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  1. Chocorope

    Saber changes 2018 edition

    locked thread inbound
  2. Chocorope

    CLAN [OoR] The Order of Revan | Info | Ranks | Ways too Apply

    Progress, progress! It's easier and more enjoyable to read for sure! Tho it might be too.. colored for some, but i personally dont give a f. Do not let people in here cut down your creativity :/ Its mostly a bunch of kids anyway.
  3. Chocorope

    Remalus's Dark Forces 2 Model Replacement Pack

    Yes lol. Could listen to these tracks all day, btw If you click on the link to redirect on youtube, this guy uploaded all of the songs
  4. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    It is true tho lol. I've been a lamer in my early MB2 and i'm partially basing this stuff upon what I noticed would cut my own fun as a lamer. I've been observing them ever since and slowly understood how it work in their heads.
  5. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    What does it prove tho? Tbh I'm kinda alone to employ the steps i've writed in this guide, everyones just tryna chase the lemurs, like it would solve anything :/ I've had the best success i've ever had against them after simply stoping giving a single fuck about them, letting off go any form...
  6. Chocorope

    Remalus's Dark Forces 2 Model Replacement Pack

    Ay Rem! I had another idea to add more dept to ur pack in the future when ever you'll have time for it. :D
  7. Chocorope

    CLAN [OoR] The Order of Revan | Info | Ranks | Ways too Apply

    Welcome aboard the community, best of luck!
  8. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    IMO it's not very effective because you're still playing with the cat. People will get mad, team-up to kill it, like always, and chase it all togethers... 1: Killing them selfs most time in the process. 2: Feeding the lamer pleasure, with salty words, and try-hards-chase. 3: He might just die...
  9. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    Are you serious? Are you serious right now?? So you're telling me that all this time I could just of... called an admin? - With the obvious discords links that pass every hours? - Into the sooo very active dicords of theirs? - Every day and nights of my life?! - Because trolls obviously wont...
  10. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    Note: It doesnt mater if he kills you, as long that you died following the steps carefully! If you die playing his game, hes feeding on it, and you've already lost. It's a mind game of patience and maturity agaisnt a children! Its important to keep that in mind at all time! Reflect deep...
  11. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    Here's my guide! Step 1: Convince Everyones to NOT chase zee lemurs! Explanation: Lemurs are like cats... and the more you try to catch the cat, the more it runs, jumps... and enjoys outplaying you...
  12. Chocorope

    Reporting lamer.

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army! You gave me inspiration to finaly write my guide.
  13. Chocorope

    Saber changes 2018 edition

    *crying* ... I get your point, just wanted to share my tho on ACM, never wanted to start an ego debate about it
  14. Chocorope

    Skinny Sabers [UNOFF. PNK 1.8 UPDATE] - For MBII v1.5

    If I knew how to do that, you think i would be posting here? → :) ← Some of you seems to forget that really not all of us are experimented into files editings, it honestly make me anxious to play into stuff which I dont even understand properly Now tho, if you have a guide, a comprehensive way...
  15. Chocorope

    Saber changes 2018 edition

    Thats the issue you see! Top tiers are so good at swing-blocking, so good at predicting your potential incoming slaps, so good at yawing and have such on point combos that they can simply 4 spam you till death while avoiding 85%+/- of ur slaps and disarms. If you show a single instant of...
  16. Chocorope


    alright thats gone too far
  17. Chocorope


    Salut ma belle mamzelle... jte défoncerais bien l'cul!
  18. Chocorope

    Saber changes 2018 edition

    If you read carefully... I said at the very begining ''basically''. It is true what Noel says tho, but most high tierish people mostly do what i've writen up there
  19. Chocorope

    Saber changes 2018 edition

    ACM is cancerous. It promotes long ass duels into which you need to outplay opponents several times until you win, giving numerous chance for opponents to easily come back from his previous mistakes... :/ It's a bit less apparent, prevalent at low, to MED-tier dueling, but at high-tier dueling...