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  1. Anakin

    Hey boyos

    There's to, many of them! Hai bois
  2. Anakin

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    Ye i say MURICA but C'mon we all know Tatooine best :D
  3. Anakin

    Haha, you too :D

    Haha, you too :D
  4. Anakin

    The Chosen One.

    The Chosen One.
  5. Anakin

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    Guys ye as Spaghetti says, do not give in to the hatred! It won't move us further but into chaos! We are better than that. One of the best star wars game out there that we are playing, and it stood for over a decade and let us hope it will! The force is strong in here.
  6. Anakin

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    Order 68 has happened?! Nevertheless, he'll pay for what he did! He's a traitor to the republic! *Force chokes him in his anger*