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  1. foggy

    Make a TikTok to advertise the mod

    I bet it's Macemadunussus' ploy to convince us we get 1000 unique players/day
  2. foggy


  3. foggy

    Voice Chat command list for console use

    Real men memorize the list and use numpad like a soundboard instead of binding the whole keyboard to specific voicelines
  4. foggy

    Fix a timewasting spot on mb2_commtower

    lmao i've been hiding under this elevator since i was a fetus in my daddy's rectum. @Bully spread the word! @YamThePrussian @TheOmelettePrince DO NOT hide under this elevator. DO NOT impersonate MaceMadassus. DO NOT spam circumcision propaganda
  5. foggy

    Omelette Prince Impersonating with obscene binds in EU Official

    Sheev's big old wrinkly what?
  6. foggy

    How to Lightsaber 6

  7. foggy

    [OUT OF SCOPE] why am i banned?! I used YOUR recommended network option and i DON'T have VPN!!

    This is not a cult. If you want to join a cult contact me on Discord
  8. foggy

    Moviebattles II 1.9.2 Released

    Thank you will alienate 70% of mbii playerbase
  9. foggy

    Movie Battles II could learn a thing or two from this game.

    A troll or an idiot? A question as old as the universe itself
  10. foggy

    Movie Battles II could learn a thing or two from this game.

    Like what? Care to elaborate?
  11. foggy

    New Class idea: The Yuuzhan Vong

    I will TK you on sight for this post
  12. foggy

    Regarding MBII goblins and gobleism

    this debate has been circulating for quite a bit in MBII community I think it is time to officially disclose all goblin believers and goblin deniers (goblin heretics)
  13. foggy

    Fixed Footstep sound doesn't play when walking on some surfaces

    but... i want meaty, fleshy sounds when i walk on Bully's freshly slaughtered body . Can that be arranged?
  14. foggy

    Fixed Footstep sound doesn't play when walking on some surfaces

    Here's why it doesn't work (openJK client) CM_trace traceline function doesn't check for entities (by the way the reason why there are no shadows drawn when you are standing on ents is exactly the same) i think if you replaced it for a trace line function that does, and append the switch...
  15. foggy

    Star Wars Movie Battles II | Form III, Soresu Guide (VIDEO)

    How well does Soresu do against Kakashi?
  16. foggy

    kvinto's Meme Battles 3

    unblock me on discord? i something really important to tell you (no memes)
  17. foggy

    kvinto's Meme Battles 3

    imagine liking a map which is basically two long corridors. Some people just don't have enough brain capacity to process their surrounding in more complex, multidimensional maps like smuggler
  18. foggy


    No, that's not me, i did however develop the hack featured in this video (with the assistance of some devs, who i shall not name to avoid unnecessary drama)