable game. Hope to still see you in game.
  13. President Bossk

    You think we could ever see a unaltered release?

    Kinda bummed recently that the only SW you can watch has a bunch of crap added to it. With Disney buying Fox and owning full distribution rights, you think we could ever see a unaltered release? Really hoping so. Some people say legally they couldn't do it? Anyone know anything about this?